
Battle Cat has a minion!

Zoar the Pumpkite

Battle Cat
Legacy Name: Battle Cat

The Field Tigrean
Owner: lone_wolf

Age: 14 years, 11 months, 3 weeks

Born: June 12th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: May 5th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 18
  • Strength: 21
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 16/16
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The Story of Battle Cat,

The mightiest Of all Cats.


Salt and blood,Lightning flashing in the sky,Like long white claws clashing the ground,War,It is a song,It is MY song.

The song of the Green Tigor Clan.That night still haunts me in my dreams,That night, Everything Changed.I was a small cub.My clan was the last.We were fierce warriors.My father was the pack leader.The mighty. He wore his red stripes with pride.None could stand up to his power.

In a land Untouched by the walking hunters.All was safe, All was perfect.Then the storm came.Loud noise and blinding light filled the land.All sought the shelter of a safe den.

Then the monsters came.Without warning,Without Mercy.The Purple Panthors slaughtered my Clan.Everything changed.I coward in the thicket as three tore my father apart.

Terror overrode all functions.I ran for the forest, stalked by the monsters.For days I ran in blind terror.It seemed forever. Hunted by the Panthors.No food, No rest. Can't stop in fear of them.Until...

There was no where left to run,No where left to hide.Death came for me on that stormy night.So many days, So much fear.

As they came closer,stalking me from the shadows,I saw so much fear.Then I saw something else.

As they came within inches,I saw the face of my father.The pride, The courage.Feeling the power from within,I lashed out at them.

I prayed to my father to give me strength,Make me brave.I was answered.

In a blinding light.There was a surge of strength,The power coursed through my veins.Enough of the fear,Enough of the chase.

I became Battle Cat.I stood and roared.They looked in confusion.I lept, With no Warning,No mercy.I killed them all.In anger I Slaughted them.

Now, the battlefield is my home.War is my place.No need of family,No need of love.The glory of battle,The glory of Victory.

The feeling of my foes falling beneath my claws.The sound of bones cracking between my jaws.I am afraid of nothing.I will never be weak or scared again.Glory and strength is my family.I am at peace...Eternia Will have it's Hero.


Panthor-Bitter enemy of the Purple Panthor Tribe.


Orko-My extradimensional friend of the Trollan Tribe.

Pet Treasure

Tigrean Battle Paws

Tigrean Claw Amulet

Cadogre Sword of Dreaming

Tigrean Battle Shield

Pet Friends


Bitter enemy of the Purple Panthor Tribe