
The Maid has a minion!

Lancelot the Brave Bee Knight

The Maid
Legacy Name: Once and Future Queen

The Common Noktoa
Owner: Cresenta

Age: 7 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 7th, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 7th, 2016


  • Level: 96
  • Strength: 236
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 354
  • Books Read: 334
  • Food Eaten: 4
  • Job: Centrifuge Master

Better known as Gwen, is the true love and wife of Arthur Pendragon, one of the best friends of Merlin, the younger sister of the Sir Elyan, the only daughter and the youngest child of Tom, and the sister-in-law and former best friend of Morgana Pendragon.
Gwen worked as Morgana's maid for many years before marrying Arthur. She had been the personal maidservant to the Lady Morgana since they were both young girls. She works at the palace. She is one of the best seamstresses in Camelot. She learned how to mend, make armor. and work with weapons from her father.
Guinevere's mother is never seen or given a name. She's referenced as having worked as a maid in Sir Leon’s household. It's implied that Gwen's mother died before the main events.
Upon Merlin’s arrival in Camelot, Gwen almost immediately befriends him. She praises him for his bravery for standing up to Arthur Pendragon, the Prince of Camelot, when he was bullying one of the servants. After developing a friendship with Merlin, she quickly becomes smitten with him (The Dragon's Call). Although Merlin is unaware of Gwen’s feelings for him until she kisses him when she finds out he is alive, despite being poisoned (The Poisoned Chalice).
Gwen has no known family other than her father and her brother, Elyan. When Camelot is hit by a plague sent by Nimueh, Gwen’s father falls victim to it. Gwen begs Gaius to help him but there is no known cure. Merlin uses magic to cure Tom as he can’t bear to stand back and see her suffer when he has the power to save Tom. When news of Tom’s sudden recovery reaches Arthur he arrests Gwen for witchcraft, although he disagrees with his father’s assumption that Gwen caused the plague. She is saved when Merlin, Arthur and Morgana discover an Afanc that was poisoning the water supply and destroy it (The Mark of Nimueh).
When a swordsman named Lancelot arrives in Camelot he is instantly attracted to Gwen, who in turn, wishes to help him reach his goal of becoming a knight of Camelot. Like Merlin, she is the only one who knows that he isn’t a nobleman. Gwen helps Lancelot with his armour first when he is trying to become a knight and later when he goes to Arthur defeat a Griffin. Gwen quickly grows to like Lancelot and also begs him not to go out to attack the Griffin, fearing that it will cost him his life. Gwen is upset when Lancelot leaves Camelot fearing that she will never see him again (Lancelot).
When Arthur is challenged to a duel to the death with a wraith - his uncle Tristan De Bois - it is from Gwen that Merlin gets the legendary sword Excalibur she tells him that it is the finest sword her father ever made. It is from The Great Dragon the sword gains its powers (Excalibur).
Gwen has shown she is capable of standing up for herself. When she is arrested for witchcraft she protests her innocence to Uther and Arthur (The Mark of Nimueh). When Merlin, Morgana, Arthur and Gwen traveled to Ealdor to defend it against bandits lead by Kanen she took it upon herself to represent the women of the town. She convinced Arthur to let her, Morgana, and the other women of the village fight. Moreover she scolds Arthur for his lack of gratitude for the food the people give him. Arthur, rather than scolding her for showing him disrespect, apologises for his behaviour. Gwen also encourages Arthur when he begins to doubt their chances of beating Kanen (The Moment of Truth).
Tom is killed by Uther after he is accused of harbouring a sorcerer, Tauren, leaving Gwen an orphan. Although she holds a great hate for Uther as a result she states that she wouldn’t kill Uther if she had the power of life and death over him stating that "would make her no better than him." Arthur assures Gwen after Tom’s death that her home and job are still hers and to ask if she needs anything (To Kill the King).
When Arthur is bitten by the Questing Beast the kingdom prepares themselves for the fact that he will die but Gwen refuses to give up on him. As she nurses him she tells him that the only thing that keeps her going is the hope that one day he will be king. It is obvious that although she dislikes his attitude and behaviour most of the time, she sees that deep down he is a good man and she believes that he will be a great King one day, and has faith that he will grow into the best leader Camelot has ever seen. When Merlin brings back water from the Cup of Life Arthur recovers, Arthur reminds Gwen of the things she said about him, playfully teasing her. Flustered by his flirting, she denies having said anything complimentary to him and flees, leaving Arthur bemused. Soon after that, Gwen nurses Merlin’s mother Hunith when her life is taken for Arthur’s, instead of Merlin. Before he leaves to confront Nimueh Merlin tells Gwen that she should never lose her good heart (Le Morte d'Arthur).
Gwen continues to aid Merlin in his adventures in every way she can. Growing up in Camelot she had been open about her dislike for Prince Arthur. However, she soon gets the opportunity to get to know him better (when he lives with her for a few days during a jousting competition). She realises her opinions of him had been too harsh and based on shallow conclusions (The Moment of Truth, The Once and Future Queen). She and Arthur begin to fall in love, though their different social classes form barriers.
