
Suburban has a minion!

the Naphal

Legacy Name: Suburban

The Glacier Demi
Owner: Bird

Age: 4 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Born: October 22nd, 2019

Adopted: 4 years, 7 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: October 22nd, 2019

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 83
  • Defense: 52
  • Speed: 82
  • Health: 76
  • HP: 76/76
  • Intelligence: 212
  • Books Read: 212
  • Food Eaten: 19
  • Job: Unemployed


The wine mom trapped in the suburbs, turning to wine: red, white, rosé or really whatever she has available at the time, to get her through the day.

Red Wine: Life has lost all meaning, and you're thinking about running away and changing your name....but you have two children. You can't help but worry about your kids, (that your younger self swore you were never going to have so you could focus on your career.) They would be lost without you, and yes a part of you would miss them. Even though you're a stay at home mom, tired and hanging on by a thread. You do love them, but you also try not to resent yourself for having them. "happy little accidents" you remind yourself. It's more so that your tired of struggling alone in raising these two kids, even though your married, your husband is never truly around, if home he's distant, sipping on whiskey in that damn chair by the fireplace, oh the fireplace you had such romantic image of, before the kids showed up, and you had to leave your job at the law firm. You wish you could just go back to work, you were the best fucking lawyer at that firm, you can't help the resentment that bubbles up in you as you think about the lost dreams you had, so you let out a sigh and take a sip of your wine.

White Wine: Your feeling trapped in a loveless marriage, living in the suburbs, and forced to make small talk with that chatty neighbour Linda. Who does she think she is. She never shuts up, bragging all the goddamn time, about her kids this, and her kids that, she says you just have to become a member of the PTA, you think you rather shoot yourself in the face. Instead, you take another sip of your wine, and smile and say you'll think about, even though you have a lot to juggle already. Linda just nods and smiles wider then you think humanly possible, and you just know she's judging you, and your lack laster casserole. You're grateful for you 2005 "vintage" wine to get through these dinner parties.

Rosé Wine: Your seriously thinking about having a fling with your mailman, to bring some spark of excitement to you little small life...But no you could never, though Kevin does have kind eyes, unlike your bored and distant husband, who you suspect is having an affair with his secretary, you won't do it to him. You have standards you tell yourself as you pour yourself a glass of rosé wine. Your husband comes home late again, his dinner cold. He smells like a different perfume, that you pretend not to notice. That night lying in bed, Kevin and his kind eyes come to mind.

The next dinner party you bring out the good stuff, that nice red wine you've been saving for a special occasion, but there are no real special occasions coming your way you think, so fuck it, you'll need it for tonight you say, Linda has something extra on the agenda tonight. A Nightwatch. A fucking Nightwatch you think, in this affluent suburban neighbourhood. What a joke, you think to yourself as a smile comes creeps on your face, it would be a good excuse to see Kevin out of his uniform. You sigh as you are brought out of you retrieve by Linda, she is talking non-stop about her Nightwatch idea, "we really should have one" she says, "there's crime everywhere nowadays!" You only nod your head and hum in agreement, as you pour yourself a glass of wine

On the other hand, the other side of the flipped coin is the ever tired husband.

You come home, and collapse in your favourite chair near the fireplace (even though it is never used, it's purely for looks, but your dear Karen wanted it, "just think of the cosy night we can have by it!" she said with such bright eyes and a big smile, how could you deny her anything.) You sigh as you pour yourself a whiskey, you deserve it goddamnit. Your job is hard as hell, and your boss is a dickhead. You sometimes dream of quitting and throwing it all away, moving away from this goddamn neighbourhood, maybe to somewhere in the middle of nowhere. You gotta admit that sounds nice. But you have Karen and the kids to support, so you're trapped, looking to whiskey for some peace and solace. You let out a guff laugh, this is your life, whether you like it your not. You look over toKaren who is sitting silently on the kitchen island, with a glass of red wine, daydreaming, of what you don't know. Just looking at your beautiful, yet tired wife makes you feel sick to your stomach, as you remember the ghost of a kiss your secretary gave you, and yet you think just maybe, just maybe you could go along with it, Karen probably wouldn't notice, the ever caring wife. Fuck. She deserves better than you. You try to give her want she wants, trips, jewellery, you even adopted a cat for her one Christmas, despite you being allergic. You close your eyes and lean your head back and let out a tired sigh.


Profile template by Lea.
Edited by me.
Story written by me: Bird
Gifs are from the tv show Desperate Housewives found via google, then on &
Profile background is from HiPWallpaper
Fun fact: The colours used in Suburban's profile are inspired by the different types of wine colours.

Pet Treasure

Rose Hair Pins

Scientist Pearl Necklace

Old Blue Picture Frame

Heave Ho: The Broken Heart

Removing Wine Stains

Number One Dad Collectible Mug

Skelly Family Album

Wine Pairings

Romantic Wine Guide

Miss Nanny Apron

Ragged Wings and Broken Halos

Family Sticker

Stained and Torn Family Album

Red Wine

Wine Glass


Shot of Whiskey

Tiered Pearl Necklace

White Pearl Double-Strand Bracelet

Pearl Solitaire Ring

Unliving Home Buying Guide

Unliving Home Decor

Broken Heart Amulet

Tired Skin Face Mask

Pet Friends