
Legacy Name: Calamitous

The Glacier Paralix
Owner: Garrus

Age: 5 years, 3 weeks

Born: April 15th, 2019

Adopted: 4 years, 8 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: August 31st, 2019


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 10/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

(this page is a wip)

It was a frigid winter morning -- just the way he and his family liked it. Wings spread wide and eyes closed, Cal, his parents, and two brood mates were casually soaring through the sky. The snow was heavy, so to those not accustomed to the weather, it'd be impossible to see the creatures soaring above. Cal's parents had always warned him to be cautious when out and about. It was for not only his safety, but the safety of their entire kind. Creatures known as humans were known to take up arms against anything they didn't understand or approve of. They had already wiped out most of the dragons around the world; Cal and his family were among the few surviving dragonkin, and the last of the Frost Dragons. Cal and his family tended to keep to the mountains, but would brave their territory in blizzards. Being Frost Dragons, they adapted exceptionally well to subzero temperatures, but were highly susceptible to warmer temperatures. Also being dragons in general, each one had their own unique abilities aside from the typical perks that came with being a Frost Dragon or just dragon in general; Cal, for example, could shapeshift. His parents could teleport and give life back to/rejuvenate something as long as it wasn't completely dead. When dragons were more prominent, each thing his parents could do would have been more notable. Cal's mother often recalled stories of how she'd play tricks on his father when they were Cal's and his brook mates' age; teleporting from place to place. Cal's father was never as amused about those stories, and his upbringing was quite a bit different before he met Cal's mother -- he was used from a young age to assist with the healing of dragons in battle. As such, he was exposed to things at a much younger age that most adult dragons would never have even experienced. His mother was his saving grace and was glad to leave the service of the war dragons.

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Adopted from octosquid on 8-31-19. Thank you! <3
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