
Cenkha has a minion!

Intrigue the Doppen

Legacy Name: Cenkha

The Galactic Sheeta
Owner: Dreadful

Age: 16 years, 2 months, 1 week

Born: April 6th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 2 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 6th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 161
  • Strength: 306
  • Defense: 87
  • Speed: 58
  • Health: 90
  • HP: 71/90
  • Intelligence: 445
  • Books Read: 444
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

I can't wait for the sun to set!The weather has been terrible all week and I've been dying to get a good look at Jupiter. It may be a lot of trouble driving way out to the mountains, but it's the best way to get a good look at the stars. There's just too much light interference close to the city these days. I'd stay out here forever if my tent didn't keep blowing away.

Pet Treasure

Ice Dragon Plushie

Sheeta Moon Scepter

Modern Astronomy

Starlight Telescope



Fallen Stars

Bag of Galactic Chocolates

Ball Lightning

Galaxy Orb


The Discovery of Atebus

Heirloom Calla Lily Seeds

Heirloom Tulip Seeds

Heirloom Bearded Iris Seeds

Heirloom Hyacinth Seeds

Pet Friends