
Legacy Name: Junal

The Graveyard Jollin
Owner: Inwe

Age: 16 years, 4 months, 2 weeks

Born: January 18th, 2008

Adopted: 14 years, 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 19th, 2010


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 29
  • Defense: 28
  • Speed: 25
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 15/28
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Books Read: 9
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

No turning back

Junal sucked in a harsh breath and winced, hiding a growl as the pain was becoming overwhelming. He kept a paw held at his side, trying to calm his nerves and his breathing. His right side had been badly burned with fire leaving nothing but blackened skin and bleeding sores. He could do nothing now but hide and hope his wounds would heal.

"I have to leave, he’ll end up killing me.. my poor boy" Junal thought to himself, to afraid to make any noise aloud. Too afraid he’d be found by the man that his childhood friend had become. "I’ll have to wait till he’s passed out again," The decision wasn’t easy, but he knew he wouldn’t survive much longer in this house. Still, he loved his boy and that regret hurt him more than his fresh burns.

Finally, as the late night turned into the early hours of morning the smells of bourbon whiskey, scotch, and another unknown substance burned away at Junal’s sensitive nostrils. His master would be out soon and it would be his only chance to run. Only after the drunken rants had faded into snoring did he dare creep out of hiding. The movement pulled at the scabs that had begun to form on his side and he winced but slowly made his way over to the couch on which his best friend now slept. He frowned and a sigh escaped him. "I’ll miss you," he whispered and gave a last goodbye lick to his master’s fingers.

Being careful of his burn, Junal carefully wedged himself out the open kitchen window and into the early morning streets of the city. Rain welcomed him and the cool droplets began to relieve some of his pain.

Pet Treasure

Hobo House

Outdated Newspaper

Newsprint Mug

Paper Bag

Burnt Flesh

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Onyx Tragus Stud

Diamond Tragus Stud

Pet Friends