
Night Hound has a minion!

Blinding Lights the Rave Matter

Night Hound

The Common Experiment #1031
Owner: Kinnoyu

Age: 1 year, 2 months

Born: April 14th, 2023

Adopted: 1 year, 2 months ago

Adopted: April 14th, 2023

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 115
  • Defense: 59
  • Speed: 54
  • Health: 58
  • HP: 10/58
  • Intelligence: 147
  • Books Read: 140
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Nacho Manager


"Yo, watch this!"

These were his last words and, to be honest, it was a surprise to no one. Using a syringe filled with neon glow stick liquid, he filled his veins turning them luminescent for only a moment. And it was a pretty bomb moment, ngl. Paramedics were unable to revive him, but that didn't matter to him. In fact it was even better, because the party never ends if you're already dead.


He felt the bass reverberate throughout his skeleton before he could see anything. Opening his eyes slowly, as if waking from a deep sleep, he was blinded by neon lasers dancing across the sky. Next came his hearing, at first a high-pitched ring that slowly shifted to the blaring EDM music. "Hey look, this guys awake!" Suddenly, a disembodied skull, was that a cat?, with vibrant, glowing orbs within the hollow eye sockets was inches from his face. "Yoooo whaddup dude? Always good to have a newcomer show up! You're just in time!" He went to lift himself up with his arms but soon realized he had none. He looked down for his legs, but he didn't have those either. In fact, he was missing an entire body. It took him a minute to process what exactly was happening. "...what?" Understandable first words, considering his predicament. "You died, my man. But hey, no worries! We're all dead!"

He slowly "got up", first look down at his floating body, then at his surroundings. Lights were blinding, music was blaring, and the place was packed with other skeletal creatures. Some were humans, some were animals; some were just heads, some had no head at all. He looked back at the creature in front of him; it seemed to be a cat of some sort, missing its front legs but curiously still had it's back ones. "What?" he repeated. "You're dead! Just like the rest of us!" the feline exclaimed. "Is this heaven, or are we in hell?" he asked, taking in his surroundings. The crowd was never ending in all directions. Far away he could see a stage where the music originated. "Dunno, but does it matter? Who cares if it's demons or angels as long as they're throwing an absolute banger of a party!" He tried to remember what he was doing before he woke up. He was at a party, just like this one; his friends were there, and there were drugs; he was about to do a cool trick, what was it? He tried to focus, but the memories were quickly slipping away. "Hey man, don't think about it too hard. No one really remembers who they were before this. You get to start over here! A totally clean slate! You get to decide who you wanna be! So, who you gonna be?" He let go, accepting that those memories didn't really matter now. Nothing really mattered. He was at the party of a lifetime... or was it a deadtime? Eh, did it really matter? He was here, he might as well enjoy himself, not like there was anything else he really could do. He looked to the cat who repeated "Who you gonna be?" He paused, then smiled. "I'm gonna be a night hound."

Even in the afterlife he got that dawg in him.

don't shoot up glow stick liquid, kids

Profile template | Lea

Background & Story | Kinnoyu

Skeleton gif | John Karel

Cool Dog

Fonts | here here here

Pet Treasure

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