
Feral Mind
Legacy Name: Feral Mind

The Sun Montre
Owner: MoombaMastar

Age: 15 years, 4 months, 1 day

Born: February 14th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 4 months, 1 day ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 14th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 17
  • Strength: 38
  • Defense: 38
  • Speed: 38
  • Health: 40
  • HP: 40/40
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: "Feral"
Real Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'8 ft(Human) 2'10 ft(Quad)
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Street Fighter/Criminal/Molasses' Test Subject
Feral, long before he took on that name, had a miserable childhood. He never knew his birth parents and was raised in a run down orphanage since he was a small toddler. The living conditions there were dreadful and many of the caretakers were known for abusing the children. Feral was forced to grow accustomed to such living conditions, never questioning that he could be living a better life. As he grew older however, he did begin to wonder what the outside world was like and so picked up a habit of running away and getting small tastes of life outside the brick fences of his orphanage. Naturally he was disciplined in the harshest of ways each time he returned home from his little adventures. Then one day he decided that struggling on his own out in the harsh cold world was a better alternative then returning to the orphanage to meet further punishment. And so he never went back.

For the following years, Feral lived on the streets as a young vagabond. He never sought help from adults, for he knew that could lead to him being sent back to the orphanage. He faced all the struggles one would expect a homeless pre-teen to face, and it hardened his personality each and every day. He adopted the belief that he should and could only look out for himself, never putting anyone else above himself. And from this belief spawned pride. As he grew older, he also grew more violent and began to pick fights with anyone he thought had even looked at him funny. What had started out as mere thievery also escalated into him mugging others for whatever he needed. By the time he threw away his real name and began calling himself "Feral", he was a true thug in every sense of the word. He believed the world owed him everything, and he'd resort to whatever violence necessary to take it. This behavior eventually lead him down the path of underground street fighting, where he more often then not dominated all his matches and made big bucks in the process. He drove himself further then most of the other fighters, and became abnormally tough in the process. Eventually he allied himself with three other fighters with similar motivations to his own. "Doom", "Angel", and "Advent" followed him loyally in all the shady activities they undertook, ranging from paid fighting, to robbery, to hired beatings. Feral and this posse of his were truly no better then a small street gang

As each year flew by, Feral and his gang grew in infamy. They were loyal to each other, even taking on identical tattoos shaped as a wing to symbolize their bond. But eventually it became evident to Angel that unlike the rest of them, Feral was only out for himself. He was rarely fair to the other three when it came to sharing profits from their illegal activities, and more then once he had put each of them in serious danger to further his goals. When Angel confronted Feral about this, the heated argument resulted in her parting ways with the group and taking Advent with her. Doom only stayed due to his misplaced sense of trust and loyalty in Feral, but that was hardly enough to sooth Feral's bitterness over the falling out. Without the extra help, things became much more difficult for Feral and Doom. They weren't as effective in their criminal exploits as they used to be, and soon underground fighting was the only means to an income that Feral had left. Feral was overtaken by depression as he faded back into his former life of poverty.

Luckily fate would soon save him when, by chance, he encountered a strange, flirtatious scientist named Molasses P. Chao. His botched attempt to mug her some how ended up with him agreeing to become a test subject in her labs. And in hindsight, he feels it was a damn good decision. The experiments Molasses performed on him have caused him to develop almost supernatural qualities. He has enhanced senses, strength, and speed and has even developed the ability to manipulate energy from his body as an explosive weapon. These results apparently surprised Molasses, and so Feral continues to undergo her experiments to further develop his powers and so that she can find a satisfactory answer to what gives his body such a unique reaction to her experiments. Meanwhile, Feral has wasted no time in abusing his powers to recarve his reputation as a deadly criminal. At this rate, Feral is on his way to becoming a feared crime lord. No normal being can seem to stand up to him.

Theme Song: "I Don't Wanna Stop" by Ozzy Osbourne

RP Info
Open for human, quad, and anthro roleplays. Flexible for supernatural modern settings.
In-Character Stats

Intelligence: 6/10
Strength: 7/10
Speed: 7/10
Agility: 6/10
-Capable of Flight(Quad & Anthro)
Durability: 7/10
Health: 6/10
Fighting Ability: 7/10
-Trained In: Street Fighting. Energy Manipulation.

Pet Treasure

Battler Issue 03

Pet Friends