
Dominick Uredo has a minion!

Valbona the Zombie Kitten

Dominick Uredo
Legacy Name: Dominick Uredo

The Cream Kumos

Age: 14 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 31st, 2009

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 24th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Dominick Emilio Uredo.

The chain smoking "gentleman".
To be darkmatter~

Basic Information.

Full Name ;;
Dominick Emilio Uredo.

Nicknames ;;
Dom, Doms, Domino. Popsicle by his ex-wife's baby sister, for no reason.

Gender ;;

Age ;;
Thirty-eight. He claims to be a decade younger, though.

Birthday ;;
December Sixth.

Nationality ;;
Spanish. As far as the mafia family he's involved in knows, he's half Spanish and half Italian - To keep Armando's lie of being full-blooded Italian intact.
Assumed to be from Mexico by Leilani Champagne due to her lack of geographical knowledge.

Race/Species ;;

Occupation ;;
High ranking mafia member & hitman/Teaches marksmanship at NRA solo, teaches a class on mafia functions with Adony Uredo.

Weapon of choice ;;
Any firearm - Keeps a pistol on him at all times. Comfortable with hand-to-hand due to his size but prefers something "cleaner".

Paranormal abilities ;;

Appearance Information.

Height ;;
6'7", give or take a few centimeters.

Weight ;;
200 lbs./90.9 kg. He'll assure you it's muscle, and for once, his claims are actually true.

Hair color ;;

Eye color ;;
Honey brown.

Tattoos/piercings ;;
One tattoo.

Overall appearance ;;
Dominick could only be described as an odd combination of rough and classy. The man has something against being completely clean shaven and if he were to suddenly switch over to it it's quite likely he'd be almost impossible to recognize. Regardless, it does fit him, something he'd probably be sure to inform you of, being a superficial man.

At 6'7" he's generally quite accustomed to towering over most of the people around him - He holds the tallest height in the school, a fact he's proud of... As long as it's not something being pointed out in a negative sort of way, although he doesn't seem to mind references to the fact that he tends to make a good candidate for a human shield. Add on the fact that he keeps in good shape - excluding his abuse towards his lungs with sweet, sweet nicotine - and you get Dominick. It's likely his size that leads to his nephew threatening people with "If you step out of line Dom is going to beat you up", although the effectiveness of said threat often varies. The man is rather passive, after all.

Although he generally finds tattoos distasteful and lacking in class, generally associating them with "stupid gang banging children" (the man has some kind of prejudice against gangs and will go into excessive detail as to how the mafia and gangs are different), he did get one tattoo as a drunk spur of the moment decision. Since originally getting it he's had more added on to it to fill in the gaps he failed to take into account upon originally "designing" it, and considering it was done by a less then reliable man, it was never mentioned. Originally the only little text on it was a grocery note, another stupid factor into it, as well as his niece and nephew's names.

As far as clothing goes, Dominick has a profound hatred for dressing casually - Partially because he doesn't consider it classy enough, partially because he just looks... Odd in casual clothing. He has a habit of only really wearing suits, although his inability to properly master a tie has lead him to leave them out altogether - Although his nephew has managed to ease him into dress shirts and pants more often.

Personality-related Information.

Positive traits ;;
Reliable when it's important, intelligent, charismatic, generally agreeable, stubborn (doubles as a negative).

Negative traits ;;
Somewhat selfish, incredibly self-absorbed, tends to be immature, stubborn (doubles as a positive), womanizing, pushy, incredibly obsessive over messy killing.

Likes ;;
Women, brown eyes, cigarettes, his own hair, mirrors, reading, guns, candy, cellphones, spearmint chewing gum, suits, walks, picking on his nephew, spoiling his niece, chocolate milk, German chocolate cake, blueberry biscotti, "manly" cologne. Has a secret passion for penguins and penguin plush toys - Owns a particularly special one named Theodore.

Dislikes ;;
Rap music, restaurants with no smoking policies, plain old milk, coffee, street gangs, baggy jeans, t-shirts, ties, most cartoons, insects, hippies, most activists, bad drivers, being nagged to recycle, model thin women, pickles, rice, pancakes, butter that hasn't melted, radishes, bananas.

Overall personality ;;
Still working on typing this out completely! xD;;

Relationship/Family Information.

Orientation ;;
Straight - Pretty much as straight as a man can get.

Status ;;

Significant other(s) ;;
Sofia Cipriani - Ex-wife, no current relationship.
Valbona Schneider - Engaged.
Aika Chiharu Morioka - Brief affair during marriage to Sofia. Resulted in Kaneko.
Colleen Reilly Alden - Brief affair during marriage to Sofia. Notable for being Tech and Ilyana's mother.

Family ;;
Abelita Florencia-Alvarez {Mother}.
Calvino Abele Uredo {Father}.
Armando Deleron Uredo {Older half-brother}.
Bianca Antonella Uredo {Younger half-sister}.
Adony Kartal Uredo {Younger half-brother}.
Tech Collins Alden {Adopted nephew}.
Ilyana Amelie Alden {Adopted niece}.
Kaneko Naomi Morioka-Uredo {Daughter}.
Lucio Rossi Cipriani {Ex-stepson}.

Background/Other Information.

Hometown ;;
Madrid, Spain.

History ;;
Still working on typing this out, I'm so lazy. OTL

Playlist ;;
I'll put this up soon~

Profile by icarus

Pet Treasure

Pineapple Slice

Bloody Mary

Star Cell Phone

Bloody Marian

Shot of Brandywine

Common Six-Shooter

Chocolate Wafer Roll

German Cake

Chocolate Milk

Smoky Woods Cologne

Dark Spice Gym Deodorant

Slice of Blueberry Lemon Bread

Huckleberry Egg Cream

Pet Friends