
Legacy Name: Flippy_518

The Glade Popoko
Owner: Wyvern1

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 20th, 2008

Adopted: 13 years, 5 months, 1 day ago

Adopted: December 30th, 2010


  • Level: 37
  • Strength: 90
  • Defense: 89
  • Speed: 89
  • Health: 91
  • HP: 91/91
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The Soldier....
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Coding done by Kumos

#pet_image { background-image: url('');}Adopted from User not found: duel Thank you soooo much :heart:
Being held for Kumos until she has good internet again

Overlay by Endeavor

[b]Flippy's Attributes[/b]
[b]Name:[/b]Classified Information Denied Access to by the general public
[b]Nicknames:[/b]Flippy or Flip
[b]Age/DOB(Human/anthro ref):[/b] 28/June 9th (Gemini)
[b]Eyes:[/b] Brown (but change to red)
[b]Hair colour (human/anthro ref):[/b] Mint Green
[b]Height/Weight(human/anthro ref):[/b] 6'3"/ 210 Lbs
[b]Body Type:[/b] Toned
[b]Sexual prefernce:[/b] Heterosexual
[b]Position:[/b] Seme
[b]Race:[/b] Normal Human
[b]Occupation:[/b] Ex War Command Sergeant Major
[b]Mental/Physical disorder(s):[/b][url=""]Multiple Personality Disorder[/url]
[b]RP Status:[/b] Closed/[b]Open[/b]
[b]Similar Appearance[/b]:
Normal Appearance:
"Flipped" Appearance:
:heart: [b]His likes[/b] :heart:
~Cooking and food in general
:unheart: [b]His Dislikes[/b] :unheart:
~War and anything that is involved in it
~Bitter Foods
~"Flipping out"

[b]Brief Personality and backstory:[/b] Flippy has a severe case of post traumatic stress disorder. Whenever he sees or hears something that reminds him of war (e.g., gunshot-like sounds or crackling campfires), he goes insane and kills everyone around him, believing that he is still in war. While insane, several physical features about him change: his eyes turn a different color, his voice changes from average to slightly high pitched to low and evil, and his teeth become sharp and slightly crooked.

Although Flippy can be the most cruel and dangerous character, he is considered to be one of the most sociable and kindest of characters, when not flipped-out. In most of the cases, he is friendly and social before he goes insane, or as many people say, "flipping-out" (thus his nickname). Additionally, when he "flips-out", he does not remember the bloody rampage that follows.

Flippy was originally not a particularly good soldier. He demonstrated an inability to throw his knife straight while under pressure, killed both of his teammates, hid in the carcass of one of his dead teammates in fear, and accidentally threw a slice of pizza at the enemy commander rather than his knife. He flipped-out for the very first time when he hides inside his comrade's dead body to not be killed by the enemy. He ended up losing his hands in a fight with the enemy commander, but he was able to reattach them

[b]Art For Flippy[/b]

[b]Flippy's Theme[/b]
[i]"Bullets" by Creed[/i]

Walking around I hear the sounds of the earth seeking relief
I'm trying to find a reason to live
But the mindless clutter my path
Oh these thorns in my side
I know I have something free
I have something so alive
I think they shoot cause they want it

I feel forces all around me
Come on raise your head
Those who hide behind the shadows
Live with all that's dead

Look at me... look at me
At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head
Through my head

In my lifetime when I'm disgraced
By jealousy and lies
I laugh aloud 'cause my life
Has gotten inside someone else's mind

Look at me... look at me
At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head
Through my head

Hey all I want is what's real
Something I touch and can feel
I'll hold it close and never let it go
Said why... why do we live this life
With all this hate inside
I'll give it away 'cause I don't want it no more
Please help me find a place
Somewhere far away
Yes, I'll go and you'll never see me again

Pet Treasure

Bloodred Hunting Knife

Normal Short Sword

Plas-Tek Giant Morostide Meat Cleaver

Silver Bullet

Pet Friends