
Continuous has a minion!

the Thanatos

Legacy Name: Continuous

The Bloodred Legeica
Owner: nervous

Age: 14 years, 6 months, 2 days

Born: November 29th, 2009

Adopted: 4 years, 3 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: February 2nd, 2020


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 20
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 100
  • Books Read: 98
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

Click for Part 1
Click for Part 2
Click for Part 3

As the awareness passes over your eyes, Knopki rushes to your side.
You push him away and jump to your feet. This is not how you're going to go out.
"Please, stop." Knopki grabs your shoulders. "Listen to me."
You look around wildly like an animal caught in a trap. Acionna and Dr. Locket are looking at you pleadingly. That's really not the way a blood-sucking monster is supposed to look.
"What do you want from me?" You shout at Knopki. "Explain yourself now, or unhand me!"
You don't know where this sudden bravery came from, but you are going to hold onto it for as long as it lasts.
"Sit, please," Dr. Locket says softly. "I can explain everything..."
You look at her. She looks at you. Acionna folds her hands over her chest and mouths, "it's okay."
You slowly take a seat back down on the sofa.
"Okay," Dr. Locket sits down next to you. "I've got a story for you..."

A century ago, your greatest grandfather and grandmother were famous vampire hunters. They were recognized by the world, the darker world, as the most prolific there ever was.
My family comes from a long line of Pureblood Vampires. We are Vampires from birth, born into eternal life, youth, and continuous hunger.
Your family and my family were always at odds. We had a treaty, though, formed long before you were born. As long as we were harmless to the Humans, they would let us live. As long as they let us live, we would not hurt people. And so it was decreed, that our royal bloodline were to be benign vampires, feeding only on animals instead of people. Until my Uncle decided to break that treaty...
Do not worry. Myself and my children are no threat to you. My Uncle was cast out of our family and sent to live on his own life... Until now.
We need your help. In order to bring back the peace treaty, we need you to take over with your greatest grandfather left off. You see, the power your grandfather had skipped over the generations before you. When you were born, we knew you were the one that could bring peace back between the Vampires and the Humans.
We need to find my Uncle before he continues to hurt people. We want to remain at peace with the Humans. We do not want a war between your kind. We invited you into our home today to extend an olive branch. We need your help.
It is up to you now.
Your brain is whirling from the words that just left Dr. Locket's lips.
You shake your head. "So... let me get this straight. I'm a vampire hunter?"
Acionna tenses up, then forces herself to relax. "Yes."
"And... you need me to... kill your uncle?" You look at Knopki, expecting him to say something comforting to you, but he just casts his gaze down to his hands folded at his hips, avoiding looking at you. "How do I do that?"
"We will have to help you," Dr. Locket replies. "But it is doable. Do you understand what this means?"
Your heart is hammering in your chest. You ache for answers. You ache for the simpler times. You remember just hours before when you were dreaming in the passenger seat of a boy's car with your girlfriend. And now... this? Vampire hunter? You can hardly think straight, but all you know is that you have a duty now.
You swallow hard. "I think so."
"Very well," Dr. Locket takes your hand in her cold hands. It all starts to fall into place.
"Knopki?" Your own voice surprises you.
He finally raises his gaze from the floor. "I'm here with you. I'm here for you."
You look at Annocia. She nods to you, looking serious for once in her life.
"Fine." You say with a storm of finality. "I will do it."
template by Lea
background by wallpaper cave
fonts from google
edits & story by nervous

Pet Treasure

The Vampire Hunter

Vampire Hunter Crossbow

Vampire Hunter Stake

Vampire Skull

Vampire Hunter Orb

Possessed Vampire Amulet

The Vampire Hunt

Vampire Bat Dagger

Vampires Accessory Trunk

Vampire Cursed Orb

Black Widow

Mourner Spider

Ominous Tombstone

Little Black Horns

Dark Thing in a Box

Pet Friends

Jason Voorhees XIII

Freddy Kruger