
Pirate has a minion!

Arrr the Pirate Bear


The Scribble Experiment #625
Owner: Dracona

Age: 14 years, 8 months, 1 week

Born: August 24th, 2009

Adopted: 3 years, 10 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: June 3rd, 2020


  • Level: 156
  • Strength: 270
  • Defense: 246
  • Speed: 250
  • Health: 250
  • HP: 250/250
  • Intelligence: 261
  • Books Read: 194
  • Food Eaten: 2
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist


profile template (c) helix (get it)
story by Dracona.
background image by wallpaper cave
information from (1), (2), (3), (4), (5),

The Beginning

I never knew me Ma. They said I was left on the steps of St Michaels and the Sisters were angels for taking me in. Mind, it were the Sisters sayin' that, so I'm not sure how accurate the angels thing is. I know they had a swift smack for anyone who said something they shouldn't. The bible talks about angels being instruments of wrath, so I guess they had it right.

To get some space, us littles would hide during free time, or we'd be dragged off for some duty. My favourite place was down the docks with all the boats and ships and people. It was only a couple blocks from the Orphanage and by the age of 5 I could weave my way there blindfolded. The pungent stink of fish, sweat and beer. Over it all was the occasional sweep of wind that was pure freedom. The fresh salt air with brine and stories whispering in my young ears. By the age of 8 I was always down the docks, and the regulars all knew me. I spent so much time down there I usually missed dinner at the orphanage, but I could often cadge an old crust of bread from a tavern. Babette usually had some spare. Carl was a good one to share food too.

One day Carl grabbed my arm while I ran past. "oi," he said, "I got someone lookin' for a new powder monkey to ship off tonight as their last lad took ill. You want it?" He paused for a bit, which gave me time to figure out my hearing, considering the smell of Carls breath had almost knocked me out. I could be on a ship! I grinned and said "Yessir!!" and his weathered face broke into a smile. "Aye, figured you'd be happy." I already knew that a powder monkey was a young boy or girl who kept the cannons on board ship stocked with the powder they needed in a battle. We were small enough to run quick in the confusion between the full grown sailors and in small spaces. It meant I would get proper food, clothing, and even some teaching for the first time! What luck!

He took me further down the docks, to the larger ships of the Royal British Navy. He weaved a bit side to side, but was slow enough I couldn't lose him in the crowd. I'd only seen these military ships from afar because the Navy took a dim view of stragglers or potential stowaways. My eyes almost rolled right out of me head, they were so wide, staring at the finery and shiny parts. All the uniforms and marching. People moving quick smart to get things loaded. Others moving even quicker to offload from different ships.

Carl stopped abruptly near a smaller vessel. "AHOY BILLY!" he roared. Several heads popped over the side. "oi Carl! Whatcha want?" said the redhead Billy, "I paid ye last night when I lost at cards!"

I tried to ask Carl how could he play cards when he was usually so sleepy, but he shooshed me and yelled back" I gotcha new powder monkey!". A silence as all the heads looked me up and down. It was almost as bad as being on the wrong side of the Mother Superior. She had a look that could strip you to ribbons. Billy looked at the others on the ship who mostly nodded and he waved a hand to come up.

I kept staring down at the black water under the gangplank before Carl cuffed me lightly on the ear to make me hurry up. I was really going on board! I scampered up to meet several men who looked me over, checked my teeth and hair. Another man with dark hair came over, wearing a coat with more buttons and frills than I'd ever seen in me life. Billy explained who I was and that Carl had found me. So Carl got his agreed payment of a tankard of rum, and I became a sailor that day!


I had been on the HMS Ablemarie for over two years, and had earned my sea legs. My skin was a burnished brown from being in the sun most of the day and climbing the rigging when needed. It wasn't an easy life, but it beat staying in that orphanage. I sometimes helped the cabin boy but usually I had to ensure that all the cannons were clean, in perfect order and ready to go at a moments notice. The Captain had told me that their safety rode on my ability. To be fair, we hadn't actually used them often, as they had limited range and you had to be really close. But when they fired and roared it was like hell itself had opened on the boat.

