
Fall_Out has a minion!

Smeeg the Smugly

Legacy Name: Fall_Out

The Custom Riftborn Kumos
Owner: FallOut_Sheppy

Age: 5 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 9th, 2019

Adopted: 5 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 9th, 2019

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 87
  • Strength: 92
  • Defense: 63
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 109
  • HP: 107/109
  • Intelligence: 47
  • Books Read: 43
  • Food Eaten: 7
  • Job: Person Who Does The Thing

Once a lost puppy ravaged by mange, this bizarre amalgamate was "rescued" by cracked scientists that attempted saving the poor thing with rather unconventional means; chemical gene mutation. Though they were successful in saving the pup's life, the chemicals did far more than they intended. Heightened intelligence, jumped body development, and physical mutations including, but not limited to: enlarged and fused teeth, extra limbs, heavily altered posture and spinal articulation, color mutations, etc.
Gifted the name "FallOut" do to his radically altered appearance by chemical radiation, similar radiation found in atomic blasts though with some extras added to handle radiation sickness and severe burns under his fur, he spent many years under the scientists' watchful gazes and examinations. It didn't take too long after the tests slowed in frequency that he found a way to weasel through the fence and off to freedom. He managed to break a rusted lock on an abandoned warehouse where he's since been building up his own space to call home.
He's as far as a generator and a bed, about 4 months of work and scrap metal and wire gathering, he finds himself suddenly helping house two strangers that escaped a facility similar to his origin. Scientists, bizarre testings, and on what appear to be two inhuman beings that were human looking enough. A siren only 22 and recently traumatized by what could be a medical mishap, and his shapeshifter friend of 27 that looked as if he wrestled with an enormous beast that bore claws like swords. What else could he do but offer to help so long as they learned to pull in their fair share.
And so there he was, a new home and a strange "family" he could call his own. In a crumbly warehouse on some island somewhere in the wide oceans. Who would've thought?
Just being a little self indulgent and making my mascot/game character a pet overlay.
Artwork, overlay, and character description by FallOutSheppy

Pet Treasure

Watermelon Slices

Get Mugged Irish Cream Syrup

Flower Latte

Turquoise Melon

Watermelon Cake

Cream Covered Watermelon

Watermelon Toaster Pastry

Watermelon Snow Cone

Watermelon Cherry Gelatin Shot

Watermelon Candy Rocks

Watermelon Lolly

Watermelon Bubble Candy

Green Tea Mochi Ice Cream

Peridot Birthstone Collectible Mug

Green Tea Coffee

Green Tea Bubble Tea

Green Tea Bag

Glass of Plain Iced Tea

Summer Melon Spritzer

Rainbow Hydrangea

Pet Friends

