
Bux has a minion!

Luck the Fluke

Legacy Name: Bux

The Cream Mahar
Owner: Pureflower

Age: 7 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 4th, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 4th, 2016

Pet Spotlight Winner
February 5th, 2021


  • Level: 40
  • Strength: 43
  • Defense: 18
  • Speed: 14
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 70
  • Books Read: 49
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Community Event Director

Introduction A→

Fantastica is home to all
The story creatures great and small
The good and evil, foul and fair
All find a place of welcome there
For every creature has a land
Created by minds small or grand
A wish becomes reality
When put forth by humanity
There no one thinks it odd or wild
When worlds are shaped by one small child
A place that is too often hushed
When our concerns make us too rushed
So spend an hour happily
Diving the depths of fantasy

←⍟Acharis B→

Acharis are the weepers near
The floating town of Amarganth
They sob to shape the silver of
The column and supporting plinth
Their acid tears are fatal to
All creatures and all types of life
Their bitter cries will never cease
Because they know no end to strife
Their ugliness is known to all
And it causes them bitter shame
They create beauty to atone
And to increase the Sage's fame
When Schlamoofs rise with laughs and screams
They shatter many dreams

←A Blondycat C→

Blondycats wear a golden crown
Of very thick and springy curls
Though delicate to look upon
They are by no means little girls
Their clawed feet give them traction on
Slippery floors of their forest home
Their sharp teeth are their main weapon
Against the wicked shadow gnomes
They love cream served on porcelain
But will drink it from wooden bowls
They'll sleep on any dry surface
On a plump cushion, in a hole
Danger to them is a dear friend
They do not fear the end

←B Centaur D→

Centaurs roam from the wide ice fields
To plains covered in golden grass
Endurance is their greatest strength
Whether alone or in a mass
They study all the healing arts
Consulting patterns in the stars
Great leafs serve them as mixing bowls
They have no need for tubes or jars
Their flanks may take the patterns of
Horses or zebras with their stripes
Though they're majestic at a glance
They'll daily voice the common gripes
The horse and human halves made whole
Where knowledge is the goal

←C Dragon E→

Dragons all have their secret hoards
Though not all dragons covet gold
Some seek to read the scrawled contents
Of scrolls that are dusty and old
Some capture maidens of beauty
Challenging heroes to a fight
Some bathe in magma or in frost
The elements granting them might
Others can bend the rules of time
To seek the future or the past
Their lives stretch to eternity
Or for one hour life will last
Magic to them is child's play
They practice every day

←D Elf F→

Elves with their glittering silver robes
Sing from the earth the ivory
That shaped the Tower for the child
That rules them in neutrality
Their home is in ancient forest
With fruits that glitter like starlight
They sing bold songs to greet the dawn
And mutter lullabies by night
Their healing arts known far and wide
By citizens of every land
Though their bodies look delicate
A giant's blow they can withstand
To those with hearts of pure virtue
No friend will prove so true

←E Flimflam G→

The flimflam is a natural thief
With nimble fingers that will find
A treasure though it be well hid
And flimflam greed baffles the mind
They're glad to steal from their own kin
Though the moment they turn their back
Their nests are looted thoroughly
By another flimflam's attack
Their shifty eyes take in all doors
Though they be hidden out of sight
A flimflam enjoys the new moon
Darkness is their greatest delight
Those that cannot guard their own stash
Must settle for the trash

←F Gnome H→

Gnomes pick a passion that will shape
The path they must follow in life
They cannot turn from the Great Choice
Though failures cause them daily strife
They study every text and tome
That speaks of topics they adore
They give up their wealth readily
To chase dreams that will lead to more
They are a folk of hardy build
The sunlight never burns their skin
They can live weeks on herbs alone
The moles to them are distant kin
A passion cannot find its death
While live dreams give it breath

←F Headfooter I→

Headfooters have thin legs which hold
Round heads with nothing in between
Though they have no real need for clothes
They like to wear broad leaves of green
Their family groups can get quite large
Feeding on any type of grass
Although they often move with haste
They'll be quite glad to let you pass
Their youths have rosy apple cheeks
Though elders are a shade of gray
They do not like to talk for long
Their thoughts, like their legs, often stray
They move through life at rapid speed
And motion is their need

←H Ink Goblin J→

Ink Goblins come in many shades
Of colors, mostly black or blue
They ooze up from magic book's page
And just as easily fall back
In Spook City they feel at home
As darkness is a dear old friend
They write history with their steps
From Capital start to period end
No pen will ever lose its ink
When these goblins are standing by
They love the sunlight on their skin
But heavy rain will make them cry
All stories from them are on loan
They've no tale of their own

