
Devlin Jett has a minion!

Archemedes the Tamed Fox

Devlin Jett
Legacy Name: Devlin Jett

The Spectrum Lain
Owner: Romanteek

Age: 14 years, 10 months, 4 days

Born: August 12th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 10 months, 4 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 12th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 0
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Pet Info

The Basics
Name: Devlin Jett Maaske
Nicknames: DJ.
Age: 22
Birthday: February 29th, Pisces

Orientation: Gay
Status: Recently engaged to Dresden.

Height: 5’10’’
Build: Lean.
Hair: White with orange and neon purple stripes, pink streaks, and rainbow-coloured tips; styled in a long pixie cut, though usually pulled up.
Eyes: The left is a bright blue, and the right is pink..
Skin: Pale tan with a rose tint.
Clothing: Casually wears fitted colourful shirts with bright blue jeans, occasionally sweatpants and tank tops around the house. In the club, he wears a tight catsuit, or occasionally costumes.

Occupation: DJ at his and Rezz‘s club, as well as handling the business portion with Preston.

Person: Dresden.
Hobby: Dancing and mixing songs, though he‘s started trying to cook as well.
Color: Pink and red.
Food: Home-cooked and comfort foods.
Song: Linkin Park & Jay Z - Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer / Usher - Yeah
Other: Revealing clothes, leather, pleather, vinyl, edible bodypaints, fuzzy handcuffs/kinky things, snap bracelets, Rezz joining him in his booth, and his pets.

Girly alcoholic drinks
People knowing where he lives
Violent drunks

Devlin is a very bright and cheerful person, despite his affinity toward being a night owl. He loves to meet people, though he's hesitant to let them too close. Until he knows a person very well, he won't meet up with them anywhere near his home. He'll set up dates out in the middle of the city to meet the person, until he's comfortable with them. The only time this wasn't the case was with Preston, whom DJ talked with all the time at the bar, and Dresden, whom DJ found himself craving after only a couple meetings.

In group situations, Devlin is the life of the conversation, talking with everyone and making sure everyone's included. He enjoys being the center of attention, and will do anything to get it, for the most part. He claims that he is amazing with figuring out personalities, and has also claimed he's a perfect matchmaker. He's paired up a few friends he's met at the clubs, though his greatest accomplishment, he feels, is setting up Casimiro and Preston.

Since settling down with Dresden, DJ's come out of himself a little. He's no longer hesitant around new people, and has grown to trust others more. He often invites Preston and Casimiro over for dinner, which is, of course, made by Dresden, though DJ himself helps out. Since meeting new people, Millian, Noruen, Kasper and Cieran have been invited over as well.

Devlin grew up in a music loving family. The only child to a violinist father, and a dancer mother. While Devlin didn't see his father for a few days at a time while he was off at his concerts, he was with his mother almost constantly, going to her dance classes to see her teach, and often jumping up to the front with her and teaching the class alongside her. Seeing her son's affinity toward dance and his natural grace, she taught him all the forms of dance she knew, and from a young age, Devlin was showing off all of his dance moves in talent shows.

Even at a young age, Devlin had a love for hip hop music, and as he grew up, he fell in love with club music, and took an interest in mixing his own music to dance to in his high school talent shows. By his senior year, Devlin was DJing many of his friends parties, and even making a few appearances in clubs. Devlin knew, however, that there wasn't much going for him in the small town he grew up in, so he moved to the big city, with big dreams. He still calls his parents during the week, and sometimes visits when he has some time off.

After settling down in an apartment in the city, Devlin went to work, quickly getting work in a smaller club as a DJ. He took classes in business during the day, hoping to one day own his own club. He quickly rose high in the ranks of competent DJs and was soon playing at the largest clubs nightly, and having difficulty managing all the work he was getting. He picked out his favourite clubs, narrowing his selection to three, and started playing them regularly. He finished his schooling within two years, and while still in school, he met someone. The two hit it off instantly, and DJ, being rather foolish and young, allowed the other into his house, even trusting him with a key. This would prove to be a wrong move, as the man would show up at any hour he pleased, often trashing Devlin's apartment while the other was out working, or out at school. When Devlin confronted him about it, the man would get violent, often beating Devlin until he was bloodied. Devlin didn't waste any time, and he went to the police, having the man arrested, and as a precautionary measure, moved out of his apartment and into a house.

