
Legacy Name: Margay

The Chibi Tigrean
Owner: WretchedEnvoy

Age: 14 years, 6 months

Born: December 15th, 2009

Adopted: 5 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: November 3rd, 2018


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Softly padding footsteps are quickly covered up by the gentle gust of the day. It's just windy enough to allow for stealth, but not so much to distract from her goals.

Claws scratch on bark, but as the queen of the forest, who would bother to chase after her trail? Only a fool.

In the distance, light catches on something and casts a dazzling shimmer. Nodding decisively, Margay has determined her destination.

Excited by the prospects, she gains speed and crashes over trees, through branch and twig and leaf. No longer concerned about her stealth practice, she loses herself in the energy and thrill of the chase.

Small birds and reptiles dive out of her way, fearful that they are her target. It's good to be in charge, she giggles in her head.

Right now, however, she feels more like a magpie than the margay cub she was named for.

An ill-advised leap, though, brings her crashing to earth and reality. No matter. Despite her boundless youth, she was not made for long races, just small sprints.

Stopping to ensure her safety, she hides in the shadows cast by the large leaves of the tree she fell from. Gasping for breath and blinking to bring her senses back to normal, Margay nods to herself: back to stealth practice.

The sun is still out and shining brightly, orienting her toward her destination. It casts off easy, flickering lights. Anyone could spot them, be memorized, fall in love with them. Be as caught by their majesty as Margay is herself.

Creeping quietly now, with her back hunched and her eyes keenly observing the area, she adventures forward. The trees become more tightly knit together, and feeling exposed, she finds a good, strong tree to climb back up into.

Careful not to make the same mistake, she leaps from branch to branch, being sure to select sturdy branches within a range that she can actually jump to. Her ears prick up at a sudden sound: rushing water.

She is close.

A few more trees, and she bursts through the foliage to spot the source of her curiosity: a brilliant, lively waterfall. Strong, clear water bursts from a high source that Margay can't even spot.

Crawling forward on her branch as far as she dares, she allows the spray and mist to coat her generously. The air was clean and the water cold. It is energizing.

She can't help but be pleased.

To be in the presence of such a sublime wonder, the honor of it both calms and excites her. She might be the queen in her head, but this waterfall is the true ruler, a quiet, undeniable queen.

"Thank you for guarding me," she whispers to the falls.

Renewed, Margay dives back into the forest.

Time for the next adventure.

Story by twocents

Pet Treasure

Spectrum Bucket

Pet Friends