
Legacy Name: Unicycle_457

The Glacier Montre
Owner: darthzanna

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 3 weeks

Born: January 5th, 2010

Adopted: 8 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: October 24th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

What? You're here to read the rest of the story? Oh! But of course, you must have come after reading the story on Shaytens profile. Well please, come in and take a seat, for I will gladly tell of the rest of the story.


You wish to know what I do first? very well, I craft jewellery from ice and snowflakes. Those Snow Queen and Rainyday Frost accessories? I made them :) What? How come they don't melt? I'm not exactly going to disclose trade secrets to you now am I? ;)

Anyway, on with the story.

It was a cold night within the polar ice field, colder than most pets could even remember. even the glacier pets had begun to feel the frost nipping at their skin and freezing their fur. A lone Montre was traversing the plains, although the blizzard that twirled and slashed at her almost prevented her course. She was looking, looking for someone who wasn't looking for her. Peering over a small frozen hill, her eyes swept across the horizon before her. There. She could see him now, quite easily even though the snow blotted out the landscape with a coat of white. Before her, a little way in the distance, sat a glacier Kerubi with thick black fur, neon striped on his legs, arms and tail. Next to him sat a smaller black furred figure - a snow demon. She sighed. Why wasn't he sheltering from this blizzard? But of course, she knew the answer. Weeks of watching him had lead her to realise what he was up to. And even now, amidst the snow drifts and the frost, he sat - creating potions and mixing chemicals, trying them now and again before furrowing his brow as nothing happed, and then trying again. She did not know what he was trying to make, all she was concerned about was him and his worsening condition in this weather. She was not above admitting her feelings for the little Kerubi, but not once had she been able to confront him, and tell him how she felt.

But this was different, should he stay here exposed to the elements, something might become of him - and she certainly wasn't going to allow that. Straightening out swiftly, she moved closer to the Kerubi and his minion, until the snow demon spotted her movement among the snow flakes. At this she stopped, and waited as the tiny beast tugged on the Kerubi's fur and pointed out towards the movement. He too then stood up, grasped his minion in his paws and proceeded forwards. She had been hoping for this, and too began moving, back the way she came, Kerubi in tow.

He followed her up the hill and down the sweeping snowy paths. He followed her past broken trees and discarded tunnels. He followed her into a comfortably sized ice cave, and that's when both she and he stopped. Turning slowing, the Montre smiled at him softly. "Hello" she spoke, quietly - the smallest of sound reverberating through the cave. "My name is Unicycle, but please, call me Uni for short. I have been watching you for a while now, ensuring you were okay in this new landscape. I saw that man place you in the snow and walk away. I have monitored you, always checking, making sure you were healthy and fine." Uni cast her gaze away for a second before returning it to his. "Incase you were wondering why I have never spoken to you before, it is because I was uncertain of how you would act to a stranger confronting you and asking if you were okay - but tonight you cannot stay up, mixing potions. I knew you didn't have a safe cave to reside in while the storm blew over, so I have brought you to mine." Blinking, Uni slowly lead onto the floor, a soft blanket of powder snow cushioning her movements. She wondered if she had spoken too much, was he overwhelmed by her sudden actions? But he too then sat down, and spoke quietly, yet strongly, back to her.

"My name is Shayten, and this is Grace," he added, motioning to the minion besides him who merely raised her head. "I think, I think I have seen you before, padding softly away in the distance, or heard the ruffle of feathered wings - however I was never sure someone was actually there. I guess I must thank you, for always looking out for me, but really you should have come forward. It is ever so lonely up here on the ice." Shayten then cast a glace around, pondering on what to say next. "I think you are right, about how I should not stay out in this blizzard, so may I request that I stay here with you until this weather diminishes?" Uni smiled before nodding. He smiled back, -how kind- he mused, -I wonder though, I wonder why she has decided to help me, perhaps she just has a good heart?- *She likes you* piped up Grace, careful not to let Uni hear, *And when I say like, I actually mean love* Shayten flushed a light pink before turning to his minion. "And how do you know? sure she's been watching me, and has allowed me to shelter from the storm here, but that doesn't mean she likes me... does it?" The snow demon giggled, *Don't tell me you can't see it* she answered, curling up beside him. *Don't tell me you can't see it.* Shayten stopped, and looked tentatively across to where Uni lay, peacefully snuggled down on the cave floor. And he thought, just maybe, he saw a line of pink blush appear on Uni as she returned his gaze. Shayten sighed, and too curled up on the floor facing Uni. -I like it here- he mused, -and I think I will stay, if only to find out if she really does like me-

"Well, that’s it!" Uni cries, snapping you out of the storytelling trance. "As you can most probably see, Shayten stayed with me ever since, and we have grown closer and closer. You can ask him about it if you wish, but he won’t tell you of what he really thought of me when I first spoke to him" ;)

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

I will never leave you :heart:

Thank you dear, I hope to hear more music soon! ;)