They initially clash over Arthur’s rude behavior, but Arthur soon seems genuinely sorry to have treated her so badly, he tries to make it up to her by attempting (and failing) to cook dinner for them. Gwen appreciates the effort he has gone to and they soon start to respect and like each other, the atmosphere becomes more comfortable and they begin to relish being in each others company laughing, teasing and confiding in each other. Before Arthur leaves her home for the final time he impulsively kisses her. Arthur later tells her that it is not possible for them to be together as Uther would never understand, and Gwen is accepting of this. However, they are both reluctant to part ways and have since developed the habit of staring at each other intensely whenever they come into contact. Later in the series, they begin to show more affection to each other, more openly.
When Gwen was captured by Hengist’s men, Arthur goes to rescue her, against Uther’s will. On the journey there, he confesses to Merlin that he thinks about Gwen all the time but knows nothing can ever come of their relationship. Arthur warns him keep his confession a secret, unless he is to be behead. He finds that Lancelot has also come to rescue her and Lancelot soon sees that Arthur is in love with Gwen.
Morgana suffers from nightmares and when she wakes up she always calls for Gwen to comfort her, Gwen is worried for her friend and often stays awake with her so that she can look after her, she remains unaware that the nightmares are caused by magic and that Morgana is a seer (The Nightmare Begins). Gwen and Morgana have clearly grown apart in series 2. Morgana has no idea that Gwen fell in love with Arthur because Gwen chose not to share her problems with her and Morgana was too troubled by her own problems to notice, she has also chosen not to confide in Gwen about her magical abilities.
Gwen is still close friends with Merlin, but no longer has any romantic feelings for him. She is reunited with Lancelot when she is taken prisoner by an outlaw who believes her to be the lady Morgana. Unaware that Arthur has defied his father and is on his way to rescue her, she concludes that Uther will never pay a ransom for her and believes that she has been abandoned to die. She refuses to show her captors any fear, but privately despairs that nobody in the world seems to care for her.
Lancelot has become an entertainer of sorts, he has fallen on hard times and now gets paid to sword fight for other (richer) people’s amusement. He is participating in a cage fight when he spots Gwen being held captive. He vows to save her, and tells her that she gives him a reason to live. Gwen is overjoyed to see Lancelot and seems overwhelmed by his feelings for her at first, she soon accepts them and even returns his sentiments.
Her brush with death has affected her and she seems determined to take whatever happiness she can get, she no longer wants to be alone and is happy that she has found Lancelot. When Lancelot sees that Arthur cares deeply for Gwen he gives up on her without a fight refusing to come between them. He tells Merlin to tell Gwen that "some things can’t be" and sneaks away in the night when Arthur and Gwen are sleeping. Waking up to discover Lancelot gone Gwen cries silently, heartbroken to be abandoned again. Arthur looks sad for her and equally uncomfortable over the situation. They ride back to Camelot and as Gwen is reunited with Morgana, Arthur shoots Gwen a rather heartbroken look from the stairs (Lancelot and Guinevere).
In later episodes, the two have appeared to be back to normal eg. when Gwen goes to Arthur to thank him for his humility (Beauty and the Beast).
When Arthur refuses to follow his father's orders (Beauty and the Beast) and punish a man who can’t pay the new tax Uther has imposed on his people, Gwen witnesses Arthur giving people back their money and smiles admiringly at him - although he doesn’t see her. Later in the episode, she visits Arthur in his quarters and comforts him (he is upset at his father's uncaring attitude) he doubts that he can be a king and a friend to his people. Gwen insists he can and that one day he will prove his father wrong. She tells him that he has a kind heart and should never allow himself to change for anyone. As Arthur listens to her and starts to cheer up, Sir Leon interrupts them by summoning Arthur to the great hall. Even after the events with Lancelot, Gwen and Arthur remain close; Gwen’s respect and admiration for Arthur is growing and Arthur is clearly happy that Gwen would seek him out and he seems to appreciate her advice.
Arthur is later enchanted by a king to fall in love with another king’s daughter as part of a plot to ruin a potential peace treaty between their kingdoms and Camelot. Around this time, Gwen starts to regain trust in Arthur’s feelings for her. However, she is left heartbroken when she sees him with Vivian. Merlin later seeks her out and informs her that Arthur was under the control of a love potion and she is the only one who can break it. Gwen goes to Arthur and kisses him, which breaks the spell. Arthur later apologises for the pain he caused her, and Gwen accepts it. However, when Arthur professes that he never loved anyone other than her, she sadly tells him she can't be his queen, at least until things can change. She also speaks with Gaius of it and he insists that no love is impossible. After Arthur and Merlin’s battle with the Great Dragon, Gwen runs to Arthur and hugs him when he returns.
When Morgana returns to Camelot after being taken away by Morgause, Gwen is relieved but she becomes suspicious of Morgana’s curt and civil nature due to the fact that Morgana has secretly turned evil (The Tears of Uther Pendragon). Because her friendship with Morgana gradually deteriorates, Gwen starts to spend more time with Merlin and Arthur, such as helping Merlin when Gaius is possessed by a Goblin (Goblin's Gold) and persuading Gwaine to return and help Arthur (Gwaine). Morgana soon discovers Gwen’s feeling for Arthur when he is forced to marry a princess (The Changeling), which later results in Gwen getting captured by Cenred to lure Arthur to a trap (The Castle of Fyrien).
