
Bukama has a minion!

Chachin the Skabre

Legacy Name: Bukama

The Graveyard Celinox
Owner: Darkhound

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: November 28th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: November 28th, 2009


  • Level: 31
  • Strength: 78
  • Defense: 78
  • Speed: 75
  • Health: 76
  • HP: 0/76
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


A battle hardened warrior, Bukama has never smiled in view of others, and tended to wear a perpetual glower. Bluff and broad, he was very tall, taller than most men. His hair was solid gray, worn cut at the shoulder, but his back was straight, his arms hard, and his blue eyes clear and keen. Bukama was steel clothed in flesh.

He came from a nation known as Malkier, a nation long since swallowed by the Shadow. It was one of the borderlands, the nations that border the Blight, a place tainted and rotting by the touch of the Dark One, an evil being imprisoned by the Creator at the beginning of time, and the land was infested with evil creatures such as Trollocs and Jumara. Malkier was betrayed to the Shadow by jealousy for the throne, and by the time the betrayal was known, Trollocs were pouring into Malkier, sealing their fate. Right before all had been lost though, Bukama, one of twenty men, had been assigned to carry the King’s son to safety. Only five men had survived the journey, and only Bukama still lived.

He raised the babe, named Lan, and trained him in warfare and the use of weapons at an early age. By the time the boy reached sixteen, he and Bukama both rode into the Blight, fighting monsters in a futile attempt to avenge Malkier, as the boy Lan had been sworn to do by his parents before they perished. Many men wanted Lan to raise the banner of Malkier and carve the country back out of the Blight, but Lan refused, remaining an uncrowned king. Bukama did nothing about this: it was not his place.

However, when Lan was twenty-four, Aiel, fierce warriors from the east, began pouring into the western lands, aiming for the country of Cairhien, seeking to find and kill it’s king because a grave insult. Lan volunteered to help, and Bukama accompanied him as always to the battlefield. There they fought for two years, and then the Aiel started back for their homelands, having finally killed the king in his pride. Lan wanted to return to fighting in the Blight immediately, but Bukama persuaded him to wait for eight months first. Bukama wasn’t as young as he used to be and was tired.

While in a city on the way back to the borderlands, as they and Lan’s friend, Ryne, waited for city gates to open and let them through, a strange woman appeared nearby. They took no notice, and soon were off down the road. However, Bukama noticed that she was following them, and they split up, Lan going into the forest, Bukama and Ryne continuing on. After a while Bukama doubled back to find Lan and the woman confronting one another in the forest. The woman stepped forward and demanded that they protect her on her way to Chachin, the same city that they currently headed to, and handed them coin. Bukama scowled: it was insulting for her to think that they needed to be bribed to protect her.

On their way to Chachin, she claimed to be an Aes Sedai. Bukama was uneasy over learning this, for Aes Sedai could use the One Power and schemed as naturally as breathing. However, Lan didn’t believe her, and the journey to Chachin was otherwise uneventful. Upon their arrival Lan dismissed her and headed for the castle there where he would be staying, a courtesy by the city’s Lord. Bukama was given rooms too and settled in happily - well, happily for him; his scowl almost vanished - talking over pipes of tabac with a few men he had fought alongside.

The first few days were uneventful for him, though he had learned that Lan was going to be forced to marry his cairniera’s – his first lover’s - daughter Iselle. After some time though, Lan came to him with a request. The woman with whome they had traveled, who turned out not only to be an Aes Sedai but the Lady Moiraine Damodred, had asked him to spy upon a suspect Aes Sedai by the name of Merean. Apparantly Moiraine thought that Merean was a Darkfriend, a servant of the Dark One. Bukama took the job, and began to follow the woman, keeping to the shadows like no one who had not fought in the Blight could.

On the second day he crept through a narrow passage just off one of the practice yards. Suddenly he heard the sound of steel being unsheathed behind him, and he whirled around, and froze, his eyes widening in shock. Lan’s friend Ryne stood behind him with a dagger in hand. The young man snarled, and Bukama, still frozen by shock, was too slow to stop Ryne from plunging the dagger into his back. Bukama fell to his knees, blood pooling in his mouth, and he wondered why . . . why Ryne had done this. As his body hit the ground he distantly wished Lan a long life, and then was consumed by darkness.

If you want to know why Ryne did this, read Warder's description here

~more info in “New Spring”~
~from the Wheel of Time series~

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