
Dhaigo has a minion!

the Vita

Legacy Name: Dhaigo

The Graveyard Keeto
Owner: Threnody

Age: 15 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 29th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 29th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 47
  • Strength: 112
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 0/16
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 16
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Tombstone Cleaner

Pet Treasure

The Graveyard

Zombie-Shaped Goofy Band

Tiny Morostide Zombie Plushie

Chai Acid Tea

English Breakfast Tea

Cinnamon Tea Bag

Porcelain Lace Teacup

Plain Pumpkin Candle

Black Lace Teapot

Zombie Chess Set

Infested Apple

Vanilla Pumpkin Candle

Summer Cologne

Box of Specialty Tea

Pine Scented Jar of Bath Salts

Rose Scented Jar of Bath Salts

Seasonal Bottle of Grave Dirt Syrup

Sweet Petal Tea

Grave Robbers Charms

Stitched-Together Cookie

Golden Fallen Leaf

Crypt Dust

Fireside Coconut Leaf Candle

Fireside Blackberry Leaf Candle

Fireside Chocolate Leaf Candle

Bag of Graveyard Chocolates

Blue Teapot

Red Teapot

Ornate Teacup

Traditional Teacup

Flower Teacup

Writhing Corpse Scented Morostide Candle

Monkey Brain

Fireside Decorated Spine

Graveyard Fruit

Half of a Tombstone

Shallow Grave

Gravedigger Shovel

Feli Scarecrow

Sheeta Scarecrow

Graveyard Feli Hot Water Bottle

Pet Friends


Mer de Gris
Waiting for the end. Waiting and searching. Not for your own end, but the end of everything.

The seas are ageless, undying. But death will catch up with you, someday, even if you run, run, run.

The Cat Came Back
It is nothing special to come back. It is what you do once you are There and Here at once.

Andre Redgrave
Do you embrace the cold, or deny it? Is it your choice to hold dear the chill?

Even the stars die.

You have waded deep into unknown waters, where dark things lurk. Are you so sure he will save you should you begin to drown out there, in the cold and the dark and the wet?

You are ageless, immortal, infinite. Atop that, you are an unthinking, unfeeling machine. Why do you enable such folly? You are killing her. Do you even care?

How old are you, again? And still you fall in love. Don't look so shocked; it is apparent to everyone—except, perhaps, to her. Yet even you know that you will kill her in the end, by incorporating her in your work. Don't hiss at me—I speak only the truth.

Ni Hao
I have heard that, in life, you were powerful and strong, a peerless, fearless warrior. It must be a challenge to continue to fight, when the worst fight of all lies within your dying cells. And you cannot even speak to anyone about it ... poor thing.

Ki Lin
Do you know, in your infinite Legeica wisdom, what you have done to him? For you—for your smile, for your laugh—he suffers, willingly, a life that is no longer a life, every day a living Hell ... and you do not even realize.

You should have stayed dead. There is nothing for you here, in the Quicklands. You were dead; you had oblivion; you had everything—why did you return? To stop your sister? Futile. To be with your lover? You could have rejoined him in the Afterlife.

I do not understand you at all. You and your lover could have remained together for all eternity; why come back to this? She cannot be stopped. You will kill yourselves—again—in the trying.

I do not agree with what you are doing, but unlike the others, I acknowledge that I am powerless to stop it. They will break themselves against you; all I ask is that you keep me out of your affairs, and I will not interfere with you or yours.


Let him go. What you loved is gone—the kindest thing that could happen to him now is death, and serving in Her army guarantees that much reward, at least. Return to your old life—grieve, if you must—but live on.

You are an unknown variable in this War. What side are you on? You speak to no one, and keep your own counsel; I do not entirely trust you, nor can I guess at what, if anything, you are planning.

I respect you. You bring the greatest gift of all to those who are the most unwilling; it is a difficult calling, but you perform it admirably.

You are not as strong as you believe yourself. You cultivate a fine air of mystery and power, but that is all it is: smoke and mirrors, foxfire, illusions in the swamp.

You are playing God, creating life as you do from words on a page. You would do well to reconsider your purposes, and the short time given to you upon this plane.

Altair ibn-LaAhad
Perhaps you are one of the few who understand death as well as I, having lived it and learned it.

You are dead now. Do you realize that? You and all that you love have passed into dust, a few lines in a history book no one reads. Your scholar's descendants do not even know your name.

Malik AlSayf
Had you any idea of the fate that awaits the little brother you hold so dear to your heart, you would have killed him yourself long ago. What will remain of you, once he is gone?

Kadar Al-Sayf
Live your life happily, and you will have no regrets. The others depend on you for more than you know; do not let that sense of inferiority consume you.

Giovanni Auditore
You enjoy it, the ripping and tearing, the screams and the whimpers and the hot spattering of blood. Remember that, for it is part of your nature, and you will never escape it. It cannot be hidden by ribbons and brocade and lace.

Maria Auditore
Do you realize you are married to a monster, a feral animal that could turn on you at any time? Of course not; you will deny it to your final breath, when he slits his throat and is done with you.

Mario Auditore
You call yourself a "family man" and yet you permit your sister and her children to teeter every day and night on the cusp of death. Perhaps it is better that way; they will be spared the corruption of the times to come.

Ezio Auditore de Firenze
You have much of your father in you. Too much, one might say.

You are the song that soothes the savage beast, yet no living thing may sleep forever. You poor child ...

Alba Cremaschi
I hear tell you bring back souls from the dead. It is not a kindness you do, but an unending cruelty beyond your mortal imagining.