
Legacy Name: Lusica

The Sun Priggle
Owner: Asua

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 3 weeks

Born: July 12th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 12th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 13/16
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

My brother has always served, always faithful and loyal to his employers and to those around him -especially me, for I am his brother after all- and those he works with. Polite in his manners and behavior, with foresightedness you can hardly imagine he is the best man a boy, such as me, could ever hope to know. He has never known the harsh realities of some of this world as other’s have but many cannot hold that against him, for he knows, he knows much more than I could ever hope to know. Although I know he could easily write the tales of himself, I have chosen to write them for him because our bond is special and this I owe him.

He was born here, as was I, within the beautiful walls of the Citadel. Our parents were Servants to the city’s nobility. Our mother, the most beautiful woman –as far as my thoughts are concerned- I’ve ever seen, Idala was a truly loyal servant like by brother and a wonderful mother to the both of us. She was kind, bringing us treats and the occasional toy whenever she got paid. I remember one time back when Lusica was only eight yahren old we got our mother a present, a book none the less. Lusica had saved up most of the money he’d gotten running errands and helping out around the city –I helped a bit mind you- and went out and found one of the book he knew mother would love to read. We brought it to her for her birthday and she treated us like kings for months after. Our father was a musician, and that’s generally all we knew about him. Sure he’d come back once and a while and play us a tune, tuck us into bed and tell us he loved us but he would always be gone the next morning.

As soon as he was old enough my brother went to work for my mother’s employer. At first it was things like scrubbing the dishes, doing laundry, helping with the cooking. Lusica in particular was generally picked to help carry crates and boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables back to the kitchen from the market. He worked diligently, loyalty. He picked up proper manners on how to act, how to behave and most importantly he learned how to predict and guess what his employer would want and when. All of the tips, hints, gossip and even lessons in reading and writing. His mentor and teacher was a plump elderly woman by the name of Madame Parre. She was quite the welcoming woman, always sneaking in a lesson, a dinner roll or pastry to my brother when she thought no one was watching.

Lusica grew beneath her guidance and motherly care. During the time of stressful hormones and physical maturity she took my brother under her wing, teaching him a few tips and tricks into charming the ladies and using his long fingers to encourage said ladies to bed. Of course he learnt the hard way, with plenty of backhanding and tenderly placed kicks, that he had not all the charm and touch to get everyone to enjoy him. So, of course, my brother saved and went looking. His first lover turned out to be quite a nasty looking man by the name of Thraxis Sierna. After a few weeks of sleeping with the man my brother, predictably, moved on. He’d skip from place to place, keeping his head down to avoid any notice of his preferred company.

His second lover was much better. The son of a respectable noble, Harquin Yauin taught my brother the basics of using a quarter staff, a knife and how to use them together. In addition to expanding my brother’s knowledge of weaponry and fighting he was taught how to relax, to control his temper and mind his tongue and body. Riding of course was entirely different. Thrown from horse after horse, coming home with everything from scrapes and scratches to bruises and bloodied knees both Lusica and his lover soon gave up on that pursuit. Instead they both took to reading and that is how my brother obtained his book An In Ordú Lúbra. The name he eventually figured out meant something close to ‘The Order of Mazes’ with the help of his lover. It was both a Yahren gift and a parting gift, a marking of their ending of their relations.

Being the terrible flirt he was, Lusica began to hang out around The Red Rose’s Guild Hall, offering his body up for any of the apprentices who wished to try out and further their skill. He slept around, and still does, is a quite a large known fact. He discretely keeps his dealings private however, politely brushing off all public offers to return later and apologizing later. Everywhere he goes he keeps his book, it reminding him of everything he’d learnt so far from the manners and behavior of a proper servant, to that of sex and seduction. Perhaps with the finding and claiming of a new job he can find another to call his, a reason to scribble more into the blank pages of his book of mazes and an adventure to be had for still I have more pages to fill and yet there is so much more to tell.

Lusica stands over six feet tall with a lithe body and wiry muscle born from hard labor. A dark tan over his rather pale skin hides some of his foreign ancestry. Crystal blue eyes contrast with his long, curly jet black hair. He keeps his hair in a rather neat braid down his back which hangs down to about his mid back. He keeps himself clean shaven as much as possible and generally smells of light cologne and soap. Lusica’s hands and feet are calloused from his labors, but he’s got enough control for delicate details.If not at work or out about in public Lusica generally wears only his breeches and boots, preferring to have the full range of motion in his upper body for any domestic tasks he may be doing. Out in public he dresses in pure black, tunic, breeches, boots and belt. He’ll generally wear his cloak and hat if it’s appropriate for the weather. Aside from his clothing he generally carries his leather satchel anywhere he goes, safely tucked inside the only book he goes nowhere without.

As a servant, Lusica had plenty of loyalty to those he worked for. He has picked up the polite manners, appropriate behavior and foresightedness his position generally requires. Out in public he’s a lot more relaxed on his manners and behavior, generally showing off his intelligence with bits of information he’s picked up from gossip and other sources. Lusica is a complete and total flirt, although he generally doesn’t mean it more than a fourth of the time, he does his best to comment, glorify and gently tease most anyone he comes across. With all of his smiles, learned subtle caresses and touches, compliments, flattery and flirts there’s only one hitch to him, and that his preference of the gents over the ladies as far as bed partners and intimacy goes. There is no secret that Lusica enjoys sleeping around when time and money permits, he’s good business for any company within walking distance. At home and during his free time Lusica can generally be found reading the book his younger brother gave him. The mysteries of his book keep him plenty occupied and he’d happily discuss the book at length given the chance. His natural curiosity can either get him in trouble or help him figure something out and his stubbornness to let a subject lay could almost be legendary. He’s very good at controlling his temper and generally is never found shouting or making rash decisions... Untill that summer we went with our employers to an important treaty meeting, that's when things went wrong... very wrong...

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

My Brother, The only one that's loved me no matter what's happened.