
Gary has a minion!

Inez the Shanak

Legacy Name: Gary

The Chibi Montre
Owner: Seer

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 30th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 10 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 30th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 23
  • Strength: 33
  • Defense: 21
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Refreshment Concierge

All little Gary wanted was an escape, somewhere he could disappear for a little while and not have to face real life. He was tired of his parents fighting all the time, and being poor, and all the other kids at school who made fun of him for being so small. He was tired of his whole life. To deal with it all, Gary became obsessed with the imaginary. He would spend hours outside in the woods playing pirates and natives. His favorite game was when he would pretend to be Geronimo, the fierce Indian, and imagine how he would get back at all the bullies who picked on him. He played by himself, and so he developed a very creative imagination. Even during his playtime though he found it hard to forget about the real world. Some days he would simply hide in his little fort and cry, unable to deal with his frustrations, and then he would delve into his games of pretend with so much determination that his parents often worried about his mental balance. And maybe they would've done something to help him feel better, if they had actually paid that much attention to him.

He was therefore unsurprised one day when a little Shanak slithered up to him in the woods behind his house and told him that he knew of a secret place that Gary could go live, with all the types of things he had been imagining, and never have to put up with all the things he hated ever again. The Shanak had been watching him, and knew how unhappy he was. Excited at the idea of such an adventure, and thinking that perhaps his talent for pretending had merely grown to the point where his ideas came to him – literally - on their own, he eagerly followed the Shanak. He was very young, after all, and much too trusting in promises.

Inez, the Shanak, led him through the forest on a long winding path that took them to the ocean, where they found a little wooden boat waiting. When Gary climbed in it began to float away all by itself onto the languid water, and he didn't even think to look back. After some time, they entered an almost opaque fog and, when they passed through it Gary found before him an impossibly magical looking place. There were islands all around them, and the boat seemed to be heading towards the closest and largest of the chain. It landed on a pure white sand beach next to dozens of other boats just like it, where Inez hopped off and slithered into the nearby jungle. Gary wondered if he should follow, but soon found he didn't have to as Inez reappeared moments later, bringing friends. That was when he first thought that it couldn't be his imagination, and was in fact really real.

They were human, but not like any he had seen before. Their skin was dark and bronze, their hair twisted into unusual weaves, and they wore barely any clothing. He couldn't even understand the language they were speaking, though he found the tongue soft and soothing. They beckoned to him, and he followed them back to their tribal village where they proceeded to decorate him with ceremonial dyes and feathers. Everyone was smiling and laughing as others danced around fires and tossed handfuls of tiny golden trinkets into the air. The festivities lasted all through the night, and Gary found that he did not tire at all. He met other unusual creatures, as well, and they played and danced for hours together.

When the sun broke through the trees and vines the next morning, the party of natives dispersed without a word. A few of the creatures waved to Gary before disappearing into their huts, and then they were all gone, and he was suddenly alone again. Feeling unsettled, not knowing what else to do, he went back to the shore and found one boat still waiting and Inez poking his head up over the bow. Gary wondered if it would take him home. The morning sun and the awkward silence had sobered him, and he was starting to wonder about just what kind of place he had happened upon. This was a little too real.

The boat's next journey was longer, he found, and just when he was starting to get scared that they would float out on the ocean forever, or possibly have to get out and swim, the coast of what seemed to be a large continent came into view in the distance. They landed on yet another beach then, but this time the humans were not only more conventional, but none of them even seemed to take much notice of him as he climbed out of the boat and wandered up the beach. There was no jungle on this coast, but large crowds of people and small buildings... as well as more strange creatures, some even larger than the humans. Inez followed him silently as he walked farther and farther into the bustling town. He could see much larger buildings in the distance, but they did not seem very welcoming, so he turned down a path towards a forested area instead.

After a short time, the effects of having danced and played all night long finally caught up with him. He soon found he was quite drowsy, and his little red dyed paws wobbled when he put his weight on them. Eyes drooping, he stepped off the gravel road and curled up under a sheltering evergreen branch, bent low to the ground, where he shut his eyes and cried himself to sleep, hoping it was all just a dream. He had no idea where he was, he did not want to play whatever game this was anymore, and he wanted to go home. As sad as home had been, the strangeness and uncertainty of this new world was starting to scare him. Inez stayed with him through the night watching his sleeping form sadly, as if she had been afraid that this would happen.

Gary was awakened in the morning by a shout. Still half asleep, Gary only registered that he was no longer outside and thought that he was back home and his mother was calling for him. Hope surging, he went to slide out of bed... and instead rolled onto a hard wooden floor and found himself at the feet of a startled human girl and two very large canine creatures. He almost started crying again, right then and there, so disappointed as he was to find that it had all not been a dream. Noticing this, the girl felt a tug in her heart and knelt down to him. Before Gary knew it, he was telling her everything that had happened, his lower lip trembling terribly by the time he finished. Unfortunately, she knew of no way to get him home, or even where his home was. The most she could do was offer him a place in her own home.

Gary decided to stay, and Inez, whom he both cherished and resented, stayed by his side at all times. He finally got his wish; to never again have to put up with the bullies and all those other mean people who never seemed to accept him. He could have real friends, and play with others for a change, and not have to worry about all the things that children should never have to worry about in the first place. Although... if he thinks back on the day that Inez found him, he's not sure he still would have followed him, had he known what was going to happen.

After a while, he became more accustomed to his new world. He got to know the other creatures he was living with, though it was sometimes to his annoyance. He buried his thoughts of home deep within his mind and tried not to think about them anymore. His memories just made him upset if he let himself dwell on them. He didn't want to seem like a baby, so his defense mechanism was to just put on a strong face, and act much tougher than he really was. Some are fooled by it, but most still see the little boy underneath who just wants to go home yet knows he never will.

Pet Treasure

Gold Moon Relic

Coconut Chocolate Milk Beach Drink

Gold Special Coin

Large Gold Wing Relic

Gold Crescent Moon Relic

Strange Gold Wave Wing Relic

Strange Gold Fish Trinket

Delicate Gold Leaf Trinket

Gold Trinket Box

Gold Rose Trinket

Gold Avocado Trinket

Solid Gold Bird Trinket

Small Gold Mouse Trinket

Gold Steer Horn

Damaged Gold Leaf Box

Gold Pear Trinket

Gold Meditating Bear Trinket

Gold Nest Trinket

Gold Medallion Trinket

Gold Flower Trinket

Gold Strawberry Trinket

Gold Coated Shell

Gold Leaf Trinket

Gold Sun Relic

Bright Hemp Bead Bracelet

Songaa Plushie

Shaman Tribal Face Paint

Delicate Gold Feather Trinket

Pet Friends