
Tyrison has a minion!

Finnick the Gosric

Legacy Name: Tyrison

The Darkmatter Irion
Owner: TheStarryLioness

Age: 15 years, 9 months, 4 weeks

Born: August 5th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 5th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 16/16
  • Intelligence: 27
  • Books Read: 26
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Gifted Gift Shop Clerk

Deep beneath the cover of forest in Winter's grasp, sits a monster. Hellish, ash colored claws grasp a book which he has his blue beak in, glossed white eyes staring with no discernible movement. The wind blows and snowflakes fly free from their branched perch to rest on the dark creature. The first shift in minutes takes place; the beast shakes and puffs up coal feathers before using a single claw to delicately flip the page, shrugging off the light white flakes before returning to his previously still position...

A blessing or a curse? He has yet to decide, a man once pure now destroyed by the world. Tyrison, at the ripe age of fifteen, joined a passing monk with the intention of simply tagging along to the new world. He never made it, far too fascinated with the devote man he had shared company with. When passing by the docks, where he would have boarded a ship to go across the large expanse of ocean to a newly discovered land, Tyrison stepped onto another with the man to head to lands previously known but just as mystreious...

I remember fondly now the quiet peace I have never felt at any other time than when I was with that man. Of the days shared speaking about everything that came across my young, malleable mind and his answers. Not a day was spent inside when we could be out and the ocean was surprisingly calm besides several for the entire passage of seventy-two days. He wasn't as zealous nor narrow-minded in his faith like the others I have met since. Different. As I sit here now I think now he may have been the reason departure from the true path, for lack of better words.

Years passed and he grew into a man. He was one of the more striking of them too, somebody who looked better fit for working in the fields rather than studying scripture and copying; the body of the farmer and perhaps even warrior he should have been showing through. In fact, a lot of his time was spent tending to the Sanctuary's garden where they grew the foods and herbs that helped feed themselves and the nearby villages. In secret Tyrison also grew rare plants with uses not strictly for a moral sense. It was his curiosity that led to his downfall rather than any interest in harming others.

It had been snowing, a gentle falling of white crystals from the sky the day it happened. I can remember the pain, of my flesh being split wide open, the clatter of the wood bowl I'd held falling to the hard stone. It was like being skinned alive with a knife made out of salt while my innards roasted, the cracking of bones and my screams echoing back to me. A deep, dark blackness followed and when I awoke it was to the sound of horrified gasps and murmurs. I knew whatever had happened, it was not good and as if to confirm my worst fears, our harsh leader stepped forward with his icon raised to ward off evil. It hurt to know that evil was me.

Having been shunned and staked out from his former home, Tyrison now resides deep in the woods where a never ending, and quite unnatural, winter continues around him and his little shack. It is here that he practices his magic in peace. He has long come to terms with what he is although he still seeks a way to return to his former body.span style="font-size:11px;">§

Pet Treasure

How to Stargaze

Book of Demons I

Book of Demons II

Book of Demons III

Book of Demons IV

Book of Demons V

Dark Fire Potion

Dark Water Potion

Dark Light Potion

Dark Earth Potion

Dark Life Potion

Ornate Red Bottle

Ornate Amber Bottle

Ornate Blue Bottle

Ornate Green Bottle

Ornate Black Bottle

Fire Charm

Water Charm

Light Charm

Earth Charm

Life Charm

Red Coda Caves Crystal

Blue Coda Caves Crystal

Yellow Coda Caves Crystal

Green Coda Caves Crystal

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Fire Arrowhead

Water Arrowhead

Light Arrowhead

Earth Arrowhead

Life Arrowhead

Cream Pearl

Dusk Pearl

Sun Pearl

Field Pearl

Arid Pearl

Mystical Red Serpent Scale

Mystical Blue Serpent Scale

Mystical Yellow Serpent Scale

Mystical Green Serpent Scale

Mystical White Serpent Scale

Raspberry Scented Candle

Rain Scented Candle

Vanilla Scented Candle

Pine Scented Candle

Unscented Candle


Dark Grimoire

Badly Neglected Book

Scarred Leather Record Book

Strapped Book

Brown Discreet Robe

Wooden Scrying Bowl

Wooden Mortar and Pestle

Red Tomato Seeds

Empty Vial

Dark Thing in a Box

Snow Storm Feather

Feral Accessory Trunk

Blasphemous Shards


Shinwas Rose

Lavender Freesia Sprig

Yellow Snapdragon

Burgundy Calla Lily

Ice Encased Narcissus

Bottled Bird Head

Bottled Harvest Moon

Honeysuckle Oil

Aqua Esther

Pet Friends