
Cirus has a minion!

Lero the Telerok

Legacy Name: Cirus

The Chibi Lasirus
Owner: Vii

Age: 15 years, 2 weeks, 3 days

Born: May 29th, 2009

Adopted: 7 years, 5 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: January 13th, 2017


  • Level: 77
  • Strength: 191
  • Defense: 191
  • Speed: 190
  • Health: 191
  • HP: 175/191
  • Intelligence: 23
  • Books Read: 23
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Deputy Dishwasher

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pulvinar ullamcorper ligula, a consectetur massa laoreet eget. Morbi eleifend ultricies magna sed vehicula. Duis vitae tortor tristique, pharetra tortor vitae, malesuada urna. Morbi feugiat eu dui quis vestibulum. Phasellus tempus nisi orci, in accumsan eros euismod ut. Morbi lobortis consectetur vulputate. Fusce ornare nisl ac tellus porta vehicula. Vestibulum mollis viverra euismod. Aliquam velit libero, accumsan eget dapibus interdum, feugiat ut ligula. Nunc auctor eleifend orci, eget vehicula mauris porta a. Mauris tristique sit amet elit sed faucibus.

Fusce accumsan est vel turpis porta vulputate. Ut tristique et ante a tincidunt. Phasellus quis nisi condimentum, vestibulum nisi in, sollicitudin ipsum. In fringilla eget nunc nec tempus. Vestibulum et lectus lorem.

Suspendisse justo purus, mattis at lacus nec, faucibus vehicula massa. Vivamus in aliquet lectus, eget pretium ante. Pellentesque velit felis, vehicula vel justo vel, elementum rhoncus lorem. Maecenas placerat, nisi ac semper volutpat, turpis velit scelerisque nibh, nec pulvinar urna ligula sit amet dolor. Quisque felis purus, scelerisque vitae arcu ut, posuere fringilla metus. Aenean venenatis nisl tempor faucibus semper. Nullam semper neque eget malesuada ultricies. Nunc placerat efficitur molestie. Phasellus a eros ut tellus luctus congue. Proin consequat non velit sed dapibus.

Title: Cirus the Noble of Amorea
Name: Cirus
Gender: Male
Race: Lisra*/human hybrid
Inception: Natalborn*
Age: 16
Occupation: Student, noble
Partner: Briette
Abilities: Highly intelligent, chess master, unrivaled poker face, violin adept
Weaknesses: Poor combat skills, inexperienced, withdrawn, anti-social
Likes: Solitude, certain people, reading, music, art, freedom, exploring
Dislikes: Social niceties and gatherings, secrets, his parents

Personality: Born to an affluent family, Cirus did not grow up in want of anything material, but in want of everything immaterial. In a world where many hybrid races are biologically incompatible, his parents married for the sole purpose of producing an heir and continuing their respective bloodlines. Cirus is both the pride of the family and entirely unloved by them.

Neither parent wants anything to do with him if it is not in public, and should he approach them, he will be punished. If he is called for and does not show up in a timely manner, he will be punished. If his parents are displeased in any way, he will be punished. He is only allowed out of the house as his parents see fit, and is a prisoner in his own home. All of these terrible things combined have led him to close himself off completely, choosing to bury and ignore his emotions.

Time spent in his figurative birdcage has led Cirus to live vicariously through books. No matter what happens to him, he can always lose himself in the pages. Through literature, he can live any life that is not his own. When he listens to music, he is no longer himself. When he looks at artwork, he is entranced and separated from his own memories. Everything he enjoys is something that makes him forget, even if momentarily, what his life is truly like. He is a deeply traumatized and shattered young boy, and has never known any other reality.

And despite all that, he remains himself. He is kind and gentle, quick to help anyone in need, as he wishes someone could have done for him. The friendly face he shows is close to his true character, if he chooses to show it. He is determined to be everything his family is not, and lives for the day when he can finally leave his home, even if it is through an arranged marriage. The moment he can get away, he plans to never turn back.

