
Imagine_985 has a minion!

Rainbow the Bowcorn

Legacy Name: Imagine_985

The Spectrum Montre
Owner: miao

Age: 15 years, 2 months, 1 day

Born: April 16th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 2 months, 1 day ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 16th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 13/13
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Do you remember that imaginary friend you had when you were little? You used to fight dragons, fly into space, climb mountains. What if I told you, that friend that saw you through your early years, was real? What if I told you you were responsible for them? What if I told you, you were the one who killed them?

I'm still here, you just don't know it.

Everyone person has their own imagination, a small creature whose life force is supported solely by the creativity of the person who it is bonded to. Most people have active imaginations as children, and thus the creature is able to change form at will, often spending hours in a day just playing with their human, fighting dragons and rescuing princesses. However, as many people grow older, they lose their spark, their dreams, their imaginations. As a result, the creature often becomes sickly and neglected. In the worst cases, they perish, slipping into the other side and often their person doesn't notice the difference.

Rarely though, the person's imagination will grow stronger, and so their companion grows along with them. They can become extremely powerful and can even help bring back the life of those other creatures around them.

character dump:
Poor Imagine has to host all of my random ideas hehe

traveling turtle igloo, shelters people, needs backstory, needs a miyazaki type feel
diving horse
rocking horse
lantern dragon, drags gondola or is actualy gondola? lures travelers to their death
half wild-half domesticated (or artificially created) dragon created to be companion for young child (girl or boy) after she/he sees a full sized one and wants one as a pet
tries hard to please, but is often subjected to "wild" genes, flashes of wildness in which she/he is uncontrollable
cares deeply and loves the child but terrified of hurting him/her
for child reference little girl from secret garden, she is spoilt but that is due to little/no contact with other children, develops a much better personality after meeting pet, forced to grow up and take responsibility

reference bengal cat, ethics, etc.
maybe has to be released into the wild due to ethics? too much protest, rich are forced to give up their riches, released into wild, then satisfied, yet even more confused?
Or runs away?
or is released by child?
or father kicks the pet out?
sea creature born from a pearl
creates waves w/ flap of wing
reincarnation into something bad due to past sins, has to earn legs/tail/something else back either in present or in future life
love for the ocean, become a fish, potion does not work, only goes halfway, becomes an outcast?
revamp for imagine: imagination too strong to die after girl dies; 2nd law of thermodynamics: all energy is conserved, therefore when we die, not all of it is lost as heat or kinetic energy. This girl's imagination was too strong, so that part of her lives on. Character is sweet but often confused and easily frustrated because of lapses in memory or inability to comprehend simple things. Far too free spirited to fit into normal society.

zapped spectrum on August 30th around 8:35 am

Pet Treasure

White Tiger Grrr Candy Heart

Chocolatell Flower

Gold Flower Trinket

Floral Pie

Flower Teacup

Flower Latte

Pet Friends
