
Legacy Name: Rhyll

The Lilac Feli
Owner: iridogorgia

Age: 14 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: October 22nd, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 7 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 22nd, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 27
  • HP: 0/27
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

I am cataloging my adventures trying to get Rhyll into the form that I want.The zapper changed Rhyll into a girl.The zapper got rid of Rhyll's hunger.The zapper turned Rhyll's Preod into a Slime. A pink Slime.The zapper turned Rhyll's Slime into...a Slime. Got rid of the pet so the damn zapper would stop messing with it.The zapper turned Rhyll into a Darkmatter Cadogre.The zapper made Rhyll, yet again, not hungry.The zapper, despite Rhyll being BLOATED, thought it appropriate to do away with his hunger.The zapper changed Rhyll back into a male.The zapper turned Rhyll into Experiment #1102.The zapper turned his nonexistent pet into NOTHING BECAUSE ITS NOT THERE.The zapper didn't work, so he expanded Rhyll's treasure chest.The zapper made him not hungry.The zapper made him not hungry.The zapper expanded his treasure chest.The zapper expanded his treasure chest.The zapper expanded his treasure chest.The zapper expanded his treasure chest.The zapper expanded his treasure chest.The zapper expanded his treasure chest. This thing better be frickin huge by now.The zapper turned him into Experiment #245. What.The zapper made him not hungry, expanded his treasure chest like five more times, and then turned him into a girl.And now, it turned her into Experiment #357.Aaaaand nooow, it turned her into Experiment #810.This time, he became Experiment #69012.He did some more stuff with hunger, treasure chests, and turning my useful items into DUST, and then he turned him into a Twilight Sheeta.

Pet Treasure

Mystical Star Shuriken

Icicle Knife

Pet Friends