
Legacy Name: Chrystian_756

The Sweetheart Jollin
Owner: Romanteek

Age: 15 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 12th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 12th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

name:: Chrystian Cooper
nickname:: None yet.
gender:: male
birthday:: September 1
age:: 21
persona:: shy, friendly, nerdy

hair color:: dyed deep pink
hair length:: covering his ears
hair style:: bed head
eye color:: vibrant blue-green
complexion:: rosy
build:: thin
height:: 5'6"
clothing:: loose, oversized shirts with jeans

occupation:: hair colourist
home:: small apartment
preference:: gay
status:: single

talents:: sciences
previous jobs:: minor work to help his family while in high school


[ To be determined. ]


Born into an average family, Chrys enjoyed life with his parents and younger brother until his middle and high school years. Bullies found him to be an easy target, as he was a little shorter than the rest of the boys his age, and took to studying where most of the others didn't. Over the span of a couple years, a once bright youth became withdrawn and quiet, speaking little and spending his time alone in his room.

At the suggestion of his parents, his schooling was finished from home, and he was able to apply for college courses early. However, he put it off. Moving away from home wasn't easy by any means, but his parents helped him to get a small apartment in the city, and still help him maintain the costs. Taking two years to himself to simply be on his own, Chrys found minimal success in meeting new people, and often would return to his apartment to waste the days away. Realizing he did not want to spend his entire life as he was, he finally applied to college. Having taken to the sciences in high school, a lot of his time was spent in the lab at college, although his penchant for reading had also taken him outside to the courtyards.

As chance would have it, he met an art student by the name of Heydin while out reading one day. Although initially hesitant, Chrys agreed to something of a coffee date and he found himself with a friend for the first time in years. A friend who apparently worked as a hair stylist in the salon just next to the coffee shop.

It was through Heydin that Chrys met Millian, a beautiful young man with a personality that could make you run the other way. Something of a bully, Millian was hard to trust and talk to, but seemed to catch on to Chrys' apparent fear of him and was able to tone it down. It took time, but they were able to become friends as well, culminating in Millian offering Chrys a position at his salon as a hair colourist - namely due to the boy's studies in science and colour. It was Millian himself, along with Heydin, who taught him how to properly apply the colour to hair.

Having been working in the salon for a few months now, Chrys finds himself meeting new people ever day, and - at least around Heydin and Millian - is starting to peek out from that shell he had hidden himself away in.



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