Gwen’s suspicions of Morgana appear when she sees Morgana with an old woman who is actually Morgause in disguise and when Morgana coldly tells her to get out of her room, to the point that she secretly discovers that Morgana has magic and she tells Gaius of her discovery. This makes Gwen aware that Morgana has turned against Camelot, making her the third person in Camelot after Merlin and Gaius to know of Morgana’s true loyalties (The Eye of the Phoenix).
When Morgana is tormented by dreams of Gwen becoming queen, she tries to stop Gwen and Arthur’s romance after encouragement from Morgause. When Morgana suggests it to Arthur, Gwen and Arthur decide to spend a day together away from the city. They have a picnic in the woods, treating each other as equals. When Gwen goes to kiss Arthur, they are interrupted when Uther and Morgana 'coincidentally' come across them during a ride.
Back at Camelot, Uther laughs at what he saw and tells Arthur that he was young once and tempted by servings girls. Arthur seems shocked, but surprised that his father has given him his blessing. However, Uther is unaware that Arthur is actually in love with Gwen, and commands that Arthur will never see Gwen again.
When Arthur insists that he refuses to abandon his feelings, Uther orders that Gwen be banished, leaving Arthur furious. When Arthur reveals that he intends to leave Camelot with Gwen and later return and take the throne, Morgana decides to frame Gwen for casting a love spell on the prince. Uther sentences her to death, much to Arthur’s fury and Morgana’s amusement. As she is dragged away to the dungeons, Arthur kisses her again, and she catches sight of Morgana smirking at her. When Merlin visits Gwen, she informs him of her suspicions of Morgana. Unbeknownst to Gwen, Merlin casts an ageing spell on himself and pretends to place an identical poultice to that planted by Morgana under Arthur’s pillow, intentionally getting caught so Gwen can be free. She and Arthur later agreed that they have to keep up the master-servant charade, but that they do love each other, and he promises her that when he is king, she will be his queen (Queen of Hearts).
When an army of immortal soldiers invade Camelot and when Morgana’s true loyalties are officially revealed when she is crowned Queen, Gwen pretends to remain loyal to Morgana but helps Sir Leon escape Camelot. She is reunited with Arthur, Merlin, Gwaine and Elyan. Later her old love interest Lancelot and his friend Percival arrive. Gwen is not among the group that goes to bring an end to Morgana’s reign but returns to Camelot after Morgana flees with her unconscious sister Morgause (The Coming of Arthur).
Although peace is restored to Camelot, Gwen has to look after Uther for a year as he is still shaken by Morgana’s betrayal. Gwen tells Gaius that she is only doing it for Arthur’s sake and not Uther’s. Meanwhile, Morgana attempts to take revenge on Camelot again by summoning creatures known as the Dorocha and Arthur plans to sacrifice himself to defeat them. Before leaving, he tearfully says goodbye to Uther and comforts Gwen by reminding her of the day he first kissed her. Gwen then goes to Lancelot, telling him to keep Arthur safe and he promises that he will protect Arthur with his life.
In Arthur’s absence, Agravaine, who is his uncle, takes charge of the kingdom and has the city gates shut to prevent food running out. When Gaius confronted Agravaine about that, Gwen gives a speech to persuade Agravaine to reopen the city gates. Gwen then tends to Uther and reassures him that Arthur will return in a few days when he asks her where he is. Agravaine then visits Gwen and after apologising to her, summons her to his chambers for advice. However, unknown to Gwen, Agravaine is secretly loyal to Morgana and diverts her attention so that Morgana will enter Camelot and knock her unconscious to prevent her vision of Gwen becoming queen from coming true. After Morgana does that, Gaius finds Gwen and tells her that someone wants to get rid of her by leaving her to be killed by the Dorocha. After Arthur returns to Camelot when Lancelot sacrificed himself to defeat the Dorocha, Gwen mourns Lancelot’s death, telling Arthur that he sacrificed himself to fulfill the promise he gave to her (The Darkest Hour).
When Uther is mortally wounded by an assassin, Arthur plans to save him with magic but fails, resulting in Uther’s death. After Uther’s death, Gwen is one of the people who watch Arthur being crowned King of Camelot (The Wicked Day).
Under Agravaine’s influence, Arthur is forced to break up with Gwen due to her social status of being a servant and his of being a king. Although this breaks Gwen’s heart, she holds her head high and tells Arthur that he should listen to his heart. Gwen even worries about what will become of Arthur when he causes a war between Camelot and Caerleon, and before a match, Arthur gives Merlin a ring, asking him to give to Gwen as an apology. Arthur eventually survives the match and becomes at peace with Caerleon. Upon returning to Camelot, he apologizes for his actions by presenting Gwen with flowers and kissing her.
When Merlin is kidnapped by Mercenaries, Gwen grows very worried for her friend's well being, even stating that she is just as worried as Arthur. Merlin was rescued later by Arthur and Gwaine (he had previously been held captive by Morgana, and, under her influence, on a new mission to kill Arthur) and Gwen was happy for her friend's return, even serving Arthur (something Merlin would usually do) as she thought he needed rest. Merlin was rude to her, and after speculation she and Gaius concluded that was being controlled by a snake called the Fomorroh. Gwen knocked Merlin out and Gaius attempts to kill the snake, but to no avail. This forces Gwen to knock Merlin out a second time, and after Merlin manages to destroy the snake, Gwen is happy that her friend has returned to his normal mind.
