
Avenoir has a minion!

Thalassaemia the Crownfang

Legacy Name: Avenoir

The Glade Popoko
Owner: Dreadful

Age: 8 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 19th, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 25th, 2015


  • Level: 101
  • Strength: 246
  • Defense: 88
  • Speed: 35
  • Health: 62
  • HP: 35/62
  • Intelligence: 393
  • Books Read: 389
  • Food Eaten: 3
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

Avi couldn’t remember how long he had been in Purgatory. The First Circle was the only one with real seasons and was much like the living world, which was why Avi stayed there. He couldn’t stand the monotonous perfection of Heaven. He enjoyed the changing leaves and the first touch of cold on the breeze when you could smell the first touches of fall on the edge of the wind. They made you think of the cold months to come and made you appreciate the last warm days of summer more. He sniffed at the cool evening air, wondering when the first frost would come. Already the storefronts were changing their windows, and their golden holiday displays cast a warm glow on the cobbled streets. On a foggy night, each storefront looked like a grand furnace, defying the coming winter snow. Avi turned the corner, the sign for The Scorched Scone coming into view. Outside the door, he paused momentarily, jingling the keys in his pocket and feeling the cool brass on his paw. He thought of how much colder they would feel in a few weeks as he unlocked the front door. He heard the jingle of the welcome bell above him as he walked in and stomped the few damp leaves off his boots. A light from the kitchen windows flowed across the dark countertops. Lily was already hard at work. He smiled, letting himself be drawn in by the heat of the ovens and the strong smell of cinnamon as he prepared to wage war on the coming cold.

Pet Treasure

Floating Market Carved Pumpkin

Apple Candle Holder

Cappuccino Marshmallow

Cherry Cookie Cheesecake

Snowflake Latte

Cinnamon Sprinkled Croissant

Cinnamon Fireside Teacake

Peach Octombre Cake

Pet Friends