Because it was a smaller ship than most, we were often going up and down the coast of the Africas. The people there are so different! They wear weird clothing and talk funny. But they had some amazing food. I loved stopping at Cape Verde, despite the Portuguese who were a really panicky people, because they had Cachupa which is like the best stew ever. I also got dunked in the ocean the first time I crossed the Equator, but I was young so it wasn't as bad as most got it. They all cheered when I didn't cry. I felt like a man then!

This one day we were patrolling on the way to Cape Verde when the lookout in the crows nest yelled that there was sails sighted starboard. He spotted two, and that got everyone anxious because there was no navy ships due on the coast, and to be seen that far away meant they were not just a fishing or family boat. I was sent below decks to prep the cannons in case they needed using. It wasn't that easy because it felt like a storm was nearby and the sea was a bit choppy. I had to be careful of my footing. I went topside to see some storm clouds coming in from the portside which explained the rough seas. There was 2 more up in the crows nest with the spyglass, pointing and gesturing. One slid down the rigging to where the Captain waited. Word rippled through that it looked like at least two pirate ships and they had changed course to head in our direction. The Captain ordered extra sail to the masts and we made a run for the islands we knew were ahead. Full sail with a storm blowing in wasn't a good idea, but it was better than to try to win against two bigger and better armed ships!

The ship fair flew along, but the ride over the whitecaps was bumpy. Soon though, we could all see the ships behind us. They were gaining. We were also wrong. There was three ships. All the men were tense and nervous and just stood and stared as they came closer. I didn't know how far we were from the islands but we were hoping to gain safety there, so long as we stayed ahead. After some hours they were close enough to see their people on the foredeck, waving cutlasses and making rude gestures. When a voice from above yelled "LAND HO!" some of the tension broke, and men ran to look ahead to the dark smudge in the distance. We might make it after all! The only problem was, in our haste, we had forgotten the..... "REEF!" they yelled from above, just as the ship shuddered, throwing us all to the deck. The screeching whine of the hull is something I'll never forget. We were effectively dead in the water. Watching the pirates slow down and make their way over to our ship in a line that made our grand cannons useless.

A big man with a long beard leapt up onto the bowsprit and kept his balance easily, despite the choppy water. When the Captain of our ship was up on the quarterdeck, the pirate started with a large smile and said "having some trouble, good sir?"
"Do not mock me, pirate!" yelled the Captain.
"But I am here to offer our assistance!" said the pirate, still grinning. "You have run aground and are taking on a grievous amount of water. We can ferry your crew to the islands in safety."
"Ha!" laughed the Captain, "you'd kill us all!" and he glared at the pirate on the ship.
The pirate stopped smiling, and gestured to the ships, the storm, the waves. "You are in a great predicament" he said, "and I would like it resolved with as little blood shed as possible."

The Captain was silent for a while, and when the pirate suggested discussions, they each got into small rowboats and went to meet and talk. It looked a bit comical as the wind had picked up and the Captains formal wig and hat had been lost to it. While the Captain was gone, a few of the crew were muttering that you could never trust pirates. Their Captain was a goner. They had quietly been sharing out swords, for the new muskets were near useless at sea. Several of the crew were whipping the others into fighting, no matter what happened. Personally, I was keeping my options open. I could swim now, and knew my numbers and letters. But I was near useless with a sword without the muscle to use it.

I was still watchin' the Captain with the big pirate in the tiny boats. When I saw them clasp forearms together, I gasped along with the crew. Was the Captain a turncoat? Had he gambled our lives? The whispers went around the crew. When the Captain got on board it was to an angry crew. He shouted to be heard. "We are in," he said, "a very bad spot." That got some sniggers from the back. "We have the fortune to have been chased by Gentleman Gregg." A ripple of surprise went through the crew. Gentleman Gregg was known for a lack of bloodshed, which made him low on the wanted lists. "I have bargained for you to be ferried to the islands. You'll be able to make your way to the docks where the HMS Silverforth is supposed to be arriving within the next few days."

The crew weren't happy with entrusting the pirates. "What about our ship, Captain?" asked one. The Captain looked at him solemnly. "It's already lost. If we fight to save it, we'll only lose our lives, and.." abruptly one of the low ranked crew spat at the Captains feet "you'd walk away from your ship? What sort of Captain are you!?" he yelled, which got him a smack on the head from a nearby officer, but set the rest to muttering. The Captain said, so quietly only those near him heard it. "I won't be coming with you."