Later, Gaius is abducted and brought to Morgana in an attempt to discover who Emrys is. While the whole of Camelot believed Gaius to be a traitor, Gwen did not believe this, and comforted Merlin and supported his idea that Gaius had been abducted. Gwen later cared for Gaius after he was rescued by Merlin and Gwaine.
Lamia goes to the village of Longstrong, and begins preying on its inhabitants. Three villagers become its victims. Fearing an unknown illness, the wife of the village elder goes to Camelot to ask for help. She approaches Gwen, who tells Arthur. After consulting with Gaius, Arthur sends Merlin as the substitute physician, with Gwen and the Knights of Camelot to fix the problem. The Lamia is later caught by bandits, and rescued by the Knights when they leave the village to go back to Camelot.
However, she soon starts to exert her power over them, making them aggressive and more violent. Her first victim among them is Sir Elyan. Instead of going back to Camelot, she forces them to travel to a castle to the East that she knows of. Afterwards, the Lamia picks them off, one by one. First is Gwaine, followed by Percival. Leon sees Percival fall because of the Lamia. He attacks her but she defeats him. Merlin sees the Lamia after Leon and is able to wound her with Leon's sword. She changes to her true form and attacks again. Merlin runs and makes it back to Gwen, who hears the commotion. She uses a sword to try to kill the creature. Arthur (who had been following their trail when they were missing) kills the Lamia with a spear to the back. After the Lamia incident, Arthur comments on Gwen's bravery in his chambers, where the couple shares a very intimate kiss (Lamia).
When Morgana hears of Arthur's intention to marry Gwen, she uses dark magic to bring Lancelot back from the dead and orders him to present Gwen with a bracelet that will enchant her to fall in love with him. Gwen is surprised by Lancelot's reappearance but is intent on becoming Arthur's wife. After Lancelot puts the bracelet on her wrist, Gwen begins acting strangely, visiting him in his tent before a jousting competition, although she soon comes back to her senses. However, after the match, she visits Lancelot again and is intimate towards him. She agrees to meet him that night in the castle. Agravaine brings Arthur to catch his soon-to-be wife kissing Lancelot and, in a rage, hurls his sword at him, but Gwen stops the commotion quickly. She is imprisoned and throws the bracelet away in rage.
During her trial, Arthur asks everyone to step out and demands to know why Gwen did what she did. Gwen says she did not know what happened and once loved Lancelot, but now loves Arthur. Arthur decides not to have her executed but orders her exiled, citing that if she returns, she will pay with her life. Merlin tries to persuade Arthur to change his decision, but Arthur says that he will never again be able to trust Gwen and that his decision was final, leaving Merlin hurt and angry that Morgana stole one friend from him (Gwen) and had dishonoured the other (Lancelot).
After her exile, Gwen adapts to life as a peasant in an outside village for some time. She wears Arthur’s engagement ring he gave to her as a necklace. The village is soon invaded by a warlord named Helios, who spares her life and takes her into his refuge because of her beauty. He dines with Gwen and gives her beautiful clothes, but after Gwen finds out that Helios is plotting to capture Camelot with Morgana, she flees and hides out in the forest for some time while Morgana and Helios’ men hunt her down. Morgana and Gwen eventually cross paths and Morgana knocks Gwen out, rips her necklace off and turnsher into a deer. Merlin eventually finds out after a hunting trip with Arthur, when he sees Gwen instead of the deer’s reflection. After she is hit by an arrow, he visits her and heals her wound. The next morning, Merlin and Gwen reunite and Gwen tells Merlin of Morgana and Helios’ plans to capture Camelot, and how they are aided by Agravaine.
A Camelot patrol passes, but to Merlin's dismay, Guinevere refuses to join him as she doesn't want to be seen by Arthur. Because Gwen can never return to Camelot, Merlin informs Arthur, but Arthur doesn't believe him. Arthur, who had also found Gwen’s ring in the forest, also realizes that he still has feelings for her and ended his potential relationship with the beautiful Princess Mithian, saying that he still has feelings for her. Merlin later tells Arthur that he and Gwen would somehow find their way back to each other eventually.
After these events, Gwen goes to Ealdor, Merlin's hometown, where she is looked after by Hunith, Merlin's mother. Soon after, Merlin brings Arthur to Ealdor to keep him safe after Morgana conquered Camelot. Gwen tends to him, and they reunite when he regains consciousness. However, Agravaine tracks Arthur down and they are forced to flee.
Whilst preparing to save Camelot from the clutches of Morgana, Gwen attempts to talk to Arthur but he tells her that the affection he showed when they met in Ealdor was a moment of weakness and he still hasn't forgiven her for her brief affair with Lancelot. Despite this, Gwen stays by Arthur's side throughout the battle to save Camelot and duels against her former friend and mistress, Morgana, but is overwhelmed by Morgana's superior swordplay. Fortunately, Merlin uses his magic to cause an avalanche which knocks Morgana off her feet, but when the dust clears Morgana has disappeared. How Morgana escapes, or even if it is actually an escape or a rescue, is unknown.
Gwen and Merlin return to the throne room and find Isolde, a friend Arthur and Merlin had picked up during their travels, dying in the arms of her lover, Tristan. After seeing Isolde die, Arthur realises that he can't bear to lose Gwen again and finally manages to forgive her, asking her to marry him. Gwen accepts, saying "Yes, with all my heart". Following their marriage she is crowned Queen of Camelot (The Sword in the Stone).

