
Torion has a minion!

Asguard the Svarta

Legacy Name: Torion

The Storm Telenine
Owner: Nrogara

Age: 7 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 7th, 2017

Adopted: 6 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 19th, 2017

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 41
  • Strength: 100
  • Defense: 62
  • Speed: 62
  • Health: 63
  • HP: 38/63
  • Intelligence: 55
  • Books Read: 49
  • Food Eaten: 9
  • Job: Head of Adoptions

Rakover's Notes:

Torion came to us after Absolum. Zvi originally wanted to change his name, but we don’t have the money for the legal documentation. I told her his name is actually great because he’s a STORM Telelnine and his name is TORION which is like TORRENT (and then I had to explain what that word means) and that there is, in the mythology of a world I’ve read about in my books, a god of thunder called THOR which kind of sounds like like TOR. She thought the “torrent” part was a bit of a stretch, but she does go around calling him “Tor” now. I asked her what she would name him if she could change it, and she thought for a moment and then said, “Probably Gudu.”

I hope “Tor” sticks before we ever get the funds for a name change. I think she’s been spending too much time in Shengui Guo.

Supposedly Tor’s brother is coming to join us soon as well, but he’s experienced some delays in his journey. He’s a Hydrus Telenine, and Hydrus kinds usually have short tempers, but perhaps he will have the good nature of his brother. One can always hope. Tor is about as easy going as they come, and though I’ve become a bit jealous of his companionship with Zvi, as he follows her pretty much everywhere she goes, it does make me feel better that she’s not out there by herself. I usually have a lot of things going on, besides working my butt off at the supermarket, and I’m not much in the way of protection when I am with her. Since she hasn’t developed, or perhaps “discovered” is a better word, any powers yet, it does make me a little nervous when she goes exploring on her own, especially seedier places. There are those who would string her up in an apparatus and use her like a well to harvest her blood. Gruesome to think about, but for those that can recognize that she’s a dragon… you can see the greedy look in their eyes. Her blood, her skin- they’re worth their weight in gold.

So despite his goofiness and naive loyalty, I do appreciate Tor being around.

We all earn our keep around here, and when Tor isn't watching Zvi's back, he works at Adopt R Us. He seems to be good at taking care of others. He's loyal and consistent, and they love him there. They're always trying to give him more hours, and he always has to guiltily decline (he hates saying no) because he has commitments with Zvi. He can't ever stay late either because she WILL take off without him - I'm worried he's going to get tired of her if she doesn't chill out.

Though his magic is a small kind of magic, he studies it diligently. His books on weather conditions and the ocean (and interest inspired by his brother) are always littered about the house. He also seems to be obsessed with space. I guess that's his "fun" reading. Usually he struggles to make a small thunderhead, though sometimes if he's feeling melancholy it starts to drip rain in his near vicinity. His subconscious magic seems to be more potent than his conscious magic, which is common at his level. I try to be helpful without giving away just how much magic I know - or rather, what kind of magic I know - and he's grateful for whatever I give him, because he's grateful whenever anyone gives him anything. He should probably learn to be less trusting and think a little more of himself... but I don't know how to teach that. I have my hands full with Zvi, anyway. I can't be teaching this entire tribe how to exist in the world.
Profile template by Lea. edited by myself and Lea.

Background credit: gif from My Neighbor Totoro via chrrysvndae

Background on pet image is also from My Neighbor Totoro, via Monophy

story by Nrogara

Pet Treasure

Rainy Day Blob Plushie

Hockey Stick

Bottled Moon

Water Soul Stone


Bottled Harvest Moon

Oatmeal in a Raincoat Plushie

Star Snow Globe

Rocket Shoes

Sweeping Tempest Marble

Water Shard

Blue Space Bunny Plushie

Night Sky Print Bookmark

To Serve Aliens

Star Snow Globe

I Love Aliens Green Pennant

Rocket Plushie

Rubber Mallarchy

Water Zhoom

Pet Friends