
Caige_977 has a minion!

Conn the Frankenpuppy

Legacy Name: Caige_977

The Nightmare Telenine
Owner: Akku

Age: 15 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: December 27th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 5 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 27th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 16
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Tale of the Maze

Nominate Me!

CI by Eck

Caige was born into a family of average means. His father was a cop, and his mother stayed at home to raise him and his older sister. Caige idolized his father, emulated him, wanted to become a cop as well, and for seven years he had a happy childhood. A few months before his younger sister's first birthday, his father was shot and killed while on duty.

The man who did it went to jail, and subsequently died while serving his term, and the whole incident only strengthened Caige's resolve to become an officer just like his father. As he grew older, he seemed to have a hard time finding reasons to get close to his classmates, and never made many friends, certainly never anyone he kept in touch with later on. He struggled to maintain a B average through his high school years, and he never went to college. Instead, he immediately began training to become a police officer.

Caige, though not very book smart, was quite a capable officer. He started out doing traffic work, then ended up being drafted into the homicide unit for another city entirely. It was there that he met Bradley Jamison, his new partner. They started off a bit rocky, but soon Caige found that Bradley was the closest he'd come to having a friend. The two of them worked hard and were avanced to detective around the same time. They were allowed to remain as partners and quickly became known as one of the best teams on the force.

For years, they toiled to try and bring down a man known as Ivan Rurik, who was in charge of a rather large crime syndicate. Rurik's position of power resulted in too many homicides to count, and Caige was determined to put him in jail for it, but they could never pin anything on him specifically.

In collaboration with the narcotics division, Jamison and Caige were invited to take part in an undercover operation. It was simple enough. Caige would pose as a cousin of one of the middle men. The guy would vouch for him, part of a deal struck with the man, and he would be in. Jamison would be on the other side. He was Caige's contact, the person who would go between Caige and their superior officer. No one knew about it except the two detectives and their chief of police.

They worked this way for nine months, and everything was going fairly smooth. Slow, but about as smooth a it could get for an undercover operation. But then, Jamison disappeared. Or at least, that's all that Caige could find out. In reality, his partner had been killed and the body sunk in the bay, but there was no way to be sure. Without him, Caige couldn't contact his superior. He couldn't risk it, so he waited for someone to contact him instead. Surely, the chief would assign someone else to take Jamison's place, no matter what had happened.

However, the chief retired soon after Jamison's disappearance, and the man that took his place was on Rurik's payroll, a dirty cop. No one ever came for Caige. The record of his true identity was lost somewhere in the files at the police station, and he had no detective's life to go back to.

It has been six and a half months since Jamison disappeared, and Caige is stuck living amongst the criminals he so desperately hates, having to become one of them just to survive in their world.


Name: Matthew Caige
Nickname: he tells everyone to just call him "Caige," and his undercover name is Matthew Kogan
Age: 28
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual
Status: single
Occupation: homicide detective for the centropolis police, currently working undercover
Personality: Caige is a creature of habit and solitude. He operates best on his own, especially in his private life. He's unused to other people around since leaving his family behind when he was eighteen. The only other person he's relied on is his partner, up until recently. He is gruff and quiet, but also has rather strong views on the world. Caige greatly enjoys his work as a detective, even though his job is extremely stressful and dangerous at times.
Likes: he has an unnatural and embarrassing love of donuts. He also likes black coffee, waking up early, working out, routines, being alone, cold weather, smoking, whiskey, ale, fresh juice with his breakfast, cooking (to an extent), sleeping in complete darkness, hot showers
Dislikes: vodka, pets, children, clingy/needy people, criminals, murderers specifically, being touched, being woken by his cell phone, lighters, fast food, getting all dressed up, overly sweet snacks and desserts (with the exception of donuts), being out of the informational loop, being out and about during the day

Human Appearance

Hair: black
Eyes: medium gray
Complexion: slightly pale
Height: 6'3"
Attire: For his current undercover work, he's dressed quite well and stylishly. He had very nice suits, fashion-friendly casual wear. He likes dark colours, personally, but sometimes a subtle splash of colour is deemed acceptable. Most of the things he ends up wearing for his undercover persona are things he wouldn't wear normally. Before he took this assignment, he was much more casual. He enjoyed jeans and plain t-shirts, usually dark in colour. He had a long, dark brown coat that he wore almost everyday. He did dress in slacks, a button-down, and a tie for his detective job, but it was his preference to be more casual otherwise.
Other: nightmare telenine ears (one with a chunk missing), tail, and a few spots on his back and neck
Images: coming soon~

CI by Eck

Lover -- none
Father -- dead
Mother -- living far away, they don't speak anymore
Siblings -- Mira, his older sister by 3 years, and Hannah, his younger sister by 9 years
Children -- none
Friends -- his former partner, Bradley Jamison
Other -- Conn, a retired police dog that is currently under the care of another detective while Caige is undercover

Pet Treasure

Fingerprint Dusting Kit

Oddly Ornate Revolver

Police Tape

Police Badge

Police Cuffs

Police Shield

Stun Gun

Greaser Switchblade

Police Shades

Police Thigh Holster

Police Boots

Police Gloves

Police Bullet Proof Vest

Survivors Pump Action Shotgun

Black Flashlight

Murders 101

Survivors Shotgun Shell Belt

Survivors Crowbar

Survivors Handgun with Holster

Box of Evidence

Case File

Flashback Wild One Cigarette

Lit Match

Burnt Match

Ale Flavored Beer

Beer Flavored Ale

Autumn Harvest Green Ale

Autumn Harvest Owl Ale

Autumn Harvest Brown Ale

Autumn Harvest Red Ale

Autumn Harvest Orange Ale

Autumn Harvest Yellow Ale

Shot of Whiskey

Whiskey Decanter Set


Sample Size Ale

Sample Size Oatmeal Stout

Sample Size Stout


529 Doughnuts

Police Doughnut

Cinnamon Cream Coffee Cake

Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake

Coffee Cake

Chocolate Doughnut

Chocolate Doughnut with Sprinkles

Chocolate Sufganiyot

Maple Doughnut with Sprinkles

Maple Doughnut

Pumpkin Doughnut

Custard Creme Sufganiyot


Lemon Sufganiyot

Lemon Doughnut with Sprinkles

Lemon Doughnut

Apple Doughnut

Apple Doughnut with Sprinkles

Blueberry Doughnut with Sprinkles

Blueberry Doughnut

Grape Doughnut

Grape Doughnut with Sprinkles

Blackberry Sufganiyot

Plum Sufganiyot

I-Love-You Doughnut

Cherry Sufganiyot

Hollyberry Doughnut

Cherry Doughnut

Cherry Doughnut with Sprinkles

Cherry Heart Doughnut

Chocolate Heart Doughnut

Pet Friends

met him just the other night. exactly my type, super cute.