Pet Treasure


Nori Stole

Antique Floral Scrap of Fabric

Beauty Apron

Shrine Maiden Powdered Ochre Blush

Bloodied Pink Handkerchief

Wood Comb

Loyal Maids Pitcher of Curls

Cozy Cottage Book


Pile of Smudgy Dirt

Bucket of Bubbles

Tub Scrubbing Brush

Peachy Flower Vase


Squishy Log Beanbags

Fall Hay Bale

Orchard Grass Hay Bale

Clover Hay Bale

Tall Fescue Hay Bale

Alfalfa Hay Bale

Timothy Hay Bale

Romantic Flower Wheelbarrow

Drying Flower String

Shovel Farm Tool

Pitchfork Farm Tool

Spade Farm Tool

Rake Farm Tool

Empty Pink Foragers Apron

Bountiful Pink Foragers Apron

Wicker Basket Beanbag

Charity Picnic Basket

Basket of Sweet Crops

Empty Arm Basket

Kitty Bonanza Basket

Round Harvest Basket

Woven Square Basket

Filled Square Basket

Large Vegetable Basket

Local Dairy Basket

Basket of Fake Fruit

Vesnali Picnic Basket



Red Apple

Bunch of Bananas

Fake Grapes

Bubbly Berry Pie

Bairin Breac

Artisan Country Bread

Fireside Roast Turkey

Buckwheat Honey

Fresh Vesnali Honeycomb

Farm Direct Preserves

Replica Wood-Fired Pizza Oven

Romero Shipwreck Bell

Overgrown Well

Banshee Sleeves

Banshee Billowing Wrap

September Aster Earrings

Orange Ornamented Scarf

Pink Ornamented Scarf

Pastel Rose Shawl

Wretched Shawl

Southern Belle Drawstring Pouch

Non-Candy Coins

Gold Special Coin

Silver Special Coin

Copper Special Coin

Illustrated Fairy Tale Panel

Locked Box Of Lovesakes

Love Letter with Pressed Flowers

Violet Bluebells

Simple Silver Wedding Band

Golden Mole Knight

Oddly Fragrant Flower Crown

Hugs and Kisses Bracelet

Deer Antler


I do Sticker

It Is Good to Be Queen

Royale Ligero Fallen Button

Gold Bar Cakes

Mathis Plushie

Ultra Manly Mathis Doll

Abandoned Bloody Sack Doll

Snowy Village Blacksmithy

Sweaty Rag

Battered Furnace Plushie

Stack of Coal

Pile of Coal

Pile of Dusty Coal

Coal Candy


Shinwas Coal

Flaming Coal

Pristine Jewelers Tools

Bilge Water

Melting Kettle

Metal Casting Ladle

Ingot Mold

Tin Ingot

Lead Ingot

Pewter Casting Ingot

Silver Ore

Moonsteel Alloy

Core Alloy

Austeel Alloy

Gold Ore

Bronze Alloy

Blood Alloy

Celestium Ore

Iron Ore

Precious Alloy

PyreIron Shavings

Stone Sword Mold

Unadorned Silver Sword

Unadorned Moonsteel Sword

Unadorned Steel Sword

Unadorned Core Sword

Unadorned Austeel Sword

Unadorned Precious Sword

Unadorned Gold Sword

Unadorned Bronze Sword

Unadorned Blood Sword

Unadorned Celestium Sword

Embellished Scabbard

Steamwork Key Stone Mold

Iron Lock Picks

Shop Talk: Sable Smithy

Pirates Guide to Metalwork

Armor Repair and Improvements

Complete Guide to Sewing

Guide to Sewing Notions

Which Stitch

Fabric Types In-Depth

Stuffed Fabric Scrap Book

Sewing for Royalty

Nothing But Frills

Female Clothing Patterns

The Best Vests

Corsets: A Guide

Ballroom Fashions Paper Doll Book

Skilled Seamstress Tools

Fairy Tale Maiden Embroidered Gown

Heavenly Gown of Eternal Bliss

Measuring Tape

Embroidery Hoop


Natural Lace Needle Set

Dark Lace Needle Set

Franky Stitching Thread

Resourceful Sewing Fairy Big Eye Needle

Goldish Tapestry Needle

Whiteish Tapestry Needle

Empty Spools of Thread

Resourceful Sewing Fairy Bits and Bobs

Royale Ligero Satin Ribbon

Boheme Embroidery Floss

Spool of Red Thread

Spool of Gold Thread

Spool of Indigo Thread

Spool of Violet Thread

Spool of White Thread

Spool of Blue Thread

Spool of Pink Thread