Appearance: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pulvinar ullamcorper ligula, a consectetur massa laoreet eget. Morbi eleifend ultricies magna sed vehicula. Duis vitae tortor tristique, pharetra tortor vitae, malesuada urna. Morbi feugiat eu dui quis vestibulum. Phasellus tempus nisi orci, in accumsan eros euismod ut. Morbi lobortis consectetur vulputate. Fusce ornare nisl ac tellus porta vehicula. Vestibulum mollis viverra euismod. Aliquam velit libero, accumsan eget dapibus interdum, feugiat ut ligula. Nunc auctor eleifend orci, eget vehicula mauris porta a. Mauris tristique sit amet elit sed faucibus. Fusce accumsan est vel turpis porta vulputate. Ut tristique et ante a tincidunt. Phasellus quis nisi condimentum, vestibulum nisi in, sollicitudin ipsum. In fringilla eget nunc nec tempus. Vestibulum et lectus lorem.

*Lisra are a bat-like species known for being lean-muscled and their exceptional hearing. All humanoid species in the world are some combination of human and animal, as combining species' genetics was the only way to guarantee that humanity endured after nearly destroying the planet and themselves. The type of hybrid is important in determining biological compatibility and potential for yielding offspring, as many species are incompatible despite all appearing human.

*Natalborn individuals are those born of the traditional union of two people. This is worth noting because there are also those referred to as Earthborn, whom are individuals born directly from nature itself, without any parents save for the planet. Earthborns are sometimes gifted with ancient magics, while Natalborns are far less likely to be.

Many automata are built to track down and capture Earthborns, so the pureblood human scientists can try to find a way for themselves to live above the surface. Therefore, automata are seen as enemies by most living creature. A tiny fraction of Earthborns are the most sought after - they are known as Keepers and exist in order to maintain the balance of a specific element or aspect of life. Humans desperately want them, particularly the Keeper of Ages (who keeps time in check) and the Keeper of Souls (who maintains the balance between the living and the dead.)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pulvinar ullamcorper ligula, a consectetur massa laoreet eget. Morbi eleifend ultricies magna sed vehicula. Duis vitae tortor tristique, pharetra tortor vitae, malesuada urna. Morbi feugiat eu dui quis vestibulum. Phasellus tempus nisi orci, in accumsan eros euismod ut. Morbi lobortis consectetur vulputate. Fusce ornare nisl ac tellus porta vehicula. Vestibulum mollis viverra euismod. Aliquam velit libero, accumsan eget dapibus interdum, feugiat ut ligula. Nunc auctor eleifend orci, eget vehicula mauris porta a. Mauris tristique sit amet elit sed faucibus. Fusce accumsan est vel turpis porta vulputate. Ut tristique et ante a tincidunt. Phasellus quis nisi condimentum, vestibulum nisi in, sollicitudin ipsum. In fringilla eget nunc nec tempus. Vestibulum et lectus lorem.

Suspendisse justo purus, mattis at lacus nec, faucibus vehicula massa. Vivamus in aliquet lectus, eget pretium ante. Pellentesque velit felis, vehicula vel justo vel, elementum rhoncus lorem. Maecenas placerat, nisi ac semper volutpat, turpis velit scelerisque nibh, nec pulvinar urna ligula sit amet dolor. Quisque felis purus, scelerisque vitae arcu ut, posuere fringilla metus. Aenean venenatis nisl tempor faucibus semper. Nullam semper neque eget malesuada ultricies. Nunc placerat efficitur molestie. Phasellus a eros ut tellus luctus congue. Proin consequat non velit sed dapibus.

Click for larger versions, if a larger version is available.

all above artwork, profile, and pet belong to Vii
design resources from shizoo-design, tanja92, and the-time-turner

Pet Treasure

Prima Violin

Pet Friends