
Allumia has a minion!

Minion the Muse

Legacy Name: Allumia

The Glacier Telenine
Owner: Arvore

Age: 15 years, 6 months

Born: December 15th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 6 months ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 15th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 10/20
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

There was once a beautiful, passionate young girl name Aimulla. Like most passionate, young girls, she couldn't help but be foolish. Aimulla had an obsession with love; she desperately wanted somebody to love and somebody to love her back. One day, her prayers were answered when a beautiful boy named Kerber approached her."Dear girl. Would you grant me the honor of observing your elegance?" he asked, taking her hand in his.Aimulla nodded, blushing."What's your name?" he asked, smiling provocatively."Aimulla." she said."What a beautiful name. For a beautiful girl. I am Kerber Hart."From that day forward, Aimulla and Kerber spent endless hours together, taking long strolls and sharing experiences and stories. They made each other laugh, and finally Aimulla declared that she knew what love was, for she felt it for Kerber.But sadly, all love stories come to an end. During Christmas Eve, Aimulla and Kerber went off on a long stroll through the country to admire the winter weather. Kerber stopped her in the middle of the road and pulled out a string of miseltoe out of his pocket. "Merry Christmas..." he said, dangling it over their heads. Aimulla closed her eyes and leaned in for her first kiss when suddenly...darkness.Aimulla opened her eyes, which were coated with a thick layer of ice. She could no longer move her arms or legs, and her mouth was frozen shut. She was numb and, so cold. She tried to lift up her head but she couldn't. Her eyes darted around taking in her surroundings. They weren't on the road anymore, and there was snow everywhere...THEY! Aimulla tried to scream for Kerber, but her mouth would not comply. She was frozen stiff, unable to move at all. Where was Kerber? She thought wildly, then stopped when she heard approaching footsteps. "Looks like she dun' now." said a gruff voice Aimulla couldn't recognize."I was hopping that by now she would be a shriveled up popsicle." this voice was much sleeker and sweeter. Aimulla tried to scream KERBER! But yet again, her lips wouldn't move. Her mind was frantic as the two men scooped up her frozen body and started to carry it. Kerber, my love my love what are you doing? She thought. Why me? You love me!Aimulla didn't feel the plundge of her blue skin touching the electric waters. All she saw was the blurred image of her only love, through screen of cold, and numb and darkness.

Pet Treasure

Chibi Demi Plushie

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Large Gold Wing Relic


Gingham Vintage Kanis Plushie

Nontoxic Snowberries

Iced White Chocolate

Pet Friends