
Ilios has a minion!

Polaris the Constellation


The Galactic Archan
Owner: cpmtiger

Age: 7 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 16th, 2017

Adopted: 7 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 16th, 2017


  • Level: 29
  • Strength: 26
  • Defense: 18
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 19
  • HP: 19/19
  • Intelligence: 58
  • Books Read: 57
  • Food Eaten: 8
  • Job: Stargazer


He/him | Cleric

Soft-spoken and a little shy, Ilios often had his head in the clouds, figuratively; funnily, it was studying astrology that grounded him, though his wistful explanations of the cosmos can stretch beyond others' interests. Seeking more like-minded souls, Ilios eventually found his way an observatory dedicated to astrological study, naturally located on Atebus. In many ways, the observatory was almost a monastery - though Ilios was surprised to find there was an actual divinely-powered being among the stars, and further, that she took an interest in Ilios' potential. She gave him the gift of celestial magics, but most strongly, a magical ability to mend wounds, explained as a recognition of the nature of all things originating from one explosive moment in space.

Pet Treasure

How to Stargaze

Modern Astronomy

The Tiniest Shooting Star

Planet Surveyors Telescope

Atebus Fairy Doll

Stardust Bat


Bottled Star

Turquoise Glow-in-the-Dark Temporary Star Tattoo

Pet Friends