←I Jinn K→

The Jinn is cousin to the Djinn
With falcon head and lilac skin
The cosmos must obey her will
To genii she is distant kin
She rides a camel with white fur
Purple velvet drapes on his back
Her veil is made of golden thread
Plucked from a manticore's broad back
Her melody will lull a man
To sleep for full one thousand years
But she may wake him if she bathes
His face with her repentant tears
A terror of the desert sands
She speaks the sun's commands

←J Kobold L→

The kobold is a skeletal form
Formed out of sharp crystals of ice
Wise men warn not to meet their stare
For you will never meet it twice
For they can freeze your inner heart
And make you forget who you are
You'll wander for eternity
Where every distance seems too far
They fear all places of great heat
And will not venture underground
The ring of crystal is their cry
A kobold makes no other sound
The wandering mountain they desire
A place that's safe from fire

←K Luckdragon M→

Luckdragons are a cheerful lot
That twirl and float upon the air
They stay in the sky when they sleep
There is no weather they won't dare
Luck follows them much like the tail
Of a child's high-flying kite
Their ruby eyes are full of mirth
Their pearly scales always shine bright
Their voice has the tones of a bell
Their songs bring the solemn to tears
Though sadness soon turns to great joy
A sound that stays despite the years
Nothing makes a luckdragon frown
Nothing keeps their mood down

←L Moody-Woody N→

The moody-woody is a troll
That shows four faces to the world
Happy, angry, sleepy, and sad
With his mood one of these unfurled
His head swivels most rigidly
So he can quickly change his mind
No thief approaches from his back
And what he loses he soon finds
He always must sleep on his feet
Or one head is sure to complain
When he sings he forms a quartet
Four voices blending the refrain
Not much escapes four pairs of eyes
But they're still prone to lies

←M Night Hob O→

Night Hobs are creatures of the dark
With bodies covered in black fur
A large bat serves as steed of choice
During daylight neither will stir
Their eyes are round and glowing orbs
That imitate the fullest moon
Their cry is like the owl's hoot
Haunting and always gone too soon
They speak as much with small pink hands
As when they give to their words voice
They'll eat their own weight in insects
Mosquitoes are their topmost choice
They can live almost anywhere
If light's not constant there

←N Owl of Wisdom P→

The Owls of Wisdom fly to aide
The Scholars of the Star Cloister
Ushtu guides the path of their flight
From the great hall she may not stir
With two other she sits to judge
Matters requiring great wisdom
From her deep thoughts the Owls feed
And at her silent call they come
The starlight grants serenity
Those twinkling guides will lead the way
To scholars who dream of the chance
To maybe change the world someday
The owls summon on silent wings
Those who will do great things

←O Puddler Q→

Puddlers dissolve as they shift
Forming a puddle on the ground
Then take two-legged form again
This is the way they get around
No liquid ever does them harm
And they can pass through solid walls
Though great cold will freeze them solid
And heat in them great fear recalls
They love to travel in the rain
Growing in size with every drop
Though when they've had their fill to drink
They always know just when to stop
They love the shadows of the tall
And wail when they grow small

←P Querqoubad R→

Querqoubad is the Silver Sage
In the fair town of Amarganth
From the profits of silver sales
The Silver Sage gets a full tenth
He never tires of a story
No matter if its good or bad
Though new content brings him much joy
Repetition soon makes him sad
He has lived past a century
To see the Empress renamed twice
Creatures of every shape and size
Come to him for his sage advice
Knowledge is power in the hands
Of one with just demands

←Q Rock Chewer S→

Rock chewers are a giant race
That will eat any kind of stone
Their tools are also made of rock
They have no use for wood or bone
Their mountains look much like Swiss cheese
The range shrinks with each passing year
Someday it will be fully gone
This is what Rock Chewers most fear
For gravel is a tiny snack
When you've a boulder for a head
And even a great slab of stone
Shrinks quickly when sliced like fresh bread
Their wish for an expanded range
Can hardly be called strange

←R Sassafranian T→

Sassafranians are the folk
That start life old and die when young
At birth their gray beards touch their toes
The praises of their wrinkles sung
Mid-life crisis at puberty
Is by no means a strange event
When color comes into their hair
They moan that their best years are spent
Rosy cheeks are their aging curse
And shrinking height is their lament
They barely speak in their late years
In swaddling cloths their last days spent
They all wish to be old again
To them youth is no friend

