
Mordollwen has a minion!

Mordollwen might just be the Werekumos

Legacy Name: Mordollwen

The Nightmare Kumos
Owner: CrimsonSandBoa

Age: 15 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 20th, 2008

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 7th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

{Thanks to Ofdensen {and Shawir!}, my name is finally right. Thank you so much, sweeties.}

Have you heard the tales of the Bloodlust Sorceress?

My name is Mordollwen, as I am sure you have already guessed. I was born into a clan renowned for their powers in sorcery. Sadly, I was cursed at the age of 17. That is when the madness took over.
The madness you ask? That would be my affinity for all spells and potions concerning blood and death. The CURSE is for you to guess on your own. I'm not giving away all my little secrets.
I am no longer with my family. You don't need to know why. Either way, I am not on my own.
I have found myself with a strange band of friends that call themselves Dethklok. I've learned a lot about 'metal' music from them, and I have to say...
I like it.
Full Name:: Mordollwen
Nickname(s):: "Bloodlust Sorceress"
Age:: 55... yes, I KNOW I don't look it.
Date of Birth:: October 30th, 1956
Height:: 5'2"
Eye Color:: Blue Pupil, Light Gray Iris
Hair Color:: Medium Brown
Occupation:: Sorceress, Potion Maker
Obsession(s):: Rats, Potions, Death, Gore
Strengths:: Calculated, Hard-Headed, Exceptional Potion-Making Skills
Weaknesses:: Sensitive about her Scars, Short-Tempered, Unable to Touch Silver
Maladies:: The Werewolf's Curse, Mild Insomnia
Family:: Deceased
Friends:: Nathan Explosion. Such a 'brutal' man. I like him. I suppose I can count Siofra and Sila as well.
Relationship:: Charles Ofdensen.
Orientation:: Straight.
Foes:: Plenty of them, in another realm.
Make me beautiful again
And feel like I am special still,
And remind me how to smile
And feel like diamonds.
Make me beautiful again.
Cry my tears and vanish them.
Whisper in my ear as I run away and hide
Pretend to be lovely

"Once Beautiful" by The Last Dance

Pet Treasure

Spooky Liquid Fog Sample

Tome of Terror

Mysterious Black Medieval Dress

Black Fingerless Gloves

Purple Possessed Necklace

Book of All Hallows Eve

Dark Grimoire

Book of Ancient Black Magic

Organ Diary

Self-Taught Sorcery

Potions I

Potions II

Potions III

Morostide Hex Catalog

Mirror of Darkness

Broken Ornamented Mirror

Gothic Lolita Rose

Deaths Kiss

Bloodred Flower

Bloody Cauldron

Melting Kettle

Black Witchs Brew

Marble Mortar and Pestle

Wooden Scrying Bowl

Thief Catcher

Severely Rusted Mutilation Shears

Spiked Punishment Collar

Vampire Skull

Torso Lamp Prop

Skull Candle


Reverberating Pylonic

Revivifying Pylonic

Dark Fire Potion

Beetle Juice

Dragon Breath

Vial of Dark Water

Crocodile Tears


Doves Blood

Jar of Fairy Dust

Lion Tooth

Bear Claw

Satyr Hoof

Deer Antler

Scrap of Baboon Fur


Boar Tusk

Oozy Intestines

Cupids Impaled Heart

Serpent Skin

Torn Chunk of Strange Green Rubbery Skin

Monkey Paw

Cow Tongue

Elven Ear

Banshee Tongue

Puppydog Tail

Severed Goat Head

Fly Wings

Monkey Brain

Rat Tail

Rabbit Foot

Magical Bone

Crypt Dust

Pile of Ashes


Destroying Angel

Golden Seal

Deadly Nightshade

Petrified Wood

Galaxy Orb


Werewolf Spooky Doll

Werewolf Rag Doll


Skeletal Rat


Pantry Rat


Kitchen Rat


Plagued Rat Swarm

Ghost Rats

Rodent Wailer

Pet Friends

You idiotic, excessive drunk. Go and puke somewhere else, please

I have to admit, I like your company. Shall we go murder a defenceless animal?

Ugg, you're so sugary sweet that you give me a migrane... I suppose you are alright, though.


A demi-goddess in Mordhaus, hmm? Pleased to meet you, sweetie.

-blush- Umm... thank you. For everything.

Sisters in sorcerery? I might have found another friend. How concerning.

Stop flirting with me. Now.

You're welcome. It was not too complecated of a task.

Of course, how could I forget. You need your zombies. Let me get my books.

William Murderface
I am with a real man. Now leave me be, you cockroach.