
Wanda has a minion!

Dion the Gleeyore

Legacy Name: Wanda

The Custom Angelic Montre
Owner: Seer

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 31st, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 10 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 31st, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 34
  • Defense: 22
  • Speed: 21
  • Health: 20
  • HP: 20/20
  • Intelligence: 89
  • Books Read: 89
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Free Food Distributor

Wanda is one of those intelligent types. You know, the reserved type that comes off as somewhat stuck-up, because they expect their advice to be automatically heeded and become frustrated when it isn't, mostly because they intended it to be a directive, not advice, but they were too indirect with their suggestion. Yeah, one of those people.

She's still a pretty nice older lady though, and she means well, but she just can't get it through her head that things have changed. Like all of us, Wanda was once a young girl with big ideas and a grandiose will to achieve. It's not that she became bitter, just a little... hardened. Nowadays, she finds more comfort in books than in the real world, and it's unsurprising that she was once a librarian. She never had a higher education, but she is inately intelligent and an adept autodidact. She writes, not novels, or anything that complex, but philosophical observations, and some lighthearted poetry. It keeps her grounded, and instills the hope she needs to continue, as with age comes burden, and the weary cannot survive it.

Hobbies help, too. Knitting, crochet, gardening... She has a lovely little rose garden that gives off heavenly scents in the warmth of summer. She has always tried to see things "through rose-colored glasses" and is never disappointed by her willpower. The blooms of the roses -- some wild, most a little more tender -- encourage her in their existence. Their lives may not be the longest, but even when let go they still live to the fullest, needing nothing more than the ground beneath their "feet."

Pet Treasure

Enchanted Rose

Book of Poetry

Knitting Needles

Candytastic Yarn

Woodland Earth Yarn

Chipped Tea Set

Spool of Red Thread

Pet Friends