Turns out the Captain had ransomed himself and the boat for our wellbeing. So we wouldn't be slaughtered. It was a good deal. He was "going down with his ship", but saving those under him, which is the sign of a good Captain. Most of the crew agreed to the terms, and things started to progress to putting us onto the rowboats to head for shore. I was sent to spike the cannons on the quiet so the pirates couldn't use them, but after I had disabled two cannons by hammering a barbed spike into the touch hole, I was suddenly picked up from behind, dropping my tools, with arms around mine so my back was against someone's chest and my legs flailed in the air.

"Oho!" a deep voice cried, with amusement, "a bilge rat destroying our property? What we gonna do with this little rat then?", and I was swung around to see two other men I had never seen before, laughing with my captor. Another man looked angry, and said "throw him to Davy Jones" as he went to look at the spiked cannons. The others stopped laughing. "hey Jed" one said, "he's just a kid. Probably following orders is all."

I had stopped struggling as soon as Jed had suggested throwing me overboard, and my eyes were wide with fear, and my whole body felt cold. The giant that held me put me down but kept a big hand on my shoulder. I fell to the ground and dived under a cannon, trying to evade the men who were now yelling and scrambling to catch me. But they didn't know down below as well as me, and I fled to the gunpowder storage in the smallest part and barricaded myself in. I heard them yell at each other. It seemed the giant was called Robbie, and the other two Baxter and Jake. After a while the voices blaming each other quieted, and all I could hear was murmuring, followed by 2 sets of boots going above.

It was quiet for a bit. The only noises coming from above, with boats going overboard followed by crew leaving. One or two had tried to fight but were quickly outnumbered. I heard the sound of the waves against the hull of the boat and another water noise that told me the hull was breached somewhere ahead, but we were stuck fast on the reef. At least until high tide. My mind kept going over everything that had happened since we had hit the reef. I was terrified, but knew the giant Robbie probably would not hurt me. I wondered if the Captain was alive. I listened for the others waiting outside my cubby hole, but they were silent. After an age, I heard heavy boots coming below. Robbie's voice asked the others if they'd heard me. They said no. He laughed and said he'd told them I was smart.

"Hey boy," Robbie said gently, "we need to get this ship patched so it doesn't founder at high tide. But if you stay there, we'll have to leave you to drown. The last boat is waiting for you. The rest of your crew have gone."

I sat and thought. He was right, and I'd already wondered how bad the hull was. He might be lying, but if he was right, I'd be a fool to stay and drown for no reason.

My new pirate life had begun.