←S Topsy Turvy U→

The Topsy Turvy spins to move
Its body whirling like a top
They rarely rest and do their best
When they can get through life unstopped
They love athletics above all
And will try sports of any kind
Testing limits is their best way
To keep them sharp in speed and mind
They only eat while on the go
And prefer fruits of their homeland
White cherries, purple cantaloupes
And orange bananas they find grand
They'll compete with most anyone
And have some splendid fun

←T Unicorn V→

The Unicorn is purity
Taking a glorious animal form
They appear to the pure of heart
No good creature will do them harm
The stone from their horn gives great light
Though one be deep beneath the ground
They move with a radiant grace
Their hooves never making a sound
They walk whatever paths they please
For Unicorns do not know fear
Rely on them in your worst plight
From dangers they will steer you clear
The stars move closer to the earth
When Unicorns give birth

←U Vampire W→

Vampires thirst evermore for blood
And are not picky as to source
They'll tempt the strong and powerful
Or lure a child from its course
Their pallid skin, like candle wax
Cannot long bear powerful light
They treasure the dirt of the crypt
And return to it every night
They hypnotize with just a glance
Bringing prey with a dreamy call
One drop won't sate their appetite
Where they've had some, they must have all
Among the ghouls they're glad to dwell
Spook City serves them well

←V Wind Giant X→

The four Wind Giants love to play
By clashing in great raging storms
Cloud faces distort to form gales
Then slowy each face does re-form
Each claims a compass arrow for
His dominant realm in the sky
To meet just one on day's journey
Is terror for all things that fly
Wind Giants are no brilliant lot
It takes them a long time to think
Their power billowing out behind
Like an ominous trail of ink
Weather patterns they shape and blow
Whether they stay or go

←W Xayide's Guards Y→

Xayide's Guards stand grim and silent
As they slowly dissolve to rust
No will can move them anymore
That silent power was the must
That moved the black suits of armor
With nothing but air in the joints
They excelled at heavy guard work
But were not good with finer points
Their screeching voices caused much pain
To creatures with sensitive ears
It is said Xayide gave them life
By feeding them on bottled fears
In time they'll surely rust away
Forgotten in a day

←X Yskalnari Z→

Yskalnari sail their great ships
On the hazardous Sea of Mist
All lives in the community
Are equal, one is never missed
Their combined thoughts power the ships
That sail though water is not there
To reach a shore of any kind
Is the thought sailor's only care
Their clothing is of a light weave
As are the baskets which they make
They share what they have readily
And always give more than they take
To be one with community
For them is to be free

←Y Zombie ©→

Zombies reside in Spook City
And do their best to win the heart
Of the ruling Dark Sorceress
In all horrors she plays a part
They bring her gifts of fresh bat wings
Of graveyard dirt and vile slime
For one look from her smoking eyes
Any mountain they'll dare to climb
They keep huge spiders for their pets
And eat soup that looks much like tar
They walk the crooked streets at night
But from the town they don't go far
From Spook City they cannot stray
So Zombie stories say


profile and coding by piers.
poetry by Pureflower.
Inspired by characters and settings from Michael Ende's "The Neverending Story".
custom cursors from oficinadehtml.
background from pinterest.

Pet Treasure

Grassland Warrior Lost Shard

Innocent Sovereign Lost Tin

Innocent Sovereign Top

Innocent Sovereign Lost Vial

Innocent Sovereign Strands of Silky Hair

Innocent Sovereign Armbeads

Innocent Sovereign Headpiece

Innocent Sovereign Belt

Innocent Sovereign Pouch of Lucky Stones

Innocent Sovereign Dress

Innocent Sovereign Necklace

Innocent Sovereign Golden Fragment

Innocent Sovereign Rings

Innocent Sovereign Gold Leaf Tunic

Innocent Sovereign Slippers

Very Old Story Book

Grassland Warrior Shoes

Grassland Warrior Cracked Stone

Grassland Warrior Buffalo Hide Tunic

Grassland Warrior Strand of Dark Hair

Grassland Warrior Belt

Grassland Warrior Bleak Bog Mud

Grassland Warrior Bottle of Emptiness

Grassland Warrior Necklace

Grassland Warrior Lost Harness

Grassland Warrior Old Sweater

Grassland Warrior Lost Page

Grassland Warrior Buffalo Hide Leggings

Grassland Warrior Healing Leaf

Grassland Warrior Sharp Bloody Stone

Pet Friends