
Priya has a minion!

Skee Skee the Squeaky Ball Minion


The Custom Chibi Keeto
Owner: Mandi

Age: 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days

Born: February 24th, 2024

Adopted: 3 months, 2 weeks, 5 days ago

Adopted: February 24th, 2024

Pet Spotlight Winner
May 17th


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 50
  • Defense: 51
  • Speed: 47
  • Health: 50
  • HP: 47/50
  • Intelligence: 27
  • Books Read: 27
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Groomer


I don't remember my pup parents, or if I had any littermates. I remember a farm and then a kennel. Eventually I ended up with a really nice girl who worked where my kennel was! She was really nice and had a cat and dog of her own! They were so cool and we were pretty chill with each other. She had to take me back to the kennel though, she said it was the only way to get adopted. I wasn't really sure what adopted was but I listened.

I did my walking training, I learned how to potty outside, play nicely, and be gentle. She said my breeds needed to know these things, since I a could be considered big and scary. I'm not scary though, I promise! I don't even bark unless I'm scared! I trained really hard, and really long, to find what the other pups were calling a furever home. A few people came to see me, but none of them came back.

One day though, a family came in! They had a small one with them, not much taller than me! Finally, a friend to play with again! They promised me they would be back that weekend to pick me up, paid to hold me, and guess what? THEY CAME BACK! The first family who came to see me and actually came back! I was finally going to get to see what a furever home was!!

My mom is awesome. She takes me for walks, plays with me, and we even wrestle! My poppa is even better. We play all day long, he gives me the best treats and feeds me the best food! We go for really long walks with the small one too. I like the small one, they call him my big brother. He is pretty cool, a little hyper though and that is coming from me! We even have a cat! She is so cool, but she doesn't really come to play with me. I'm still trying to get her to warm up to me though, so I bring her toys to play with and try to play tag with her whenever I can!

Priya's Story by Mandi. (Based on Mandi's IRL pupper.)
Profile template by Lea.
Overlay by dalice.
Background from Pixbay.


Myrtle is the coolest cat I've ever met! She wears shirts and even plays fetch! She was here before me, with the hairless one that walks on two legs.
I want to play with her all the time, I try to bring her toys and chase her but she doesn't seem like she likes to play with others much.

I'm still trying to win her over though...

Pet Treasure

Carrot Chew Toy

Centropolis Pet Bed

Dawn Safety Collar

Circle ID Tag

Peanut-Flavored Pet Toothpaste

Double-Sided Pet Toothbrush

Puppy Canned Dog Food

Puppy Dry Dog Food

Beaubell Buffet Wet Dog Food

Beaubell Buffet Canned Dog Food

Feathered Friends Dry Dog Food

Arid Pet Harness

Spectrum Nylon Leash

Pet Friends