
Osy has a minion!

Ikka the Glade Bird

Legacy Name: Osy_526

The Glade Manchu
Owner: Hadaya

Age: 15 years, 3 weeks, 3 days

Born: May 14th, 2009

Adopted: 15 years, 3 weeks, 3 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 14th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 335
  • Strength: 819
  • Defense: 659
  • Speed: 473
  • Health: 507
  • HP: 505/507
  • Intelligence: 1,218
  • Books Read: 1209
  • Food Eaten: 19
  • Job: Special Operative

The heat of the jungle is almost unbearable, your clothes are sticking to your body and the humidity makes it almost hard to breathe, but you venture on. The locals you talked to gave you detailed directions, and you are pretty sure you should reach your destination any second now! And it will be worth it, you are sure. This is day will change your life.

You duck beneath some branches and find yourself in a little clearing around a massive tree, created by its own low hanging branches. The ground is covered with little flowers in all shades of pink and purple, only interrupted by what seems like stepping stones arranged in a random pattern - at least as far as you can tell. You decide to move closer to the tree trunk, careful not to step on the flowers. The bark feels rough, but parts are slightly slippery where the rain water and condensation trickles down to the ground. As you slowly make your way around the tree you start to notice carvings in the wood. They are so intricate they almost escape the eye. Could this be the forest goddess? The locals told you about her great beauty, the pinnacle of nature, the most wonderful thing you will ever see. This definitely qualifies!

You take a step back, again careful to only step on the stones, and look at the trunk. If you squint your eyes and tilt your head, you can almost make out features in the trunk, as if the carvings are forming a face. Taking a shaky breath, you address the tree: "Oh goddess of the forest, I come before you to beg your guidance!" Nervously, you look around, waiting for a reaction, but there is none. "The world praises your wisdom, my lady, and I have traveled far to ask your advice. Accept my offering in exchange!" You take out the little pouch that was tucked into your pocket, and offer it vaguely in the direction of the tree.

"Oooh did you bring cheese? I love cheese!" Startled by the voice, you almost drop the pouch, and look around to locate the origin. There's a snicker, and then you feel a sharp blow to your head. "I'm up here, human. It's always the same with you, distracted by my art project and garden." Directly above you, a little monkey swings from a branch in the tree. It almost looks like a lemur, but its coloring makes it blend in with the tree. In one of it hands it holds a wooden staff, decorated with the same carvings you have seen on the tree trunk, and adorned with colorful flowers.

The monkey regards you for a moment, then grabs a lose vine and swings towards the tree trunk, where it makes its way down until you are eye to eye. "My name is Osy, and this is my home! Welcome, stranger. You humans really are a peculiar bunch. Every so often, someone comes to visit me here, and to be honest, I do not mind the company. Sometimes they bring me trinkets or treats. They always ask for something in return though. They ask for advice, but I cannot give it. I am not the almighty goddess you seek, I am only a simple spirit looking for a life in peace!"

You can see the annoyance and almost anger in Osy's face as she glares at you, and feel a chill crawl down your spine. As small as this lemur might be, she doesn't look like someone you want to mess with. A moment passes in silence before her expression softens, and she studies your face. "I am sorry. My last run-ins with humans have not been the best experiences. I realize not all of you are the same, but my jungle is slowly being destroyed and dying, and humans are mostly the source."

Osy hesitates, but then reaches for a flower and holds it out to you. "You want advice? Here you go: take care of nature, don't destroy it, or it will destroy you. There is no life without nature. Take this flower as my gift, plant it and preserve it. Do your part! Now go, and tell others the same! Oh, and leave some of that cheese!" Speechless, your receive the flower and watch Osy climb back up the tree and disappear between the leaves. You empty the pouch onto one of the stepping stones, and carefully nestle the flower into it instead, before starting your journey back home.

Credits: coding, art, story by me

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