
Connor Nolan has a minion!

Rev the Nightmane

Connor Nolan
Legacy Name: Connor Nolan

The Nightmare Irion
Owner: Simcreatures

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 14th, 2010

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 22nd, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 14
  • Health: 6
  • HP: 10/6
  • Intelligence: 59
  • Books Read: 59
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

I wasn't always like this. Once, long ago, I was a regular cream kumos. I was an employee in the Library, and it was my dream job. I had a library of my own, and was in the archaeologist expedition that Blake Steel led. This is the story of what I learned and lived.

I was on the night shift, doing mostly overlooking duty and dusting for artifacts. Seeing that most of my crew was tired to the bones, I decided to help in the grunt labor- something I was never good at. I recieved one of the free Blake Steel shovels and began to dig. Undoubtedly it was the hardest I'd worked in all my adult years.

After an hour or so I was near deciding that due to the dawn lights approaching, the possibility of my retiring soon for the afternoon was a strong one. I'd noticed definite progress, however, and a sudden creaking sound stopped me in my tracks. A few steps away, where a few of the other workers were digging, a shout rang out and people began to file over. Someone called for someone to go get Blake, but I went to see that they'd cleared the door.

Seeing as it was Blake's project, we let him open, me keeping a close watch and a steady shovel in case we needed it. A beautiful cavern awaited us and I wiped the sweat from my brow. I hadn't seen, but a drop of my own sweat fell to the earth and was drained into it, the first droplet to fall in the temple.

I was ordered to assist in clearing the rooms, so I entered it. Worked out the puzzle, yadda yadda. That isn't important. What is important is what happened when I entered one of the other rooms, the third one. As soon as the stone creatures came to life I knew I was screwed. I defeated one after the other until finally getting to the griffin, who stared at me. For some reason I felt a strange drawing to it, and instead of battling, I reached out with my hand to touch its stone beak.

Surprisingly, instead of cold like you would expect, the beak was blisteringly hot. I attempted to shrink back, but my hand appeared to be glued to the beak. Its cold eyes blinked, and I heard a whisper in the back of my head.

I have walked among men and angels,
for three thousand years.
Time... has no end...
No beginning...
No purpose.
I wander the earth.
Seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes
and against god and man.
I wish to seek death, destruction.
Evil, over the light.
But the light cannot be extinguished.
I live in a prison of my own demise.
I am lost... in time
But you have awoken me
brought me from my slumber
and for this,
You will recieve my curse

After the stone griffin spoke these words, a shadowy substance- the matter of nightmares- wound its way from where my hand was upon its beak, up my arm, to fully cover me. I was frozen. The only thing I could do was blink, I couldn't even move my eyes. The pain that the burn ensued, along with sharp pains from the nightmare mist, wound its way into my very soul.


Finally, I awoke. My chest heaved as I took in a breath, but something was different. The air tasted.. moist. Nothing like the desert I'd closed my eyes in. I rose to a sitting position, blinking my eyes to try clear them. It felt as if a film of sand lay over them, irritating them, causing agony. I watched the raw skin on my hand, where I'd touched the griffin, and knew it was real.

Now I wander Subeta, calling Shadowglen my home. Because Shadowglen is where I truly can call home- where I lived before, where I was born, and where I awoke, miles from the dig site. I attempted to return, but now the sun burns me. My hair turned black, from its sun-bleached blond, and my skin turned pale as the snow.

The only thing I have left are these words, ringing in my mind.

I have walked among men and angels...

I had forgotten what company felt like, after months of lonely travel in the Shadowglen. My eyes had been on my adopted mother and those who lived in her care. I had protected them from vile spirits that wished to harm them. I had nothing more to do, than protect them whole heartedly.

I'd believed that I could never meet a soul pure, but then I saw it. A flash of white light out of the corner of my eye. I turned and hid, fearing that I would be found. I'd never felt such a sudden fear, and this puzzled me. I knew I couldn't run, so I waited, watching as the light form came closer.

It was a girl on horseback, her wings curled gently around her and outwards in a relaxed position. Beneath her was no saddle, and the beast she rode on was as pure white as his rider. A creamy horn rose from his head skyward and he walked with a proud, confident pace.

Immediately I felt the chill run up my spine, my head rising above the log I hid against to watch the pair in wonder. They walked with such grace, such care. Yet it was clear they feared nothing in these woods I called home.

Something caught my attention, a flash of something that hung from her neck and lay on the flat part of her chest. I couldn't help it. My body was moving towards the two before I could even challenge it, and the next thing I knew I was bowed before the two, watching them as they stood.

The horse stamped his hoof in warning, but a soft word spoken from the girl silenced him. She slipped off his back, her dress barely touching the ground as she stood beside her steed, and then I realized how large a steed he was, and how small a girl she was. She was no older than my cursed human form.

Her delicate hand lifted to touch her necklace and I felt the same chill run up my spine. A soft smile lifted onto her lips and without as much as a puff of smoke before me stood not a girl, but a ice-white Irion. The necklace hung from her neck and I could see that she was slightly larger than me in this form.

"Fear not, beast," The she-Irion spoke as her steed stamped again. "For we are linked through our hearts, our souls. Our very fibers of being. I am Indium, and you are Nolan."

Though I had never used the name Nolan, I knew it was true. From my past name of Connor to Nolan, I transitioned. From cursed fool to bound beast, I changed. She gave me the power to move as I would, to speak with my mother and family, and she joined them, wishing not that I would be pained to be apart of them any longer. Her steed also joined us.

....and no longer do I walk alone.

I have been:
-----x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Pet Treasure




Nightmare Keeto Plushie

Shrine of the Silver Manchu

Stone Cerberus Plushie

Domestic Guard Griffin

Stone Winged Boar Plushie

Cursed Irion Chestplate

Cursed Irion Gloves

Zombie Kitten

Ghostly Trow

Cursed Voodoo Doll

Pet Friends