
Thomas Whitechapel has a minion!

Minion the Bates

Thomas Whitechapel
Legacy Name: Thomas Whitechapel

The Custom Sweetheart Kumos
Owner: TalcenMichi

Age: 5 years, 8 months, 5 days

Born: September 27th, 2018

Adopted: 5 years, 8 months, 5 days ago

Adopted: September 27th, 2018


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 20
  • Defense: 21
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 26
  • HP: 26/26
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 3
  • Job: Stock Worker


Thomas Whitechapel

Growing up in Dunwall was always tough, but especially for an orphan with no where to go. Being picked up by Daud was the last thing the boy had expected but that event had changed his life forever, and possibly saved it too.

Thomas swore his loyalty to Daud and has been loyal ever since. He trained under Billy Lurk and Daud himself and now is a good assassin, though he wishes Daud would notice him more. He practically worships the man, though ever since the Empress he has been more distant than before...

With the Delilah mystery swirling overhead he hasn't had much chance to talk to Daud outside of mission reports, but his worry grows for the man. He seems so different now, less confident and more grim. As if the job has changed him irreversibly. Thomas just hopes that he can drag his master, his idol, out of this slum, before the guilt eats away at Daud's soul.

Though at least he isn't totally alone. Fox seems to be ever present. The smaller man a shadow to Thomas himself when not sent away by Daud to scout and gather intelligence. The way he clings to Thomas would be alarming to the others if they were not aware of Fox's affections for Thomas. Though Thomas himself seemed to be rather oblivious for years. It took a ridiculous amount of time for Thomas to seem to finally understand just what the his vulpine friend wanted.

With Delilah drawing nearer and Billy acting strangely Thomas cant help but fear the Whaler's doom lays just on the horizon. If only he could put all the pieces together.


Our troubles began with a name. Delilah. A mystery given to Daud by the face he sees in his dreams and whose voice he hears when kneeling at the shrines hidden in the lost parts of the city. None of us have ever heard this voice, but we know its power. It spoke to our master, telling him of his coming doom and saying that solving this riddle was the only way to escape.

We knew nothing of Delilah, except that we found a whaling ship by that name. A tenuous connection, but where the Outsider’s word is concerned there are no coincidences. We discovered the ship was named after a woman who once walked the halls of Dunwall Tower with Jessamine Kaldwin. Later she became a painter – an apprentice of Sokolov himself – until she snared an aristocratic patron named Arnold Timsh.

We met with Timsh’s niece, who offered us information on Delilah in exchange for eliminating her uncle. Removing aristocrats was our specialty, so our master agreed. With Barrister Arnold Timsh gone, his niece divulged everything she knew. Delilah was much more than a painter and she was hiding in the old Brigmore Manor outside the city.

But by then we were too late. Delilah anticipated our threat. For some time she had been working her corruptive influence on the best of us: the assassin Billie Lurk. Delilah turned Lurk against us and together they sold us out to the Overseers. When we returned to our hideout in the Flooded District we were swarmed by gold masks and hounds. But Daud is quick and wise in our trade. In the end, he kept us alive, though there were losses.

Now our resources are strained. Some of the men are grumbling. I see the strain on Daud’s face. Killing the Empress, handing over her daughter – those are not easy burdens to bear. And Lurk’s betrayal weighs on him heavily. His sleep is troubled by curses and shouts.

Now we make preparations to strike back at Delilah. She is planning something in Brigmore, something that affects everyone in the Isles. And she will be expecting us. Like our master, she shares her gifts from the Outsider with those who follow her. How many are they, I wonder?

I have no secrets from my master. My loyalty is without question. But I fear these may be the last days of the Whalers. Perhaps the last days of Daud.


Fox is a curious man. Small, thin, and fragile in a way the majority of us are not. But he has sharp eyes and a sharper mind that is always turning. When he looks at you, one feels as if he is staring into your soul, laying all of your secrets bare. And maybe he is. One can never know for sure with this man. He seems to have enough dirt on everyone in this city to bury all of Dunwall. Yet he keeps it all hidden away, only to whisper it into Daud's ear.

He seems to cling to me as if I were a raft in the middle of the sea. His smile is different for me than for all others. I can't help but be drawn to him. He is so bright, he burns like the rarely seen sun. I wonder what his secret for happiness is. Perhaps one day he will share it with me.

I know he is as loyal as I am. His habit of calling Daud "father" and "dad" only further proves so. He worships Daud. I would not be surprised if he erected a shrine to him. I've certainly caught him admiring Daud enough times. Though his gaze towards him is far different than my own.

I hope he will forgive me for how I feel towards Daud, though given his feelings for myself I really shouldn't doubt that he would not still crawl into my bed at night to whisper sea shanties into my ear and run fingers through my hair. The man loves me fully. If only my heart were not so big and he so small.

Billie Lurk

You are the sister I never asked for, but always dearly needed. You've guided me all of these years, kept me under your wing, so why leave us now? Do you not see how badly we need you? Daud is straining under the stress and then you just...but can I really blame you? Love blinds us, specially when under a witch's spell. I know Daud made you leave us but Billie I...I miss you.

You taught me everything I know. I wish I could help you now. With Delilah though, I'm afraid I don't have much free time. Daud's made me second in your place. I don't know whether you would be proud or displeased. You could be hard to read at times. Though you did teach me to be the same. Perhaps our paths will cross again, I just hope that when it happens you will remember me with fondness and act accordingly. I know I will.


Profile template by Lea.

Text under Daud by Arkane Studios from the Brigmore Witches DLC for Dishonored. Background from

Pet Treasure

Dried Harvest Flower

Fox Shell

Pewter Special Coin

Well-Loved Beat-Up Book

Unscented Candle

Pickled Fish Bits

Pickled Herring

Pickled Shark Filets

Sea Creature Soup

Ghost Ship Terrarium

Pet Friends

My friend, my lover, my little Fox.

Billie Lurk
I miss you more than you'll ever know