Spool of Turquoise Thread

Spool of Green Thread

Spool of Orange Thread

Spool of Brown Thread

Spool of Black Thread

Red Satin Fabric Bolt

Gold Satin Fabric Bolt

Purple Satin Fabric Bolt

Blue Satin Fabric Bolt

Pink Satin Fabric Bolt

Natural Print Fabric

Sumac Print Fabric

Madder Print Fabric

Spinach Print Fabric

Walnut Print Fabric

Bolt of Red Tartan

Bolt of Purple Tartan

Bolt of Pink Tartan

Bolt of Blue Tartan

Bolt of Green Tartan

Bolt of Black and White Tartan

Rust Spare Sailcloth

Black Spare Sailcloth

Cream Spare Sailcloth

Slate Spare Sailcloth

Brown Spare Sailcloth

Gray Patterned Sash

Blue Patterned Sash

Red Patterned Sash

Gold Patterned Sash

Green Patterned Sash

Purple Patterned Sash

Cyan Patterned Sash

Long Black Sash

Red Scrap of Fabric

Gold Scrap of Fabric

White Scrap of Fabric

Blue Scrap of Fabric

Indigo Scrap of Fabric

Violet Scrap of Fabric

Pink Scrap of Fabric

Orange Scrap of Fabric

Brown Scrap of Fabric

Green Scrap of Fabric

Black Scrap of Fabric

Turquoise Scrap of Fabric

Breezy Shell Scrap

Breezy Seafoam Scrap

Breezy Purple Scrap

Breezy Blue Scrap

Breezy Orange Scrap

White Ruffled and Pleated Shirt

Cream Ruffled and Pleated Shirt

Gray Ruffled and Pleated Shirt

Black Ruffled and Pleated Shirt

Silken Emerald Fabric

Silken Exotic Fabric

Silken Peacock Fabric

Silken Golden Fabric

Silken Midnight Fabric

Emerald Brocade Fabric Bolt

Ruby Brocade Fabric Bolt

Brass Brocade Fabric Bolt

Sapphire Brocade Fabric Bolt

Onyx Brocade Fabric Bolt

Red Bustle

Gold Bustle

Purple Bustle

Black Bustle

Seafoam Bustle

White Bustle

Pink Bustle

Brown Bustle

Tan Bustle

Blue Bustle

Green Bustle

White Sheer Train

Berry Sheer Train

Cream Sheer Train

Black Sheer Train

Mint Sheer Train

Ruffled Rose Drape

Ruffled Green Drape

Ruffled Gray Drape

Ruffled Brown Drape

Ruffled Gold Drape

Random Scraps of Fabric

Junko Entropy Fabric Squares

Dee Layla Brew It Green Cloak

Rainyday Golpish Drape

Omen New Era Witch Doctor Loincloth

Plum Opulent Wrap

Verdi New Bloom Bustle

Verdi Luminous Flower Bustle

Este Evvu Skipari Fabric

Marez Xochi Sleep Wrap

Vivid Vesnali Button

Pristine Vesnali Button

Pastoral Vesnali Button

Idyllic Vesnali Button

Halcyon Vesnali Button

Resourceful Sewing Fairy Scraps

Snowman Special Button

Jack Frost Special Button

Elf Special Button

Bairin Small Blue Button

Salvaged Pink Buttons

Salvaged Orange Buttons

Salvaged Purple Buttons

Salvaged Green Buttons

Salvaged Gray Buttons

Abalone Vest Buttons

Timely Bronze Pincushion

Timely Pink Pincushion

Timely Red Pincushion

Timely White Pincushion

Timely Purple Pincushion

Timely Green Pincushion

Timely Blue Pincushion

Timely Gold Pincushion

Timely Teal Pincushion

Timely Black Pincushion

Tinkerers Scrap of Worn Leather

Gourd Witch Embroidered Red Scrap

Gourd Witch Embroidered Gray Scrap

Gourd Witch Embroidered Black Scrap

Gourd Witch Embroidered Orange Scrap

Gourd Witch Embroidered Olive Scrap

Loose Green Corset Tie

Loose Blue Corset Tie

Loose Red Corset Tie

Loose Violet Corset Tie

Loose Orange Corset Tie

Loose Pink Corset Tie

Loose White Corset Tie

Loose Yellow Corset Tie

Loose Black Corset Tie

Loose Brown Corset Tie

Black Corset Laces

Silver Corset Laces

White Corset Laces

Cyan Corset Laces

Green Corset Laces

Gold Corset Laces

Pink Corset Laces

Orange Corset Laces

Green Silk Sleeve (Right)

