
Lindzy_530 has a minion!

Ember the Firefox

Legacy Name: Lindzy_530

The Harvest Legeica
Owner: PeaceLoveLindzy

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 9th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 9th, 2009

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 95
  • Strength: 160
  • Defense: 173
  • Speed: 161
  • Health: 167
  • HP: 163/167
  • Intelligence: 508
  • Books Read: 499
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head of Adoptions

It came to me in a dream, I was to heal the lands with my music and kindness and, if successful, was to be given all the cheesecake I ever wanted. Now I am a simple-minded Legecia, a hippie in tune with nature and in love with food, so I thought such a task not to be monumental, but instead a great adventure that would take me across the lands of Subeta. I was given a companion to accompany me on this journey and she has proven to be one of my greatest helps and allies. This road to the planet's recovery is long and painstaking, but the fruits, and cheesecake, of my labor make it all the sweeter. Maybe, if you're patient, I shall tell you of my encounter with the snow beast in the mountains of Veta. But that my friends is a story for another time, as I have to be off again on my quest.

Pet Treasure

Red Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Pastel Oil Crayons

Darkmatter Lipstick

Foxy Book

Derpy Fox Plushie

Mini Tutani Beanbag

Silver Flute

Artist Fan Brush

Artist Mop Brush

Artist Filbert Brush

Blank Canvas

Walnut Stained Easel

Primary Oil Crayons

Watercolor Set

Box of Crayons

Green Hula Hoop

Purple and Blue Hula Hoop

Pet Friends
