
Remedy has a minion!

Clarity the Gooli


The Chibi Experiment #625
Owner: FoxSake

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 14th, 2009

Adopted: 2 years, 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: June 14th, 2021


  • Level: 86
  • Strength: 215
  • Defense: 211
  • Speed: 207
  • Health: 207
  • HP: 130/207
  • Intelligence: 499
  • Books Read: 497
  • Food Eaten: 664
  • Job: Private Shopper


profile template (c) helix (get it)


"If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
-"Clarity" by Zedd ft. Foxes

Treat things with care.
You remain in the traces you leave behind in the world.

Talking about the weather was once limited to small talk and pleasantries. But now, climate change has changed the topic into one with a heavier connotation entailing the world's future.

"A witch doctor? You need a doctorate's to do this?" *gestures around wildly*

Many have claimed Remedy's work as nothing short of a miracle. However, she sees it as a constant failure. Try as she might, her attempts to restore life to the dead only result in experimental failure after experimental failure. Others saw it as a mysterious power that could give their loved ones a second chance, and others, still, saw it as their way to potential immortality.

Shared outfit

Outfit created by FoxSake

View In Wardrobe

Pet Treasure

Experiment 69012 Plushie

Bottled Fire

Salvaged Shrine Tokens

Lantern of the Final Night

Romero Badlands Bleached Skull

Shaman Buck Totem

Shaman Wolf Pelt Hood

Shaman Wolf Pelt

Shaman Hair Tie

Shaman Feather Hairclip

Shaman Tribal Leg Paint

Shaman Tribal Face Paint

Shaman Herb Satchel

Bottled Hatred

Ricin Poison Bottle Kit

Arsenic Poison Bottle Kit

Hemlock Poison Bottle Kit

Belladonna Poison Bottle Kit

Cyanide Poison Bottle Kit

Ricin Poison Vial Kit

Arsenic Poison Vial Kit

Hemlock Poison Vial Kit

Belladonna Poison Vial Kit

Cyanide Poison Vial Kit

Spilled Tube of Mildew Spores

Spilled Tube of Iodine Powder

Spilled Tube of Bone Meal

Bubbling Mildew

Bubbling Venom

Bubbling Bonedust

Captured Blood Droplet

Captured Grave Dust

Captured Rot Particles

Captured Mold Spore

Captured Bone Fragment

Gourd Witch Empty Potion Bottles

Gourd Witch Potion Experiments

Gourd Witch Sanguine Tonic

Gourd Witch Ginger Tonic

Gourd Witch Earthen Tonic

Gourd Witch Ashen Tonic

Gourd Witch Midnight Tonic

Gourd Witch Burning Liquid

Gourd Witch Bright Liquid

Gourd Witch Earthen Liquid

Gourd Witch Midnight Liquid

Gourd Witch Silver Liquid

Acid Apothecary Bottle

Poison Apothecary Bottle

Toxic Apothecary Bottle

Pixie Dust

Shinwas Magical Potion


Bloody Wet Specimen

Mouthy Monster Wet Specimen

Guarded Flask

Experiment 893 Plushie

Experiment 0507 Plushie

Experiment 1102 Plushie

Experiment 6789 Plushie

Experiment 1983 Plushie

Cobra Pose Experiment Plushie

Experiment 585 Plushie

Experiment 8471 Plushie

Experiment 8001 Plushie

Mythical Water Experiment 8001 Plushie

Experiment 56192 Plushie

Experiment 8625 Plushie

Riftborn Blob Beanbag

Experiment 886 Plushie

Half Moon Pose Experiment Plushie

Experiment 549 Plushie

Experiment 84 Plushie

Experiment 76166 Plushie


Maned Hound

Locust Pose Experiment Plushie








Noircat Plushie


Unlucky Zooky Paw

Mori Bandage

Sculpting Needle Tool

Gourd Witch Herbal

Gourd Witch Sage Stick






Willow Twig

Fresh Mistletoe


Common Rue



Monks Hood

Deaths Kiss

Deadly Nightshade

Mandrake Root

Sunrise Bell Berries

Ginger Root


Deaths Cap

Blue Mushrooms


Magnetic Stones

Shed Erdoo Tooth

Gourd Witch Bone Herb Pouch

Gourd Witch Sanguine Herb Pouch

Gourd Witch Bruised Herb Pouch

Gourd Witch Midnight Herb Pouch

Dark Dust

Sea Salt

Kora Magic Powder

Artisan Strawberry Soap

Artisan Citrus Soap

Artisan Banana Soap

Artisan Avocado Soap

Artisan Watermelon Soap

Candied Orange Fairy Dust

Candied Green Fairy Dust

Candied Pink Fairy Dust

Orchid Mantis Cheesecake

Sweet Pea Cookie Bits

Sweet Matter Wine

Freyalise Citrus Medley

Pear Cider

Dapper So Fantastic Cider

Experimental Dew

Common Potion

Lilac Potion

Cherry Potion

Marsh Potion

Arid Potion

Dawn Potion

Sun Potion

Twilight Potion

Sweetheart Potion

Pet Friends

"I've made some new herbs for you to brew with!"

"I'm so sorry, love. This was all I could do."