
Boarder has a minion!

Outlier the Revontuli

Legacy Name: Boarder

The Nightmare Lain
Owner: Middy

Age: 5 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 17th, 2018

Adopted: 2 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: November 9th, 2021


  • Level: 155
  • Strength: 389
  • Defense: 386
  • Speed: 382
  • Health: 382
  • HP: 382/382
  • Intelligence: 426
  • Books Read: 419
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Mastermind Incorporated

The veil of time has eroded this world and corrupted the intellectuals who believe they rule supreme on the rock they call home. Sadly they are mistaken and their time is coming to an end. No, it is not I who will deliver the blow that shall wipe them from this planet; they shall do that on their own. I am simply here to help ease the process.

Name: Kahlua
Alias: None
Species: Aevum anima
Age: Immortal
Sex: Female
Location: Unknown

Info: When the world has run its cycle and has been bled dry you will find my kind stalking the shadows of humanity pushing and prodding until all is broken and the world is shattered. We do not cause death and suffering, we help end it. For in death life can be found and once the world has been destroyed it can begin again. A never ending cycle of life and death.

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