
Zuky has a minion!

Zeek the Ivak

Legacy Name: Zuky

The Twilight Dragarth
Owner: kemiro

Age: 16 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 15th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 15th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 10/11
  • Intelligence: 58
  • Books Read: 58
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Hopper

full name - Zuky Charleston Moseby
gender - Male
age - 18
date of birth - Feb. 21st (Pisces)
birth place - Centropolis
current residence - Centropolis
likes - Anything having to do with the paranormal - especiallyghosts. He is a big fan of pepperoni pizza and any food that has loads and loads of cheese. He is very passionate about baseball. Zuky loves to explore abandoned and/or haunted areas, but the thrill of ghost hunting is even more fun at nigt - his favorite time of day.
dislikes - Zuky doesn't like killjoys or people who'd rather sit around at home all the time. He isn't a big fan of surfing, but he likes to go down to the beach with Pearl anyway. He absolutely hates spicy foods.
hobbies - Zuky's favorite pastimes are baseball, gaming, and ghost hunting.

Zuky is a short, black-furred Dragarth. He has three clawed toes on each foot with dark, leathery paw pads underneath. He lacks opposable thumbs but can still pick up and use hand-held objects. Zuky has several fluffy tufts of hair between his long, pointed horns that curve back and a bit downward; his hair is a darkish lavender color, as his goatee. He has freckles speckled all over his cheeks and on his neck. There are a few on his fore paws. Zuky is originally a quadruped but is able to stand on his hind legs with little difficulty and walk like any normal biped. His eyes are small, almond-shaped and a dark purple color. Zuky's wings are a bit larger than what they should be, but it isn't anything drastically abnormal. His typical outfit consists of a red-and-white baseball-style tee shirt, jeans or khaki capris, and a pair of sneakers, and a beanie that can vary in color - from a dark dusty pink to green.

Carefree, optimistic, and adventurous, Zuky is always looking forward to having a good time no matter where he is and no matter the circumstances. He actively seeks out high activity areas and people so he can get a chance to meet new people and try new things. Speaking of that, Zuky's outgoing attitude can be overbearing to his friends - most of whom are more on the introverted side - but though they don't see eye-to-eye most of the time, he and Pearl are the most likely of their group to have a good time together. This is partially because of their compatible "go out there, get it done, and look good doing it" personalities and partially due to their love of sports. If it's one thing Zuky can go on and on about, it's baseball.


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Pet Treasure

Chicken Sub

Note To Self Sticky

Coconut Droop Beanie

Red Baseball Tee

Ghost Keychain

Baseball Bat



Gray Verevolf Tooth

Monkey Brain

Purple Tangerine Ear Buds

Purple S-Pod

Green PC

Red Wireless Router

Orange Precision Gaming Mouse

Green Rad Wireless Controller

Orange Rad Game System

Green Gaming Headset

Surge Protector

USB Memory Stick

Zombie Hand

Bird Droppings Sticker

Dark Matter Crossing Road Sign



I Love Aliens Turquoise Pennant

Galaxy Mug

Pepperoni Pizza

Cheese Tortilla Chips

Bubble Gum

Baby Creature





Praying Mantis

Dragonfly Insect Temporary Habitat

Insane Programming Volume 1

Insane Programming Volume 2

Build Your Own Spaceship

Game Master Screen

Cursed Book

Book of Shadows

Collecting Cards

The Truth About Clowns

Book of Demons I

Book of Demons II

Book of Demons III

Book of Demons IV

Spooky Graveyard

Spooky Graveyard II

The Graveyard

When Jelly Skull Pops Attack!

Time Travel I

Time Travel II

Black Flashlight

Blue Flashlight

Green Flashlight

Orange Flashlight

Pink Flashlight

Purple Flashlight

Red Flashlight

Yellow Flashlight

Bloody Flashlight

Heavy Duty Flashlight

Pet Friends


Lars Hansen



