
Legacy Name: Inaba_941

The Reborn Keeto
Owner: Jaimee

Age: 14 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 18th, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 16th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 16
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The sweet princess of the moon, a vampire with white hair, snored peacefully on a cloud. But her sleep was rudely interrupted by a noise and screaming that she did not know. Screams calling for help. The sweet princess was frightened. What was happening? The sweet princess, who was only four years, was afraid. Her mother came in earnest in the room, the white clothes like the full moon of red blood stained.
-Nana-The voice of her mother was solemn, and iso it was particularly weird.-I'll lock you inside its powers of Moon Princess, in addition to the vampire. They will awaken to his sixteen years ...- The mother hugged her .-I hope you do not hate me, Inaba...
The sweet Inaba wake up. It was raining.But ... The rain should not have the color of blood!
-You're okay? -Asked a boy with little more than ten or nine years, the flaming red hair, wearing a white sweater and black jeans and shoes, all with discrete patches of blood. Inaba nodded, and realized that it had a name.Who was she? He took her hand and stood up, carrying on her lap. He noticed some blood stains, and took his finger and tasted. No, it was hers. He took a little longer, and she has tiny hands there, then offering him. He laughed.
-I'm Zan. You have a name? She made "no" to the head.
He seemed to think.
-How about Inaba? The nickname can be Nana.
She smiled.
Zan stood in the doorway of a house. He knocked softly, and the wooden door opened, revealing a girl of ten years maximum. She was a albin, and her eyes were blue.She wear black robes and a cross necklace with matching earrings.
-Zan!You're a vampire! You know my mother will kill you if she sees you here!
-Hello, Marie.Maybe Nana can live with you? And stop lying, I know if you mother are died.
The albin sighed Marie call.
-Ok, ok, Zan, come in.And Nana may be yes ... She is not ...?- Zanvo smiled.
-We talked this later.
Eight years had passed since Nana out live at the home of Marie, the Vampire Hunter. Until one day, returning from one of his fighter vampires, Marieback together. Inaba, I always put a tub full of water to Marie, was taken aback by the amount of blood from the boy who accompanied her.
-What happened to him?- Inaba asked, afraid.
-He was in a house attacked by vampires, Nana. Nana, this is Raeven. Raeven, this is Inaba.
Nana grabbed the towel that was in his hand, squeezing it.
-I'll give you a shower.-She muttered, picking Raeven by the hand and leading to the bathroom. She spent more gently as possible the white towel, which quickly became the red tone, the boy's injuries. Raeven was very beautiful. Brown hair, stuck in a horse-tail badly done, as if he had done in a hurry, and blue eyes the color of the sky.
She threw the towel out and took another towel for him, coming out soon after.
Then he realized he had no other clothes. Maybe Marie had any.
She walked silently, but heard yelling Marie with Zan.
-She will have to know. Raeven and on about herself, Zan!
-If you depend on me, not anytime soon, Marie.
She, fearing that Zanvo, who always knew where she was known she was spying, knocked on the door. Marie opened it.
-Marie... Raeven have other clothes? Oh Zan!-She smiled, happy to pretend to know a little. Nana ran to him and hug he.Zanvo smiled falsely, knowing the lie of it, knowing that she had been watching. Had felt the smell of blood of Raeven it.
-Oh yes-replied dryly Marie.- I'll take him.
It had been four years. Nana was almost sixteen, and Raeven was seventeen.
Raeven looked at the top of the ladder.It was night. Inaba was taking her clothes passed to his room on the first floor,and Raeven stop her. He had turned a very handsome boy.
She turned.-Yes, Raven? - He fell behind embraced. He approached his mouth to her neck.
-I am thirsty, I-na-ba...- He whispered, making the newest stand up. Raeven opened his mouth, with its sharp fangs and bit quickly, pulling her a moan which he could not identify.
-Raeven! - Marie cried after seeing the scene, horrified .-Remove Nana NOW!
Raeven not let go. Marietook her gun, a metal rod and nudged him, causing him to groan in pain. Damn arms for vampires! Marietook his hand.
-Raeven, we see Zanvo NOW. And Nana, take care of that injury, ok?

Name: Inaba Cryes
Age: Fifteen, almost sixteen. Almost awake, in consequence.
About: Nana is the princess of the moon vampire, from a land far away. When she was four years old, someone attacked her kingdom and her mother put a spell on her, locking her powers within themselves. Shy, likes Raeven, but is afraid of him. Has enormous respect for Zanvo, and treat him as an older brother, which he may be...

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Mopje,what's wrong?ó_ò