It wasn't long after this that DJ met Preston, a bartender at one of his clubs. Again, the two hit it off instantly, though Devlin was a little more cautious, and kept their meetings to the club only for a while, until their relationship became more emotional and physical. He was happy when Preston would call him up during the day and ask him to meet him on his lunch, so they could share it together and Devlin was sure he was falling for the other. The two shared plenty of time together, though at the club, Devlin found himself torn. He could feel the desire to stay with Preston, however, he didn't want to settle down so quickly, either. He loved Preston dearly, but he felt that he was perhaps too good for him. He reiterated his feelings to the other, who was hurt, though was happy they could remain friends. The two text and talk all the time still, and still meet up for coffee dates during the day.

Devlin met Dresden one night at one of the clubs some time later. Dresden was tailing an ex, though was distracted by the bright Devlin, and their early relationship was physical, with plenty of intimate moments shared behind closed doors, curtains, in alleys and even in Devlin's DJ booth. Dresden charmed his way into Devlin's heart, and despite his regular cautious nature, Devlin felt himself craving Dresden most of the day, and one day called him in the wee hours of the morning, asking the other to come to his house and directing him the entire way. Devlin felt himself falling for Dresden pretty quickly, though suddenly saw a little less of him, as the other had begun tailing his ex again. One night at the club, Devlin witnessed Dresden push the younger boy, Noruen, into the bar, which resulted in a trip to the hospital. Dresden slipped away before Devlin could say anything, and while at the hospital, Millian, Noruen's current boyfriend, told him of Dresden's true nature, and Devlin quickly began ignoring all of Dresden's calls and texts, often worrying the other would come to his house, so he spent more time with Preston.

One day, Dresden did show up at Devlin's door, though it wasn't as DJ expected. Dresden was on his knees, practically begging for Devlin to take him back and forgive him. He spoke of how he wanted to change, and how he felt with Devlin, and DJ couldn't help but feel pity for him. Devlin took him back, knowing full well he had had a rough time without Dresden himself, and the two started anew. Devlin helped Dresden to apologize to Noruen and Millian, and with time, gave him the confidence to apply to a culinary school. Devlin can quote one of his happiest moments as seeing the reaction on Dresden's face when he read to him that he had been accepted, and again when the other graduated. Not long after they began their new relationship, Devlin set Preston up with a friend he had met in the club, Casimiro. He was extremely happy to see that the two were practically made for each other, especially while out on one of his coffee dates with Preston, as the other told him of their first date. Along with these two, Devlin and Dresden opened up a restaurant by day, club by night. Devlin and Preston take care of much of the business side of things, as well as DJing and bartending, respectively. Dresden takes care of the kitchen, and Casimiro is partly responsible for entertainment, as well as greeting guests. They've all accepted Millian and Noruen as part of their staff, as well as Kasper and Cieran, a new couple.

Devlin's never felt so happy in his life before, having amazing friends and an even more amazing boyfriend, and was very surprised when Dresden proposed to him recently. He's excited for his life with the other, and even more excited for the next step in their relationship; taking him to meet his parents.

Maurizio De Jorio/Niko

Chibi, by ForbiddenFox
The Usual Catsuit
Bodypaints and Chaps
[Yaoi]In the backroom, with Rezz

Pet Treasure


Bloodred Archan Plushie

Pink-N-Purple Handcuffs

Pet Friends

Baby, you know you don't have to thank me~ I'd do anything for you~ :heart:

Aren't I the greatest friend ever? ;D :heart: I love you, Pressie-baby!

I know you will, but you better take good care of Pressie! :heart:

Hun, thanks for all your help with the new place. Remind me to add you to my phone, so I can call you two over when we have dinner together!

Likewise for you! But I hope you forgive Rezz, he's really just a big teddy-bear, you know! :heart:

Oh am I~? Is he a demon in the sack just like me~? ;D :heart:

You know it, babe! Get that boy of yours out on the dance floor sometime! :heart: