
Varuv has a minion!

Appendages the Frillik

Legacy Name: Varuv

The Spectrum Sheeta
Owner: Twodollarpony

Age: 16 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 27th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 27th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 103
  • Strength: 49
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 30
  • Health: 33
  • HP: 33/33
  • Intelligence: 28
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

  • Name: Varuv (Vuh-roo-v)
  • Age: 17
  • Character: Absolutely insane
  • Rank In Band: Alpha Group Leader
  • Colors Been: Common, Twilight, Galactic, Reborn, Spectrum
  • Relations: None
  • Acquired: Created, Morphed, Potioned

    All you're doing is walking through the woods at night. You've done it a million times. Only problem is, this time, no one's making a sound. Sometimes a mother bird would squawk at you, or a mouse would run under foot. It's nothing this time. It's so silent . . . You almost jump at the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, you were so preoccupied. But now it's kind of creepy. There's a slight rustle nearby, and a flash of rainbow colors. You recognize this. A Spectrum pet's nearby for some insane reason. Looking around, you wonder what s/he could be doing out at this hour. (but aren't you out too?)

    You peek behind the bush that the color came from, and freeze in utter horror. It's an adorable Spectrum Sheeta, sweet and cuddly, rolling around there on the ground on her back. But that's not what's so terrifying, of course. The thing is both drooling and foaming at the mouth, and she's laughing like her great uncle was a hyena. You're sweating and freezing all at the same time, and once your numb legs can take a step back, the Sheeta leaps up (still foaming at the mouth, mind you) and starts in your direction. The last you see is her laughing face, and an envelop of black surrounding your vision.

    Varuv is my very second pet to have ever had. She's basically insane (totally, there's no sanity left in her) and would gladly murder everyone she knows (nice guy, eh?). There's but one she has a soft spot for, little Sprike. Because of his youth, Varuv is known to send Sprike on "little errands", such as picking berries, or fetching something, while she and the gang plot their next murderous rampage. There's no reaching Varuv, so I guess there's no point in talking to her.
  • Pet Treasure

    Zooky Beanbag



    Sheeta Keychain

    Fuzzy Sheeta Journal

    Mystical Sheeta Pendant

    Dusk Sheeta Plushie

    Twilight Potion Plushie

    Pet Friends

    You seem so excited







    You make me want to frothe....

    Soon there will be another...