
Exterminating has a minion!

Death the Targit

Legacy Name: Exterminating

The Bloodred Aeanoid
Owner: steven

Age: 15 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: January 24th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 4 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: January 24th, 2009 (Legacy)

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  • Level: 134
  • Strength: 336
  • Defense: 335
  • Speed: 333
  • Health: 337
  • HP: 268/337
  • Intelligence: 199
  • Books Read: 161
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

Extermination. The simple muttering of the word has so much negative innuendo that it is almost unbearable. That is, until someone takes a stand. Exterminating's kind, the Aeanoid, has slowly dwindled into almost non-existent amounts of life. At first, Exterminating was afraid of taking a stand for his kind, but once you have nothing else to turn to, rage, violence, and wrath cloud your moral compass. Day by day, Exterminating got stronger to find and destroy the sole purpose for the lack of Aeanoids. Afterwards, Exterminating would nest and breed until eventually the numbers were adding, multiplying, and soaring. With a powerful army of bloodthirsty alliances, Exterminating would be unstoppable.

Pet Treasure

Fake Feli Tail

Orange Gummy Serpenth

Arctic Treat

Pet Friends