
Legacy Name: Avaricia

The Darkmatter Lain
Owner: Cruella

Age: 7 years, 5 months, 4 weeks

Born: December 8th, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 8th, 2016


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

As she went about her day collecting all of the things required for Maleria's errands, Avaricia grew resentful as she watched other pets in the neighbouring land, happy as they walked with their human owners. She had never known that pure joy herself, only sorrow and pain. But still, she continued on her way. The dark matter continued to surround her, a reminder of the servant she truly was to the goddess. However a gentle song crossed her ears, and she turned towards it, the gentle tones entrancing her as she spread her wings. The balls of darkness around her grew agitated and tried to pull her back, but it was as if she was in another world. She set flight towards the mysterious sound as it called to her.

The voice was soft, soothing, unlike the cold and harsh tones her mistress used. And it spoke of freedom to her. However, while she felt as if she was the only one heading there... the largest of the dark matter sent the rest back to Maleria whilst continuing to follow Avaricia.

The cave was dark and treacherous, but at the same time it felt welcoming. The song faded into a quiet, gentle laugh as a woman stepped out with her arms outstretched. “Another lonely soul? Did you run away, or do you just not know where you belong sweetheart?” she murmured, reaching to gently stroke Avaricia's beak. While intelligent and aware of human speech, the Lain was unable to speak in return. She merely nodded her head, bowing into her touch with a soft croon before mimicking the song's melody.

Their meeting was soon cut short, however, as the Dark Goddess made her way to the cave. Avaricia flew behind the strange new friend she had made, burying her beak in the flowing red hair. She didn't want to go back to her old life.

“Did you really think you could get away with stealing one of my prized servants? Avaricia, come out to me!” she spat, the dark matter spinning all around her. But the appearance of the strange woman shifted, her hair swiftly changing from red to a light brown, her dress whitening as her form became an identical match to somebody Maleria had grown to despise. She stumbled back at the sight of Shinwa standing over her, before screaming at the dark matter to swarm her.

Avaricia couldn't stand by and watch her new friend be attacked. Swooping over her head, the Lain settled in front of her, looking Maleria in the eye, before closing her eyes and beginning to warble such a sweet tune, one that spoke in the language of the dark matter. And just like that, they stopped their attempt to corrupt them. They recognised a friend in Avaricia that they'd always known, and they turned on Maleria. Their aura turned a bright shade of green as bright as the flames in her friend's hands, and the song's tone changed to something dark. Something cruel.

And then it stopped at a few words uttered by the goddess before her own aura could change. She squawked in alarm, trying to sing again but the tune coming out mangled. Her mistress laughed before leaving the cave, the few remaining true dark matters following in her wake. Tears fell down Avaricia's eyes as she curled into the woman, feeling her form return to its supposedly natural look as the red locks fell across her beak.

“It's okay Avaricia... you're safe with me. I won't let that cruel goddess take anything else from you. She's messed with the wrong resident of the Darkside... and I won't rest until the curse on your beautiful song is lifted.”

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