Green Silk Sleeve (Left)

Blue Silk Sleeve (Right)

Blue Silk Sleeve (Left)

Teal Silk Sleeve (Right)

Teal Silk Sleeve (Left)

Pink Silk Sleeve (Right)

Pink Silk Sleeve (Left)

Black Silk Sleeve (Right)

Black Silk Sleeve (Left)

Purple Silk Sleeve (Right)

Purple Silk Sleeve (Left)

Red Silk Sleeve (Right)

Red Silk Sleeve (Left)

Bronze Silk Sleeve (Right)

Bronze Silk Sleeve (Left)

Gold Silk Sleeve (Right)

Gold Silk Sleeve (Left)

White Silk Sleeve (Right)

White Silk Sleeve (Left)

Regal Red Sleeves

Regal Blue Sleeves

Regal Gold Sleeves

Regal White Sleeves

Regal Burgundy Sleeves

Regal Galactic Sleeves

Fancy Brown Sleeves

Fancy White Sleeves

Fancy Gold Sleeves

Fancy Red Sleeves

Fancy Black Sleeves

Embroidered Mint Aristocrat Cuff

Embroidered Celeste Aristocrat Cuff

Embroidered Wine Aristocrat Cuff

Embroidered Brass Aristocrat Cuff

Embroidered Dark Aristocrat Cuff

Emerald Frilly False Sleeve (Left)

Emerald Frilly False Sleeve (Right)

Ruby Frilly False Sleeve (Left)

Ruby Frilly False Sleeve (Right)

Sapphire Frilly False Sleeve (Left)

Sapphire Frilly False Sleeve (Right)

Onyx Frilly False Sleeve (Left)

Onyx Frilly False Sleeve (Right)

Rift Frilly False Sleeve (Left)

Rift Frilly False Sleeve (Right)

Embossed Leather Corset

Green Embossed Leather Corset

White Embossed Leather Corset

Gold Embossed Leather Corset

Purple Embossed Leather Corset

Teal Embossed Leather Corset

Black Embossed Leather Corset

Untied Green Corset

Untied Blue Corset

Untied Pink Corset

Untied Black Corset

Untied Violet Corset

Untied Red Corset

Untied Brown Corset

Untied Orange Corset

Untied Yellow Corset

Untied White Corset

Dirndl Low-Cut Bodice

Pink Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Navy Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Red Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Purple Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Blue Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Gray Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Black Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Brown Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Green Lace-Up Dirndl Bodice

