
Sexil has a minion!

Minion the Articiff

Legacy Name: Sexil

The Glacier Terracoon
Owner: Christiann

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: February 3rd, 2010

Adopted: 10 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: February 24th, 2014


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 46
  • Defense: 46
  • Speed: 44
  • Health: 44
  • HP: 44/44
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Centropolis is a large city, so easy to miss little privately owned businesses. In the heart of the city, just across from a park, catty corner to a coffee shop, there was a sporting store. "It's all downhill from here" in bold, capitol letters above the doorway. Several posters of some of Subeta's better athletes were plastered all over the windows, until you could barely see inside.

The door would open with the jingle of a bell tied to the handle, the shops main focus of snowboards and skiis was evident-- circular racks littered the floor space with hoodies and other attire, and on the walls hung boards and skiis of all types. Shoes and other accessories were towards the back, and at the front to the right they had a few other items-- miscellaneous things, surfboards, roller blades, skateboards...

To the left was a glass counter, a bored looking Terracoon leaning against it. He barely glanced over, even at the sound of the bell... Far more interested in his nails than you, it seemed.


Pet Treasure

Snowflake Latte

Snowflake Mug

Snowy Village Skating Pond

Cybill Ice Skates

Winter Chill Hair Gel

Bag of Glacier Chocolates

Green Snowshoes

Pink Snowshoes

Purple Snowshoes

Blue Snowshoes

Black Snowshoes

Yellow Snowshoes

White Snowshoes

Red Snowshoes

Baseball Bat




Beach Ball

Soccer Ball


Palm Tree Surfboard

Hydrus Surfboard

Flowery Surfboard

Blue Patterned Surfboard

Red Striped Surfboard

Flaming Surfboard

Octopus Surfboard

Bomb-Disguised Surfboard

Snowflaik Bodyboard

Emoscene Bodyboard

Black Skull Skateboard

Red Stars Skateboard

Pin Hearts Skateboard

Green Floral Skateboard

Goldfish Skateboard

Balloons Skateboard

Camouflage Skateboard

Cupcakes Skateboard

Cityscape Skateboard

Sunset Flight Skateboard

Delphi Surf Skateboard

Pet Friends

...Honestly... <3