
MoonstoneBeauty has a minion!

Xozoron the Constellation

Legacy Name: MoonstoneBeauty

The Galactic Feli
Owner: UchihaYuki

Age: 15 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 5th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 5th, 2009 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 24
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 24
  • Speed: 24
  • Health: 24
  • HP: 24/24
  • Intelligence: 59
  • Books Read: 59
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Competitions

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Moon (Princess outfit)Moon

Name: MoonstoneBeauty (Princess Areona of Alsana)
Nicknames: Moon, Princess
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Family: CupcakeCloud (adoptive sister-daughter)

Other: Moon is the runaway witch princess of a dying kingdom. She was sent away in her tenth year of life, when the kingdom of Alsana was coming under fire by an enemy kingdom. She traveled with her trusted overseer, Talyn, until they were separated; Moon was 15. She traveled alone, teaching herself magic, until she stumbled into a young woman with brown hair. She was offered a place to stay as long as she got a job, which she did. she began working at the library, where she was soon fired. As her manager was firing her, she met a man whom she fell in love with. Shortly afterwards, however, he disappeared. Heartbroken with nowhere to go, she remained with the young woman who had taken her in.

About his outfit: Moon wears a long, formal dress when she returned to her kingdom, making sure to wear the necklace she recieved from her mother as she was rushed out of the castle. On any other day, she wears a dark outfit with thin stockings. She likes to wear breathable material, so that she can better perform her magical spells.

Pet Treasure

Silver Quill


Elemental Candles

The Fairies

Pet Friends

My new friend. Teehee!

Pretty cool.

She's so pretty!



I can't be your mother... but I can look after you, Cloud...