Coda Caves Rockhound Daring Corset

Coda Caves Rockhound Plucky Corset

Coda Caves Rockhound Gutsy Corset

Coda Caves Rockhound Stout Corset

Coda Caves Rockhound Gritty Corset

Coda Caves Rockhound Bold Corset

Verdigris Spoon Busk Corset

Admiral Blue Spoon Busk Corset

Cyclamen Spoon Busk Corset

Tuscan Red Spoon Busk Corset

Charcoal Spoon Busk Corset

Iron Ruffled Corset

Diamond Ruffled Corset

Copper Ruffled Corset

Tarnish Ruffled Corset

Brass Ruffled Corset

Navy High Necked Corset

Wine High Necked Corset

Earth High Necked Corset

Emerald High Necked Corset

Midnight High Necked Corset

Oceanic Partycrasher Corset

Glowspore Partycrasher Corset

Circus Partycrasher Corset

Pearly Partycrasher Corset

Rift-flecked Partycrasher Corset

Purple Heavy Leather Corset

Heavy Leather Corset

Green Heavy Leather Corset

Blue Heavy Leather Corset

Purple Cotton Corset

Blue Cotton Corset

Turquoise Cotton Corset

Brown Cotton Corset

Green Cotton Corset

Black Open Corset

White Open Corset

Silver Open Corset

Gold Open Corset

Green Open Corset

Pink Open Corset

Orange Open Corset

Cyan Open Corset

Blue Intricate Corset

Purple Intricate Corset

Green Intricate Corset

Brown Intricate Corset

Black Intricate Corset

Red Striped Stiff Corset

Blue Striped Stiff Corset

Olive Striped Stiff Corset

Brown Striped Stiff Corset

Red and Gold Skull Corset

Blue and Bronze Skull Corset

Pink and White Skull Corset

Green and Yellow Skull Corset

White and Gold Skull Corset

Black and White Skull Corset

Red Elegant Laced Corset

Green Elegant Laced Corset

Purple Elegant Laced Corset

Blue Elegant Laced Corset

Brown Elegant Laced Corset

Elegant Pine Ballroom Corset

Elegant Ivory Ballroom Corset

Elegant Rose Ballroom Corset

Elegant Minty Ballroom Corset

Elegant Ebony Ballroom Corset

Ziaran Lady Top

Ziaran Baroness Top

Ziaran Marchioness Top

Ziaran Countess Top

Ziaran Duchess Top

Ziaran Viscountess Top

Ziaran Baroness Bolero

Ziaran Marchioness Bolero

Ziaran Lady Bolero

Ziaran Countess Bolero

Ziaran Duchess Bolero

Ziaran Viscountess Bolero

Frilled Mint Aristocrat Blouse

Frilled Celeste Aristocrat Blouse

Frilled Wine Aristocrat Blouse

Frilled Brass Aristocrat Blouse

Frilled Dark Aristocrat Blouse

Patterned Mint Aristocrat Skirt

Patterned Wine Aristocrat Skirt

Patterned Brass Aristocrat Skirt

Patterned Celeste Aristocrat Skirt

Patterned Dark Aristocrat Skirt

Ribboned Mint Aristocrat Skirt

Ribboned Wine Aristocrat Skirt

Ribboned Brass Aristocrat Skirt

Ribboned Celeste Aristocrat Skirt

Ribboned Dark Aristocrat Skirt

Frilled Mint Aristocrat Skirt

Frilled Wine Aristocrat Skirt

Frilled Brass Aristocrat Skirt

Frilled Celeste Aristocrat Skirt

Frilled Dark Aristocrat Skirt

Ziaran Countess Fancy Crinoline

Ziaran Duchess Fancy Crinoline

Ziaran Marchioness Fancy Crinoline

Ziaran Lady Fancy Crinoline

Ziaran Baroness Fancy Crinoline

Ziaran Viscountess Fancy Crinoline

Gray Plain Over Dress

Mustard Plain Over Dress

Brown Plain Over Dress

Maroon Plain Over Dress

Navy Plain Over Dress

Red Plain Under Dress

Cream Plain Under Dress

Blue Plain Under Dress

Yellow Plain Under Dress

White Plain Under Dress

Ziaran Viscountess Gown

Ziaran Marchioness Gown

Ziaran Duchess Gown

Ziaran Baroness Gown

Ziaran Lady Gown

Ziaran Countess Gown

Knitting Needles

Boheme Unfinished Project

Unfinished Scarf Sticker

Fireside Knitting Companion

Knitting Basket

Oh Deer Knitting

Bow-E Peyote Unfinished Knitting

Kore Early Thaw Cozy Yarn

Yarn Cupcakes

Black and White Abandoned Yarn

White Abandoned Yarn

Gray Abandoned Yarn

Ginger Abandoned Yarn

Natural Fiber Purple Yarn

Natural Fiber Green Yarn

Natural Fiber Orange Yarn

Natural Fiber Blue Yarn

Natural Fiber Pink Yarn

Bubble Gum Delight Yarn

Regal Iris Yarn

Seafoam Sensations Yarn

Woodland Earth Yarn

Years Gone By Sepia Yarn

Sunshine Serenade Yarn

Candytastic Yarn

Rainbowlicious Yarn

Neighborly Red Yarn

Neighborly Gold Yarn

Neighborly Blue Yarn

Neighborly Green Yarn

Neighborly Purple Yarn

Storm Dyed Yarn Hank

Silver Dyed Yarn Hank

Dusk Dyed Yarn Hank

Lilac Dyed Yarn Hank

Cool Green Dyed Yarn Hank

Pink and Purple Alpaca Yarn

Well-Loved Spring Handmade Quilt

Yellow Quilted Apron Squares

Blue Quilted Apron Squares

White Quilted Apron Squares

Green Quilted Apron Squares

Pink Quilted Apron Squares

Black and Gold Sequined Throw

Rose Gold Sequined Throw

Wine Sequined Throw

Lavender Sequined Throw

Aurora Sequined Throw

Blooming Nine Patch Quilt

Log Cabin Quilt

Broken Dishes Quilt

Triangular Quilting Scraps

Displayed Autumn Handmade Quilt

Hanging Summer Handmade Quilt

Sacred Lands Baby New Year Wrap

Pumpkin Patch Owl Beanbag


Hessian and Lace Owl Beanbag

Baby New Year Noktoa Plushie

Common Noktoa Plushie

Common Noktoa Beanbag

At First Sight

Slow Burn

Fantastic Fiction: Pining for You

Triangles and Choices

Angry Brave Faire Red Rreign Plushie

Angry Faire Red Rreign Plushie

Angry Elegant Faire Red Rreign Plushie

Angry Knightly Faire Red Rreign Plushie

Angry Musical Faire Red Rreign Plushie

Pet Friends

The Prince