Pet Treasure

Pirate Rum

Charismatic Pirate Plushie

Gentleman Pirate Rag Doll

Pirate Rag Doll

Tainted Pirate Teddy Plushie

Pirate Flag Almanac

Tattered and Bloody Pirate Flag

Pirate Treasure Chest

Verdigris Merman Treasure

Treasure Map Piece 1

Treasure Map Piece 2

Treasure Map Piece 3

Bundle of Old Maps

Properly Preparing Fish

Arr-Rated Tales

Jar of Dirt

Treasure Map Piece 4

Treasure Map Piece 5

Treasure Map Piece 6

Raising Pirates

Your Pegleg and You

Arctic Pirate Map

Romero Shipwreck Chest

Treasure Map Piece 7

Treasure Map Piece 8

Treasure Map Piece 9

Swashbuckling Tales

Maps for Scallywags

Pop-Up Book of Pirates

Book of Sea Shanties

Fantastic Fiction: Shipping

Island Pirate Map

Sea Monster Anatomy

So You Cursed Your Ship

Letters to Shore

Pirate Treasure Map


Wet Whiskers





Gilded Narwhal

Swashbuckling Shark

Bright Bones

Swabby Attendant

Corsair Gnomeli

Buccaneer Gnomeli

Pirate Telenine Plushie

Soggy Rat

Pirate Ontra Plushie

Lil Kitchen Mouse


Rapscallion Blob Kitty

Swabby Blob Kitty

Exquisite Sea Witch Plushie

Beguiling Sea Witch Plushie

True Mermaid

Blushing Hammerhead

Delicate Knotted Mermaid Doll


Big Eyed Jellyfish

Octopus Wants to Fight Plushie

Potato Pirate

Pirate Flopit Figurine

Deck Swabbin Snail

Mega Claw Crab

Decayed Pirate Skull

Very Fresh Pearl

Pirate Treasure Pizza

Treasure Map Pizza

Stolen Aztec Coin

Cask of Rum

Port Port

Sunrise Spyglass

Skeletal Octopus

Skeletal Squid

Skeletal Scorpion

Skeletal Centipede

Scary Skeleton Figure

Skeletal Fish

Skeletal Rat

Black Pirate Ship Plushie

Cannonball Pile Beanbag

Cannon Beanbag

Mini Cannon

Torn Pirate Standard

Golden Foil Pirate Coin

Bronze Doubloons Sticker

Silver Doubloons Sticker

Gold Doubloons Sticker

Ink Adorned Pirate Vest

Rescued Treasure Map

Pirate Map

Shipwreck Plushie

No Scurvy Mead

Homemade Dark Rum

Rum Extract

Tankard Of Grog

Sailors Delight

Pumpkin Pie-rate Ship

Cannonball Pirate Cupcake

Skull Pirate Cupcake

Pirate Cupcake

Green Pirate Grapes

Purple Pirate Grapes

Pirate Banana

Red Pirate Apple

Green Pirate Apple

Yellow Pirate Apple

Pirate Watermelon Slice

Scurvy Prevention Orange

Lime Pirate Ship Wedge

Lemon Pirate Ship Wedge

Pirate Carved Pumpkin


Pirate Love Candy Heart

Shiver Me Timbers Sticker

Ye Scurvy Sea Dog Sticker

For Glory and Adventure Sticker

Big Meaty Claws Sticker

Walk the Plank Sticker

Emo Bubble Deck

Emo Bubble Timbers

Happy Pirate Sticker

Grumpy Pirate Sticker

Ahoy Matey! Sticker

Avast! Sticker

Yarrr! Sticker

Booty Sticker

Carp Diem Sticker

Fish Are Friends Sticker

Romero Shipwreck Compass

Pirate Hat

Black Pirate Bicorn Hat

White Pirate Bicorn Hat

Red Pirate Bicorn Hat

Green Pirate Bicorn Hat

Blue Pirate Bicorn Hat

Purple Pirate Bicorn Hat

Yellow Pirate Bicorn Hat

Teeny Tiny Pirate Hat

Pirate Hat Sticker

Pirote Jacket

2006 Commemorative Pegleg

Pirate Boots

Pirate Wench Gold Hoops

Pirate Eyepatch

Gold Adorned Red Bandana

Spotted Pirate Bandana

Gangplank Shipwreck Tunic

Poison Apothecary Bottle

Dual Flintlock Pistols

Gingerbread Sword

Ship Wheel Beanbag

Romero Shipwreck Bell

Merbaby Angel Plushie

Ominous White Fabric Burlap Doll

Plunder-Filled Black Heels

Plunder-Filled White Heels

Yellow Marauder Hat

Red Striped Pirate Skirt

Black and White Patched and Striped Pirate Shorts

Olive Patched and Striped Pirate Shorts

Brown Pirate Anyu Boots

Black Pirate Anyu Boots

Severely Renegotiated Terms

Adamantly Renegotiated Terms

Bitterly Renegotiated Terms

Sternly Renegotiated Terms

Staunchly Renegotiated Terms

Hand-honed Miniature Sica

Treasure Chest Plushie

Subdued Octosnack

Locket of Babette

Boney Mug


Eventide Replica Anchor

Skitin Skull

Pirate Bandana Beanbag

Scrimshawed Flask

Black Pirate Ship Sticker

Bitterly Disputed Contract

Black Spare Sailcloth

Swashbuckler Parrot Beanbag

Suspicious Rum Puddle

Salt Pork

Pickled Herring

Pickled Cabbage

Pickled Clams

Rum Cupcake

Rum Pancakes

Rum Cookie Balls

Clam Chowder

Giant Sunfish Love Sticker


Serious Sand Castle

Pirate Cutlass Sticker

Kraken and Lighthouse Plushie

Pet Friends