
Oolong has a minion!

Teal the Zodiac Rat Spirit

Legacy Name: Oolong

The Angelic Paralix
Owner: Rachel

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 25th, 2009

Adopted: 11 years, 11 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 6th, 2012


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 0
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Oolong grew up in the bustling city of Centropolis, the largest city in Subeta, where a quiet place is hard to come by. Even at night, when Oolong thought people really ought to be sleeping, the city was alive with sound - loud club music which seemed to make the whole city vibrate, people laughing and shouting, and traffic racing through the night. This was not Oolong's natural habitat, and while most Subetans seemed perfectly adapted to city life, Oolong was not. She longed for wilderness and freedom, and so as soon she was old enough to leave home, she bid farewell to her family and set out on an adventure across Subeta.

Oolong traveled first to Delphi, which had beautiful beaches but was still too crowded. She then made her way to Veta Lake, expecting to find vast unexplored forests, but instead found an enormous holiday resort. The Darkside and Shadowglen were certainly less busy, but Oolong has a feeling that ghosts and zombies could be lurking around any corner, so she swiftly moved on. It was then that Oolong arrived at the Sacred Lands, a calm tundra surrounded by beautiful mountains. Finally, Oolong felt at home. She spent time moving between quaint villages tucked into the mountains, where a kindly old Chai introduced Oolong to the art of tea-making.

Over the next few weeks, Oolong continued higher and higher into the mountains until she had climbed so far that she was even above the clouds. It was here, on a rocky ledge overlooking the Sacred Lands, that Oolong decided to set up her tea house. The tea house was very modest - a single room with a few mats and a small table for preparing tea leaves. Now and again a brave traveler searching for a quiet place happens upon Oolong's tea house. She invites them for a cup of tea and listens to their story, then the travelers move on. China was one such traveler; a young and restless Paralix who has run away from home. China stayed with Oolong for many months and the pair became good friends. When it was time for China to return home, she promised to visit every year, and much to Oolong's delight she has kept that promise, bringing gifts of beautiful teacups and teapots each time she visits.

Pet Treasure

Sweet Vesnali Tea

Homemade Chai Tea

Vanilla Chai Tea

Green Teapot

Flowering Jasmine Tea

Plum Blossom Tea Set

White Snake Teacup

Chamomile Tea

Hot Cinnamon Tea

Flowering Hibiscus Tea

Swampie Teacup

Sweet Petal Tea


Ornate Teacup

Pet Friends