
Forneus_834 has a minion!

Minion the Meltoid

Legacy Name: Forneus_834

The Common Experiment #84
Owner: failia

Age: 15 years, 1 week

Born: May 25th, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: August 3rd, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 28
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 18
  • HP: 0/18
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"Hello, and again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center. With all servers off-line due to unforeseen apocalyptic circumstances that have annihilated existing regulatory functions, we have installed a backup testing apparatus. This backup system has not been thoroughly tested, but will remain operational even when other personality constructs have been destroyed. The Aperture Science Fabricated Operatory and Regulatory Nucleic-Ecological Ulterior Service will allow testing procedures to continue to run smoothly even in the case of bombardment from space asteroids or in the event of an animal-king takeover. The Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center apologizes for this inconvenience and appreciates your continued cooperation."

After the mysterious disabling of the infamous GLaDOS software in 2039, the Aperture Science automated backup system went into effect, maintaining control over most of the facility and enabling the Aperture Science Fabricated Operatory and Regulatory Nucleic-Ecological Ulterior Service, a special genetically engineered creature that is able to withstand firearms and extreme temperatures, allowing for testing protocol to continue to operate without the corrupted GLaDOS software. With mechanized links to every electrical outlet in the building, Forneus is able to navigate without problem through the abandoned testing center and can control any part of the internal structure of the building with ease. Conceived by Cave Johnson well before the initial idea of the GLaDOS computer system, Forneus was kept mostly a secret from the rest of the Aperture faculty, his files and specimen maintained by the select few that Johnson had placed in the genetic research section of the Enrichment Center.

With free reign of the Enrichment Center, Forneus continues the tests, if only for the gene that was implanted in his brain, forcing him to complete the quest for science. It is not uncommon for his testing chambers to be unsolvable, though it is uncertain whether this is a technical glitch within his genetic coding or if he's simply a malevolent personality construct. He speaks very little, and is in fact incapable of producing his own sounds. A synthesizer was inserted in his larynx early on in the creation stages and a computerized voice produces the chosen thoughts he wishes to share audibly. He was also equipped with the ability to maintain a humanoid form for a short period of time, although this form was not completely perfected before Cave Johnson perished and GLaDOS exterminated all other living faculty. For instance, he is unable to produce hair and must wear a wig in order to maintain a humanoid appearance. The voice box remains fixed to his human neck, although the tail disappears.

Unlike previous testing personality constructs, Forneus interacts very little with his test subjects. It is uncommon for him to offer praise or advice, his words typically only explaining basic testing protocol. It is generally believed that he is incapable of feeling emotion or other humane traits. He was designed to continue testing, and that is what he does with stunning accuracy. Not a single test subject has managed to survive all 20 specially designed testing chambers and Forneus does not expect this record to be broken anytime soon.

QUAD REFS: 1 | 2

Portal, GLaDOS, etc. (c) Valve
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overlay by Emi

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