
Indifference has a minion!

Minion the Frozen Matter

Legacy Name: Indifference

The Glacier Montre
Owner: Kink

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 1 week

Born: March 24th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 2nd, 2009


  • Level: 241
  • Strength: 585
  • Defense: 560
  • Speed: 565
  • Health: 548
  • HP: 0/548
  • Intelligence: 393
  • Books Read: 378
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

And she wanted more than she ever could say...
It's said that there are people whose hearts are naturally frozen.

No one were sure why this girl had been born this way, however. Her mother had never been known to be cold-hearted. If anything, she had been too open and sensitive for her own good, with an idealistic heart that had been easily wounded.

No one around her had been very understanding of this, so one day she must have had enough of being the way she was. She wished her heart could just turn to ice.

Well, she was told that some people did have frozen hearts, and if she drank of the water from such a heart, her wish might come true.

What she didn't know at the time, was that she was pregnant. And instead of freezing her own heart, she ended up cursing her child to this fate instead.

The child didn't mind, as this was all the child had ever known, but as the child grew, the curse began to affect more than just herself. Not that she had it in her to care, of course, as her heart was frozen.

Her mother must have realized what had happened at some point, and the irony wasn't lost on her, but she kept it to herself for many years to come as the world around them became colder and colder. Her daughter didn't understand that a complete absence of warmth could kill someone, as she was immune to it, and didn't think much of her mother-as well as everything else around them-slowly dying.

Pet Treasure

Winter Sphinx Relief

Frozen Flowers

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

White Coda Caves Crystal

Melting Snow Mountain Tip

Bottled Winter Snowstorm

Snow Queen Fur

Winter Stories


Freezing Tear Crystal

Ice Stone

Long Fallen Icicle

Blue Coda Caves Crystal

Ominous Crystallite

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Delish Capre Elixir

Delish Orn Elixir

Glaciers Kiss

Frozen Rose Key

Ice Flow Almanac

Frost Bitten Glacier Illumis Cocktail

Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart Potion

Pet Friends


